Chapter twentyseven

Elena POV

I woke to the sun rays spreading across the floor on the wrong side of the room. Confused and dazed I looked at the marble clock hanging on the wall and read 4.30. Flashes of last night came rushing back like a runaway train. I felt my cheeks heat up from the clear memories of us tangled together beneath the sheets. I had never before felt that feeling of euphoria. It was pure ecstasy.

I rolled to the side and saw Damon's tangled dark hair and body, only slightly covered by the doona. His breath was soft and his face was entirely relaxed, completely at peace. Handsome was too weak and colourless of a word to describe him. He was beyond beauty.

With a sly smile I moved towards him, careful not to wake him, and planted a slow kiss low on his chest. His chest moved from a large breath, but he still remained unfazed and asleep. I smiled to myself and began kissing a slow trail up his chest. His skin alone was tantalising.

I felt him shiver, but looked up to see his face still relaxed, and his eyes closed. I made the trail up his neck but before I could get anywhere near his lips, Damon rolled in blurring speeds, catching me off guard.

He smiled a blindingly wicked smile before moulding his lips to mine.

I tore my lips from his, "Were you awake the entire time?"

"For a few minutes now."

I narrowed my eyes at him; now I just felt as though I'd embarrassed myself. He laughed and began kissing along my neck.

He paused above a certain spot and began making me want to do last night all over again. I playfully nipped his ear and let my finger tips trail down his chest. He shuddered and pinned my arms above my head on the pillows, his teeth lightly grazing the skin on my neck.

I laughed, "Its 4.30 in the afternoon, Damon. Don't you think we've spent enough time in bed?"

"No. And I know you don't either." He murmured the words into my skin and moved back up to my lips.

I let myself become lost in the kiss before I pulled away and eased myself out from under him, "I got to get home. Jenna will be worried."

Damon rolled onto his back and sighed. I got changed into my clothes and took one wistful look at him sprawled across the bed eying me with seductive eyes challenging me to go back to him. I laughed and walked out the bedroom door.

Jogging down the stairs I saw Bonnie sitting with Jeremy on the lounges. I felt my cheeks heat up knowing that they knew what Damon and I had been doing. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Pondering over the crystal spell." Jeremy got up and headed towards a separate room, his nose buried over an old leather bound book.

I nodded and slowly walked over to where Bonnie was sitting. She looked at me intently, "We know what you did yesterday, Elena."

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair out of frustration. I could feel the intervention coming on.

"I'm with Damon on this one. Handing yourself over to Klaus is not going to solve anything."

"Well don't listen to him. You all think you're protecting me, but all you're doing is getting yourselves killed."

"We're not letting you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual." Bonnie was fiddling with the crystal in her fingers.

Caroline walked in from the room to the side, a mug in one hand. "What are you guys arguing about?"

Bonnie looked at me, "We're not arguing about anything. I need a coffee."

I sighed in defeat and slumped down onto the couch. Bonnie placed the crystal on the desk beside her and headed off into the kitchen with Caroline brimming with questions behind her. My eyes locked in on the crystal.

I had the chance right now, whilst no one was in the room, to grab the crystal and make a run for it. No one would be the wiser. I did another scan of the room to make sure no one was approaching and pocketed the crystal.

I was almost at the door when Jeremy stepped out beside me. "Where you going?"

"Uh... to check in with Jenna."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not." I eyed him with as much defence as possible. Was I that obvious?

"Really? Have you seen your face, Elena?"

"Are you serious?"

"She took the crystal." Caroline waltzed in the room with her hands on her hips, Bonnie directly behind her with a disappointed look on her face.

What was going on? "How did you?"

"We tested you. You failed." Bonnie spoke with a resigned look about her.

I felt eyes on me from above and looked up to see Damon leaning over the railing fully dressed, his eyes burning into mine. I looked down and let out a huff of air out of frustration at their ploy to stop me. "Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him." I pulled open the front door. "I can't let that happen."

I went to walk out the door and came up against a solid invisible wall. I stumbled back in shock, and then tried again, pushing at it to no avail. I turned around, "What did you do?"

Bonnie's voice caught my attention, "It's for the best, Elena."

I saw Damon with laughter in his eyes looking down at me from the top railing. Out of sheer annoyance and frustration at them all, I turned around and tried to push my weight through the wall blocking me. I stepped back and even kicked it a few times, only to hear Damon's chuckle from above me.


