The final chapter! Hope it lives up to it's expectations, I certainly had fun writing it! Also, due to some content, the rating has been upped to "T" just to be safe. Enjoy, and be sure to leave a review!
Disclaimer: If I owned, Hisagi would get his own series, and this pairing would be cannon! Sadly, it belongs to Kubo, but I can dream!
Chapter 3
As she ran through the woods, Isane wasn't sure what hurt worse: her straining lungs, her burning eyes, or her breaking heart. She hated herself for letting herself fall for him, for worrying about him, and especially for letting what he said get to her. It's not like she hadn't been yelled at before, she was used to patients, especially from 11th Company, yelling at her and disregarding her advice, but when it's from someone you care about, it just tears you up inside.
Finally stopping in a quiet clearing, she leaned against a tree and attempted to catch her breath. Chest heaving, she looked up at the sky to see the sky filled with stars. Have I really been running for that long? She wondered, eyes widening. She hadn't noticed it getting dark, being too focused on just getting as far away from the 7th Division barracks as she could.
Suddenly, she heard a twig snap behind her. Back stiffening, her hand prepared to draw her sword, unsure what could be lurking in the darkness of the forest. A wolf? A hollow? A man intent on killing heartbroken women?
Unfortunately for Isane, it turned out to be none of these, as Hisagi instead stepped out of the shadows, also breathing hard.
"Wow, I never realized you could run so fast! Guess that's one advantage to having long legs, huh?" he panted, hands on his knees. He's been following her for over an hour, and though he had plenty of speed and stamina, she'd still given him a run for his money. After finally filling his lungs with much needed oxygen, he looked up at her, trying to figure out what to say. She looked exhausted, with her silver hair disheveled, twigs and brambles sticking to her uniform, and her eyes red and puffy from the harsh wind and tears. Despite this, he couldn't get over how beautiful she still looked. Then again, she'd always been beautiful to him.
Still hurt from Hisagi's earlier words, Isane tried to turn away and continue running. Sensing her intent, he gently but firmly grabbed her wrist.
"Isane, wait-"
"Please, Hisagi-fukutaichou, just leave me alone!" she sobbed, tears once again prickling her eyes. She tried to jerk her wrist out of his strong grip, but he held tight. Realizing how futile her struggling was, she turned her head away from him, refusing to let him see the salty drops trickle down her smooth cheeks. He'd already hurt her once, she wasn't going to let him see how much he affected her.
Heart straining in his chest, Hisagi turned her body to face his, though she still kept her face hidden. His eyes narrowed at her rejection. "No! I'm sorry, but no, I won't leave you alone until I've made things right!"
She shook her head, still refusing to meet his eyes. "There's nothing to make right, Hisagi-fukutaichou. I shouldn't have-"
"What?" she asked, so startled she forgot to not meet his eyes.
Expression softening, Hisagi quietly said, "I thought I told you to call me Shuuhei."
"You remember?"
Nodding, he loosened his grip on her wrist, idly stroking his thumb over her fluttering pulse. "A little. Not all of it, though." His eyes saddened, and this time it was him that wouldn't meet her eyes. "I remember telling you to call me Shuuhei, and that I inadvertently told you that I'm in love with you. That's the real reason I was so upset back there; I was ashamed, and I didn't know how to face you."
Isane bit her lip, her shoulders tensing as she finally pulled away. So that's how it is, she thought bitterly. "I see," she said softly, voice strained. "If it's such a problem, then I'll try to stay out of your way from now on."
Before she could walk away from him, Hisagi shunpoed right in front of her and grasped her shoulders. "That's not what I mean!" he said, beginning to panic. Why did he keep screwing up? Everything he said just seemed to make things worse! "I was ashamed of myself," he confessed. "I was ashamed that I was such a coward, that I had to be under the influence of poison to confess my feelings to the woman I've loved for years. And even then it was because I didn't realize it was you!" Hisagi ducked his head in shame. "I was a coward, and I was so angry at myself because of it, and because I couldn't even remember it, and instead of manning up and talking this whole thing over with you like an adult, I took my anger out on you, the one person in this world who doesn't deserve it! I'm so sorry, Isane. I'm so, so sorry!"
He finally looked up into her eyes, only to see her crying again. "Oh Kami!" He let her go and turned away, clenching his fists in frustration. "I'm so sorry! I keep making you cry, even when I'm trying to make things better! I don't deserve to even look at you!" He punched a nearby tree, his fist shattering the bark. "I'm a monster," he whispered, almost too soft for Isane to hear, but the unnatural stillness of the night allowed her to catch the pain-filled words.
