Name: Storyteller's Dream
Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft.
Title: Honoring the Dead
Rating: T
Pairing: None
Notes: I don't know who wrote the poem in the summary, but for some reason it made me think of this story. This story will be mostly Lore Characters with a few of mine or a friend's mixed in. A great deal of these have my two favorite Highlords, Darion Mograine and Tirion Fordring. Neither get enough love. I'm sorry if these seem rushed, I think I'm a little rusty.
None of these One-shots are related.
Summary: Honor thy Father, Honor thy Mother, Honor thy Brother, Sister, and Lover. Honor thy Son, And thy Daughter. Honor thy Family and One Another. A collection of one-shots about Honoring the Dead.
And One Another.
She's dying and she knows it. It's odd to think that she has died once and now will die again. She tries to sit up, but her body doesn't want to move. The runes that have held her together for so long are failing.
She looks up at the Death Knight who speaks her name. He is a Tauren, a companion she has had for so long.
"Hey Garis." The Night Elf twitches her lips and feels pain explode through her body. Anyone that said Death Knights didn't feel obviously has never asked them. The Tauren bull kneels beside her fallen form, moving the breastplate aside so to inspect the wound.
"Your runes have been damaged. With your rune blade destroyed you cannot regenerate them." His voice is monotone but soft. He fixes her with a gaze that she knows is his attempt at compassion.
"I guess that's what happens… when your leader orders you to kill your best friend and you hesitate." The Night Elf lies back on the ground, gasping as the cold comes for her once more. Then time though, she will truly die. "Do you remember the Emerald Dream… Garis?"
"I remember."
"I will see you there… friend."
The runes darken and vanish, almost immediately the body of Sedaris Ebonwood begins to decay. Garis stands watch over the fallen body before lifting it into his arms.
"What are you doing fool?" The speaker is an Orc, a living one that should be thankful for heroes like Sedaris.
"Honoring my ally with a decent burial." Garis replies calmly as he makes to leave the area.
"Traitor!" The Orc roars and everyone hears. But the Death Knight doesn't care as he steps through the gate towards his home. The Orc is foolish and follows him. He will make sure the traitor dies.
His first reaction is shock when he finds himself standing before the Highlord of the Ebon Blade and his Second-in-Command. Both were speaking with the Tauren. The Orc does what most would refer to as suicide; he attacks the first human that he sees, the Highlord of the Ebon Blade.
Darion's attacks are not held back by anything. He attacks and he defeats. But he has a clear message for anyone that feels the need to fight in the Ebon Hold. He sends the Orc back to the new Warchief… in pieces.
In the Ebon Hold, the Death Knights honor one another. Let them rest in peace or you will rest in pieces.