I slumped myself down on the couch in the living room after futile attempts of escape. I'd tried all windows and doors leading outside but came up against the same force field on each of them. I had chased after Jeremy at one point after he gleefully demonstrated his ease of walking in and out of the house. Everyone was in the study, clearly deciding against the idea of involving me in their plans, to work together to find and defeat Klaus after they lifted the curse.

My head snapped around and turned my eyes to angry slits as Damon jogged down the stairs towards me. "Oh, come on pouty. At least give me points for ingenuity."

"Do you think this is funny?"

"Yes, Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths I have to go to in repeatedly save your life."

"And have you even considered the fact that, even though you drove a large bed post through Elijah's chest, he's still alive?"

"Yeah, that." He slumped down next to me and put his arm over the back of the couch behind me. "I didn't tell them."

"Why not?"

"Well, A: they can't do anything about it, and B: ... what I just said." He sent a short condescending kiss in my direction, then let a charming smile spread across his lips. I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him.

Caroline walked into the room. Damon turned to her, "Where's Bonnie?"

"She's in there with Caroline looking over books and stuff with Jeremy. What are you doing?"

"Well, you three are on crystal/Klaus duty, while I'm," He clicked his tongue towards me, "On Elena patrol."

"Where's Rose?" I looked around the place expecting her to walk out with a large smirk on her face at my situation.

"She's, oh you know, out enjoying the sunshine since Bonnie gave her a special little ring." Damon hopped up from the couch and grabbed the crystsal goblet and filled up a glass, "You know, you should join her; go out flock in the sun, enjoy the day." He paused in raising the glass to his lips, "Oh wait... you can't."

I grabbed the pillow next to me and threw it at him. He dodged it with ease and smiled sweetly at me. "Are you hinting how you'd rather spend your day upstairs?"

He waggled his eyebrows at me and Jeremy made his presence known. "Okay, slightly uncomfortable here. I'm going to check on their progress." He swiftly walked back into the study.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew he was doing what he felt best for me, but it stung slightly like betrayal. I let my head drop back and my body fall to the side, only to have myself land in Damon's lap. His eyes held laughter and his lips were fighting a smile as he looked down at me.

I smiled sweetly back at him, but it did not meet my eyes, "Why are you being like this?"

"Why am I being like this? Why are you being like this? It's so... depressing. I thought our night together would have made you realise what you'd be giving up on."

I flushed a dark shade of red and went to sit up, but was stopped by Damon's lips as they met mine, his hand slipping under my top and leaving scorch marks across my stomach. I felt his lips smile against mine as he heard my heart rate quicken, and his kiss became more urgent on mine. He moved us so he was on top of me on the couch, without breaking our kiss, and before he could stop himself, I pushed him off me and to the floor.

I heard him let out a breathless laugh and crossed my arms over my chest. I was not letting him get me that easily.

"Alright, be a prude. But you'll find me incredibly hard to resist later on." He got up and jogged towards the front door.

I sat up, "Why? Where are you going?"

He turned around and jogged backwards, "To help Rose get her little friend's computer... and enjoy the rest of the sunlight."

I groaned and dropped back down to cushions. I reached in my pocket for my phone and dialled Jenna's number. She answered on the third ring, "Hello?"

"Hey Jenna. I'm sorry I haven't been at home lately."

"Sweetie, with a man as good looking as Damon, I haven't exactly been expecting you."

I sighed, "I'm just calling to let you know I'm alive and I'll probably be home tomorrow." I hopped off the couch and headed upstairs and instead of heading towards the guest room, I turned left and headed towards the two French double doors at the end of the hallway.

Damon's room.

I threw open the doors and was exposed to such a bright room from the last of the sun rays I stepped back in slight shock. The far wall was all windows with an enormous king sized mahogany wooden bed on the side wall. There were piles upon piles of books stacked near the bedside table. I walked towards it and lifted the top book: Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell. I let a small chuckle escape my lips and placed the book back down.

I looked about the walls and saw a few large renaissance paintings hung high on the walls, with shelves stacked with odd objects and trinkets. I picked up a small china statue of a small angel bending over her praying hands. Next to the statue was a delicate beaded rosary; the cross intricately detailed. The feel of all the objects around the room suggested that they were all sentimental and were priceless to Damon, and they had been collected over the ages or handed down through family.

Another room connected to his, revealing a large bathroom of pristine white.

A creak in the floor boards behind me had me spin around sharply and come face to face with my fears.