Hisagi stiffened when he felt two gentle, slender arms wrap around his waist, but relaxed when her forehead came to rest on his shoulder. "You're not a monster, Shuuhei." The scarred man shuddered at the sound of his name on her lips. "Yes, you made me cry, but that time I was crying because I was so happy that you don't regret telling me your feelings."
The tall lieutenant was caught off guard when Hisagi broke out of her grip and turned towards her again, a determined look in his eyes. "No, I do regret it." Before she could even register what he was doing, he had his hands on her waist, pressing her chest to his, and he was looking directly into her chocolate doe eyes. "I told you, the only reason confessed to you then was because of the poison, but I'm going to remedy that." He smirked a bit at his unintentional pun.
Isane, meanwhile, just blushed, suddenly very aware of the heat of his body pressed against hers, the feel of his large hands on her delicate waist, and his spicy, masculine scent invading her nose, making her feel dizzy and lightheaded. She shivered as his face drew closer to hers, his warm breath caressing her cheeks. The darkness cast shadows over his defined features, but the rising moon and stars still provided enough light for her to see his three scars and defining tattoos. He was so close that she could see his pupils dilate, almost vanishing in his smokey gray eyes.
Hisagi's lips just barely brushed against her own, so light that for a moment Isane thought she had only imagined it. "I'm honestly more of a man of action than a man of words, at least when it comes to things like this," he murmured. Before she could ask what he meant, his mouth claimed hers, hot lips caressing hers, sending shock-waves down her spine and making her eyelids flutter closed. The kiss grew even more heated when he nibbled on her plump lower lip, causing her to let out a cute little gasp. His tongue immediately came out to soothe it before taking advantage of her parted lips, exploring her warm cavern and teasing her own tongue into action. Moaning into his mouth, her fingers buried themselves in his silky hair, eliciting a groan of pleasure from the male, causing him to clutch her tighter against him, allowing him to feel each and every one of her curves against his hard body. Her scent was invading his senses, and he found himself agreeing with Komamura; it was an amazing smell, rich and sweet and passionate. It was so perfectly her. He groaned again, kissing her even harder. She smelled so delicious, he just wanted to devour her right there, but held himself back. There were more important things to take care of first.
Finally releasing her mouth due to lack of air, Hisagi gently touched his forehead to hers. "I love you, Isane," he whispered, eyes never leaving hers.
She smiled and pulled him in for another kiss, but not before whispering back, "I love you too, Shuuhei." And at that moment, his name no longer tasted bittersweet.
Stirring as the morning sunlight hit his eyelids, Hisagi slowly woke up, but upon doing so found Isane still in his arms, head buried in the crook of his neck, still fast asleep. He smiled softly, fingers lightly caressing her pale cheek. They were in his bed, but both were still clothed, not wanting to rush their relationship. There'll be plenty of time for that later, Hisagi thought, smirking a bit. His lips softened into a smile as the silver-haired woman snuggled even closer to his warmth.
He sighed and leaned back against his pillow. So, did I redeem myself, Kazeshini? he asked his zanpakuto.
The wind demon actually laughed. Yeah, enough for now, but you'd better not fuck this up again, Shuuhei! You do, and I'll slaughter ya!
Hisagichucked a bit. Oh don't worry, I'm never letting that happen again. She's too good to let go. He sighed and closed his eyes. He could put off paperwork for a few more hours. Besides, didn't Isane say he needed to get more sleep? He knew better than to go against the doctor's orders. And after that, he'd have to visit Komamura and the others to let them know he had set things right.
Pulling his silver-haired angel closer, he drifted off, already dreaming of his future with the beautiful woman in his arms.
The End.
Tada! My first Bleach story is finally complete! Oh don't worry, I'm already planning more Isane/Hisagi goodness, but I'm not sure when I'll get to do them. Either way, I'd certainly appreciate a review, and be sure to check out my Komamura/Isane friendship fic, "Captain Cute." Also, if anyone feels up to it, I'd love it if someone were to draw some Hisagi/Isane fanart! I checked Deviantart, and found maybe two pictures, so if anyone can draw, I'd love to see them! Thanks for reading, and please review! It lets me know that there are other Isane/Hisagi shippers out there, or that I'm at least doing a good job!