Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that were created by someone else

Claimer: Go to my profile to view my characters

It's December, the temperature in the bottom of the sea is about 4.5 degrees Centigrade and it's getting quite cold but luckily the saltwater won't freeze. It was just a few weeks away from Christmas and AllStar and the gang were helping out with the decorations, they were nailing in kelp up onto the roof of AllStar's house and were also setting up Christmas lights as well.

Since Mr. Seaworthy has electrical skills, he wires up the cords of lights and plugs them into the wall. The house was literally covered in them and they all lit up quite brightly, so brightly it nearly blinded fellow fish that swam by.

"Oh ain't that pretty," said Daffney as she shade her eyes.

"Let's head inside, it's getting cold outside," said Mr. Seaworthy.

The gang heads back inside and Occy was sitting near the Geothermal chimney, keeping warm as it gives off heat. He was simply slouched back on the ground with droopy eyes and a smile, the octopus looks like he's going to fall asleep. AllStar scratches Occy's head as he walks by him, once the snork takes a seat on one of three couches – everyone else managed to grab a spot on them just as the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it," said Mrs. Seaworthy as she swam to the door and opened it, "Hey, look who's here!"

It turns out to be Radio and Berry Seaworthy, both of them are twins you see. They happened to bring their pet green octopus Rex along with them, Rex swam up next to Occy and gets warm near the geothermal fireplace as Radio and Berry took a seat on the couch.

"So what brings you here Radio?" asked AllStar.

"I'm going to ask you something that comes straight out of Science Fiction," said Radio, "And I need your help, it could end up as an adventure of a lifetime."

"What do you want me to help you with?" asked AllStar.

"How am I going to put this onto believable terms," said Radio, he glances at Berry for a split second as she smiles at him then returns attention to AllStar, "Me and Berry wanna meet our Biological Mother."

The whole room went silent, the truth is that Radio and Berry are actually hybrids with both Snork and Human DNA. The story is messed up, but not even Radio can't believe it happened. It started when a bunch of humans dumped Nuclear Waste Barrels into the ocean and AllStar and the gang found them, AllStar tried to cut open the barrels to see what's inside with a screwdriver and cuts his hand.

After some Radioactive Goo spilled out of the barrel, everyone rushed AllStar out of the area to get his hand bandaged. His blood had stained the metal surface of the barrel and it dripped onto the Radioactive Goo and that goo formed into a Snork everyone now knows and loves: Radio. Berry came later on after the Nuclear Barrels exploded, it took awhile (like months) for the Snorks to meet each other and unite under one flag.

In order for Radio and Berry to be "born", the DNA in AllStar's blood would have to mix with another totally different set of DNA in the Nuclear Slime. That different DNA must come from a female according to the laws of nature – individuals cannot be born with both parents that came from the same sex, which makes sense in physical terms.

However, inanimate matter becoming a living being is a totally different story. Spontaneous generation is impossible, everyone didn't knew that until recently. For Radio and Berry to become living beings out of toxic crud, Organic Chemistry must play a roll along with Stem Cells. Assuming that AllStar's blood caused the Chemical Reaction to form the two Snorks came into place, the goo must be laced with Stem Cells in order for this to happen.

But there's a problem, Stem Cells take too long to form into whatever you want them to form. One final product is needed for Radio and Berry to become a living creature in mere seconds instead of weeks or months, Nanotechnology could play a role in Radio and Berry's formation. It makes sense for tiny microbial "Nanobots" to literally create Radio and Berry out of the goo by arranging them from what's in the DNA codes they received.

Another obstacle is Radiation, the goo Radio and Berry were formed out of was laced with radioactive elements found in Spent Fuel from a Nuclear Reactor. Radiation attacks the DNA of living organisms causing Genetic Mutations and Cancer, this is a great advantage and disadvantage for Radio and Berry to have. The Pros are that they can withstand radiation, the Cons are that the radiation caused Neurological damage – such as their Immaturity and silliness. Luckily, there wasn't too much damage and it isn't severe enough to be a cause of concern.

The final obstacle is Hybridization, this is a case of either Outbreeding depression or an Overdominance Hypothesis. Radio and Berry mostly developed Snork characteristics, if there are any Human Characteristics it would be their 5th finger and 4th toe on each of their hand and feet. Also they are extremely smart, probably combining the intellect abilities of both Human and Snorks has given them an advantage. Their IQ is ranged between 275 to 295.

No matter how smart they're are, the real question is that if they can breed or not. Sterility is nature's way on preventing cross-breeding between two species, but there are some exceptions to this fate.

A chain of event's has made this happen, and the Snorks would soon learn how about them during their adventure.

"You want to go meet your mom?" asked AllStar.

"What? I know where she lives." claims Radio, "She lives right on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, come on AllStar I need your help on this. You owe me too many favors, I'll pardon you all from them if you just help me on this."

AllStar couldn't count how many times Radio has saved his life, from a falling piano, a shark, an army of octopuses, an army of psychotic Snorks, from Bigweed, and finally from Dr. Strangesnork. Seeing the look on Radio and Berry's face, AllStar gave in. "Okay, I'll help you." said AllStar, "But I'm considering this my Christmas Vacation."

Berry got off the couch and swam up to AllStar and hugged him tightly, "Oh thank you AllStar," she said, "I'll never forget this moment."

"And neither will I," said AllStar as Berry lets go of him, he turns and looked towards his friends who were sitting on their own couch, "So gang, you want to tag along?"

"Well, I guess it's an adventure of a lifetime," said Daffney.

"I'm in," said Casey.

"Count me in," said Dimmy.

Tooter just tooted and gave the thumbs up, AllStar got his approval from his friends but his parents...

"Do you even know her exact location?" asked Mrs. Seaworthy to Radio.

"Yeah, in a Human City called New York." said Radio, "I'm going to need Dr. Gallio's help on this, I have come up with a device that might help us get to our destination."

"What is this gizmo of yours?" asked AllStar.

"A Wormhole Generator," said Radio, "I'll tell you more if we get to Dr. Gallio's lab, where there's one already built."