Elijah stood facing me with a slightly intrigued look about his face, like he was genuinely interested in a display of art. I took a step back and felt a cold chill flow down my spine as he gave me a small pleasant smile.

I had seen what he could do to a vampire in a blink of an eye. I felt like I was living my own personal nightmare. A knock at the double doors had Elijah turn his head towards the sound, barely fazed by an intruder.


I went to run to the sound of Bonnie's voice but a look from Elijah told me that was not a smart move. He flashed to stand out of sight behind the second door, as I walked over and opened the door with shaky fingers.

Holding my fears at bay I feigned tiredness, "Yeah, Bonnie?"

"Just checking in on you."

To keep up my roll of not letting Bonnie get suspicious I rolled my eyes, "I can't leave Bonnie. Now if you don't mind I'm tired."

I closed the door on her laughing eyes and let my fears find their way to the surface again. I locked my eyes back onto Elijah in that instant. He was just as angelically beautiful as I'd first seen him... and his stance just as menacing.

"That's a wise choice."

My breath was heavy, but my voice was calm, "What do you want?"

"I think it's time you and I had a little chat."

I cautiously took a step away from him, but kept my eyes intently focused as he walked around the room eying Damon's possessions.

"Forgive the intrusion, I mean your friends no harm."

"Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?"

"Because I didn't want you to be taken." He sat down on the old high back leather seat and rested his elbow on the arm rest. The picture was one of high respect on how he held himself in society. "Klaus is one of the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those who fear him are desperate for his approval."

He waved his hand absently and relaxed entirely into the chair, "Word gets out that the doppelganger exists, there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him... and I can't have that."

"Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?"

"Let's just say that my goal is not to break the curse."

I shrugged and took a few steps towards him, not sure what his motive was. "So what is your goal?"

"Klaus' obsessions have made him paranoid, he's a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle."

"Like you?"

He shook his head. "Not anymore."

The way he spoke was utterly relaxed. It wasn't because there was no threat coming from me, but it felt as though he was talking to an ally, rather than negotiating with an enemy. And it came to me.

"You don't know where he is, do you?"

He averted my gaze and held a tight lipped smile.

"So you're trying to use me... to draw him out."

His eyes met mine and he straightened the sleeves on his suit jacket. "Well, in order for me to do that, I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed."

His eyes held volumes of laughter as his lips fought a smile, thinking about my motives to surrender.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Well if I wasn't being truthful then all your little friends down stairs would be killed, and I'd be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead..." He waved his hand out in front of himself, "I'm here and I'm willing to offer you a deal."

I took a step closer to him, "What kind of a deal?"

"Do nothing." He stood up and began walking around the room eyeing Damon's possessions more closely, "Do nothing, Live your life, stop fighting. And then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw out Klaus together and I shall make certain that your friends and family remain unharmed."

I stepped over towards where he was looking, "And then what?"

He turned to face me completely, "And then I kill him."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. I'm a man of my word Elena, I make a deal, I keep a deal."

"How are you going to keep everybody safe?"

"Now, I understand that you have a friend... Bonnie, is it? Who possesses the power of magick. I have friends with similar gifts, and together we can protect everybody that matters to you."

He took a step towards me almost closing the distance between us as he looked intently into my eyes. "So... do we have a deal?"

I thought it over, not willing to accept until I covered it all in my head first. "I need you to do one more thing for me."

"If we're negotiating, I extend the same duty."

I nodded, "You are to take Damon off your hit list. I know you've been wanting revenge on him since he... tried... to kill you." I was confused at how he was still standing here as I said it out loud, yet I felt for certain he would not give me an honest or any answer at all about how he survived.

"On the contrary, I have not wished to purse a hunt for Damon. He simply underestimated me and was only trying to protect you. Anyone would have done the same had they been in his position. He did not know who I was, so I have extended him pardon for his mistake. My request on the other hand... is for you to tell me where Katherina is."

... ... ... ...

Damon POV

I had helped Rose obtain her ring, however I did not hand it over until she had finished transporting Slater's computers back to the Boarding house. It was only when she'd apologised and sworn to help to protect Elena did I hand her the ring.

As soon as it had appeared in my hand I watched the different emotions play wild across her face. I had found out the bargain Elena had presented Rose with and felt it was only fair after she stated to protect Elena, that I give it to her.

I left Rose when nightfall hit and made my way to the tomb. Elena's little band of warriors hadn't found much on Klaus, and the only person we did know who had known him, was free to question. I could vaguely hear Caroline's voice in my mind protesting and warning me of going to see her. She had to give me more credit; I wasn't as forgiving nor blind as she expressed so often in her life.

