I don't own PJO

Annabeth's POV

" Percy stop!" I yelled between laughs. He looked down at me and chuckled. I tried to glare at him, but I was too busy laughing.

" No. I think I could keep going for a few more minutes."

" This- ahaha- is-haha- not funny!"

He big hands tickled my stomach and ribs, and it was starting to hurt. I bit my lip, not wanting to laugh again.

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. " Will you get off me?" I asked.

He stood up and sat next to me. I sighed in relief and wrapped my arms around me.

" I cannot believe I actually beat you at something."

I glared at him and scoffed. " You wish." He grabbed my hand and wrapped his arms around me. I felt him dig his head on my neck and I smiled. I loved having him close to me.

" Wise Girl, we're not so young anymore."

I laughed. " Well, no duh. We almost turning 19."

" I know. It really sucks."

I smirked. " Are you afraid to grow up, Seaweed Brain?"

" No way."

I laughed. " Sure…"

" You're always making things hard for me."

I sighed. " I told you this before. I will never make things easy for you."

" Why?" he whined.

" It's my job."

He grabbed my waist and turned me around so I could face him. " You're amazing, Annabeth."

I smiled. " I could say the same."

He grinned at me and leaned in. He placed his lips to mine and I smiled. He rubbed my back and I started feeling drowsy.

I was currently sitting on my bunk, looking at all the inventions of Daelous. After I started getting drowsy at the beach, Percy took my to my cabin. Most of my siblings we're already asleep. We were actually out after 11. Fortunately, we didn't get caught by any harpies.

The light of my laptop made my eyes hurt, I started yawning. I hated staying out late sometimes. I never got to work on the plans that I wanted to accomplish as an architecture. I closed the laptop and fell back on my bed. I looked at the ceiling and soon enough I was sent into a deep slumber.

I was walking through the woods of camp. Everything seemed darker than usual. Almost scary. I couldn't hear anything, just my footsteps and the wind. I looked over my shoulder and saw that I was pretty far from the cabins. All I could see was the dim lights coming from them. I turned away and walked forward.

" Hi," said a little voice. I scrunched my eye brows and looked around. I didn't see anyone. Just then, I felt a tug on my leg.

I looked down and saw a little girl staring at me. She had black hair, and it was as curly as mine. Her eyes were big and grey. I started wondering if she was a camper here.

She flashed me a smile. " Do you know who I am?" she asked.

I bit my lip and shook my head. " No."

She smiled again. " My name is Astrea Hallie. It means innocence and watching the sea in Greek.

I stared at her. " Do you have a last name."

She grabbed my hand. " Jackson. My last name is Jackson."

I bolted out of bed and took a deep breath. Who was that little girl? Why did she ask if I knew her?

" Annabeth? Is something wrong?" my sister asked.

I smiled and shook my head. " Noting. It's time for lunch."

She nodded at me and I left to change. Once I was finished, I walked out of my cabin with my siblings. The whole time, my brain kept wandering back to the dream.

I grabbed my food and I saw Percy wave at me to come to his table. I shook my head. I sat down in the Athena table and I heard footsteps behind me. I rolled my eyes.

" Annabeth, I need to ask you something?"

" What?"

He shifted form foot to foot nervously. " Privately?"

I rolled my eyes and followed hi to his table. " What is it?"

" Do you want to.. Go to the fireworks with me tonight?"

I smirked. " Is Perseus asking me out on a date?"

He blushed. " Um.."

I chuckled. " Sure. I'll go."

He grinned at me. " I'll pick you up at your cabin."

" Alright."

I practiced for hours in the arena. Chiron said that our capture the flag games will get more complicated and so we needed to practice.

" Annabeth!"

I turned around and smiled. " Hi Thals! Huntresses coming to visit?"

She grinned and nodded. " Yep. We're staying just for a few days."

I smiled. " I'm glad you're here to visit."

"Me too. Life as a huntresses can be a pain sometimes, you know."

I rolled my eyes. " No I don't know." She smirked and rolled her eyes.

I turned form her and saw many of the campers heading towards the beach, dressed nicely. I sighed. This is what I get for waking up late and practicing for almost the whole day.

" I'll see ya later Thals." She nodded and I took off to my cabin.

I walked over to were I had all my clothes and frowned. I looked through my stuff and found nothing. I frowned again and sighed. I was going to leave wearing just my camp t-shirt when I saw a pair of nice jeans on the back. They were white so they matched nicely to a grey tank top I had somewhere.

I put my outfit on with a pair of grey flats and I put my hair on a pony tail. I ran out the door and headed towards the beach.

My eyes scanned the area, but I couldn't find him. Many campers were sitting on blankets with their siblings, friends, and girlfriend/boyfriend. I looked everywhere but didn't see him.

I felt someone grab my hand and turned me around.

" Percy?" He started running, dragging me along. I raised my eye brows, confused.

" Where are we going?"

He smiled. " You'll see."

We arrived towards a little cliff above the left side of the beach. You could see almost everything hre.

" Wow, I've never been here."

He grinned. " Do you like it?"

I nodded. " It's beautiful."

He grabbed my hand and we sat down in a blanket that he had brought. I laid my head on his chest and waited for the lights to come on.

Percy played with my hair and I smiled. I heard a loud boom!, and I turned to look upward. The sky was completely lit up by beautiful colors and shapes.

Many people started cheering and clapping and I grinned.

" Beautiful huh?"

" Not as much as you though," he said.

I rolled my eyes. " When did the savior of Olympus turn so cliché?"

He chuckled. " Oh shut up. The was just my poor attempt at being romantic."

I laughed and shook my head. " You should stick to being a Seaweed Brain."

He smiled and kissed my cheek. " I love you."

" Me too." I looked at the sky again and prayed to Aphrodite: Please let things stay like this. I want everything to be easy between us. I wish I had know how wrong I was.

:O What did she mean by that? And who's the little girl named Astrea Hallie? Review!