" Marie, We're going be late," Lee hollered up the stairs as she waited for her Sister. "Just go for an hour!"

"Why, I'll just run into Doubl-D and Trish," Marie whined as she came down , "I just want to stay here" She then sat on the stairs and looked at her two sisters. Lee, Who was leaning on the banister , was wearing a short black skirt and a silk red top and then May, Who was sitting on the couch with the phone up to her ear, wearing a tight knitted blue dress. She then looked at her self, an old worn out off white sweater and some ratty jeans.

"Just go up and make your self nice," Lee said calmly . Marie just sighed.

"She doesn't look ready," May laughed, "Yeah, We're coming Ed. Tell Eddy to hold his horses!" Marie then looked back up stairs. She really didn't want to go. "So Trish will be there," Marie flinche at the name "trish"as she over heard May. Lee just shook her head.

"Will you at least drop us off at Nazz's" Lee exclaimed. Marie sighed and rolled her eyes. "You can just come and pick us up later." Marie smiled a little and got up to get her red/orange plaid jacket. "Hang up may, We're going." May did as her sister told. The both of them got their coats on as Marie started their old 70s style car.

"You're sure you don't want to go Marie?" May asked as they left the trailer park. Marie just nodded.

"I just want to unwind and relax," Marie commented, as she started down Main Street. "Hey, Do you guys see that?" She said as she motion with her head over to the bus shelter. She then back up to get a better look. "Is that…"

"We got to get to the party , " May whined.

"Hey, who's driving this thing?" Marie snapped, "I just thought that figure looked familiar." She then wiped a circle in the windshield to see through, "Is that Kevin?" She questioned as she saw the figure huddled under what looked like a few layers of clothing.

"Looks like it, " Lee answered, "He probably had a fight with his folks again…What are you doing Marie?" She yelled as Marie got out into the ice bitten wind. Marie ignored her sister as she felt Kevin's cheek , it felt like it could be past freezing. She tried to get him up but was finding it hard to, due to the angle. "Ma-RIE!"

"Ed said something about that," May said as Marie looked back at her two sisters.

"He freezing , Lee," Marie cried out. "Help me get him in the car!"

"Forget him, we have a party to go to," May cried out.

"Just help me get him in the car and I'll drop you guys off." Marie shouted as she tried to get Kevin up again, "I can't get him up on my own you know."

"Just tell him….."

"He's passed out, Lee. He must've been here for a few hours ," Marie said as Lee came closer , "The busses aren't running tonight , Just help me get him in the car." Marie begged . Lee sighed and went beside Kevin.

"Are you sure you want to help him?" Lee asked.

"No lee, I just want to look at him," Marie said sarcastically, "Of course I want to help him, God Lee . Look, I'm taking you and may a half mile away to a party..." Marie then looked at Lee , reading her face "We're in auto shop together, OK , Just help me."

"Alright al ready," Lee shouted, "We'll help you get him to the car, come on May, But that's it." Marie nodded as she got one side of Kevin. As Lee and Marie were half way , May came out and helped out the rest of the way. Once they got situated in the car. The three sisters in the front and Kevin , in the back seat. With in a few seconds , They were at the cul-de sac,

"Just call me," Marie hollered as Lee and May got out. She then looked at Kevin, "Getting warm back there?" She asked quietly and got no response, "Here," she said as she blasted the heater as she drove the long way home. "Better?" She then turned in to the trailer park. She watched as Kevin leaned against the window. "Can you move now?" She asked a minute later. Still no answer.

Marie then got out of the car and walked around to Kevin's door, She braced for the worse as she opened the car door, "Still can't move?" She asked, she then shut the door again and went into the trailer. Minutes later She returned to the car door, "You know as well as I do, that this heat won't do the trick, the engine rather burn up than keep running," She said as she started to move him, He then started to barely balance, "I almost made my sisters get you in here, but they had that stupid party." The two stumbled and crept along into the trailer. She then plopped him on the couch. "You'll get warm soon enough,"

"You still feel frozen," Marie said touching the same cheek as she did earlier. Kevin barely open his eyes, "Guess 20 minutes won't differ." She then took her coat off and wrapped it around him. "I'm going to get more blankets," She then went to the closest and grabbed every blanket she could find. Wrapping him up, she saw his eyes, "What on earth were you doing at the bus stop?" He only looked away and growled.

"What was it this time?" She asked . Kevin didn't answer. "Just get warmed" She said as she got up. She then went into the kitchen and got a bite to eat , "I'm sorry, the generator is all we got," She said as she checked on him again, "I don't get it, Your still ice cold," She then looked at him. "Your clothes might need to come off." Kevin groaned. "Fine, freeze. See if I care." She then started to unwrapped him minutes later. Finally peeling off his last sweat dampened shirt, she saw a white bandage on the left upper chest and gasped. Kevin glared.

"You finally got a tattoo." She said in shock, "When?"

"Yesterday, … Don't touch it!" He snapped as she started to pull the tape off.

"You haven't uncovered it in a day?" Marie snapped . "What about the after care? Didn't Lou tell you about that?"

"I just couldn't do it yet?" Kevin snapped as he grabbed a blanket. "Why would you care?"

"I just don't … want that hard work to go to waist! .. Is that why you were "sick" today?"

"I hurt like hell," Kevin yelled.

"No kidding," Marie said as she started to wrapped Kevin up. "Just hope that none of the ooze or blood isn't frozen , probably is," She said as she headed back to her mothers bedroom, she then came back out with a small bag. By the time she returned, Kevin was almost a sleep. "You'll feel better after warming up." she said as she turned on an electric blanket.