"Come on in, there's plenty of room."

"I'd rather poke my eyes out."

She looked more withered and frail than ever as she walked towards the entrance, "Mm but you have such pretty eyes. You've come to reconsider leaving me in here to rot?"

"Mmm... no. How you doing by the way? You look like a train wreck. You hungry?"

Her eyes turned to one of annoyance. "I'm starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all I'm bored. At least running from Klaus wasn't boring."

"Klaus, that's the reason I'm here."

"Well, if you want to get your little witch to hocus pocus me out... I'll be more than happy to tell you anything you want... Or do anything you want." Her eyes travelled up the length of my body with seductive eyes.

"You know that's really not working for you when you look like road kill. Sorry. But if you don't want to talk, then..." I began to head away from the tomb.

"We could talk about something else?"

"About how you murdered my brother, and managed to ruin my life? Yeah, let's talk. Have a good old bonding session."

"What do you want me to say, Damon? That I'm sorry I loved Stefan more than you? That I'm sorry he'd rather die than spend eternity with you? That I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you? Well I'm not, okay? It's called self preservation. I've been looking out for myself for 500 years."

I let out a chuckle, "And look where it's gotten you."

"Oh yeah, I've done terrible things. I know that. But I'm not the one with serious abandonment issues; your mum, your brother, me. I'm even betting that even Elena's has tried to surrender herself over to Klaus. It seems as though everyone would rather die than be near you."

I didn't let her words show any effect they had on me. "And according to my sources, you destroyed your entire family by, what was it you called it again... self preservation?"

I watched as her emotions flickered over her face, most of them consisting with rage and anger towards me but finally settling upon grief.

"I'm not perfect, never said I was. But the one thing that I'll never regret is the love that I felt for Stefan-

"You didn't deserve to breathe the same air as him."

"...Even if you don't believe it."

"You want me to believe you? Why would I believe a word you say?"

Her eyes laughed, "Because the truth is more painful than a lie, Damon."

Before I had time to ponder her words a sound above me caused my head to snap upwards.

Making his way down to the tomb entrance was Elijah.

Elijah eyed me with a pleasant smile as he stopped a few paces from me.

What was going on here?

I kept still but my senses were working furiously and my body was on high alert. I saw out of the corner of my eye as Katherine retreated back into the tomb a few paces, her expression one of absolute fear. "Elijah."

"Good evening Katherina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." He turned towards me, "I would not attack me. I've waved it off once, but will not extend the same privilege if it were to happen again."

"Really now?" I remained on high alert, judging my best options if he were to attack me.

A small smile rose to his lips, "The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain, however we reached a peaceful agreement... she and I. She requested that your life is to be kept... intact."

He turned to Katherine... and walked directly into the tomb.

I was caught off guard as he willing walked into the spell and halted as he reached Katherine's slightly quivering body. "Now Katherina... your game of cat and mouse has come to an end. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are."

He turned around and left her breathless as he waltzed right out of the tomb with ease. Katherine saw her chance and darted towards the exit, but slammed into the force field that had never been broken.

He turned to me, "You're free to go unharmed Mr Salvatore. Elena will explain the arrangements to you. She keeps her word... I keep mine."

Leaving me slightly dazed, yet on high alert, he darted with quickened speeds out from the tomb opening and into the night.

I went to do the same. "Damon, no. Please don't let him leave me in here. Please."

"Goodbye Katherine." And without mercy I changed into the form of a crow and pelted out of there. Elena had a lot of explaining to do.


Elena POV

I was pacing back and forth in Damon's room when I bumped into his chest.

I didn't care that his eyes were cold and hard, clearly wanting answers. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, and kissed him. He didn't kiss me back at first, nor did her show any response to my affection, until I smiled against his lips and forced his lips to part. He lowered me to the bed with quickened speeds and pinned my arms above my head, and pulled back.

"What was the deal?"

I laughed and tightened my legs around his waist, "No more Kamikaze missions."

His hands loosened their hold and I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back down to me, pulling him into a slow sensual kiss. A few things must have clicked in his head by what I had meant, and his lips turned feverish as his hands began removing our clothing in lightning speeds. I could still feel his slight hesitation from all the loose ends that hadn't added up yet in his head, but I couldn't help but feel as though things had finally taken a turn for the better.

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Elena doesn't know how wrong she is.

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