A/N: Hey you guys it's me! Daichi. I came back for my interview, but please, take a close up! Naw, I'm just kidding. Thanks for sending in your questions. I hope you find this entertaining and interesting. First up is Bella and then me, Daichi! (And sorry this is like super duper late! I lost track of it and then found it with enough time to finish it!)

Co-author: Bella

What was your reaction when you were confirmed as a co-author for ATHME?

I was so excited! But I was really nervous too because it was my first time being a co-author and I didn't know if Daichi would like my writing style or not.

What was your favorite part in writing the story?

Oh, everything! I really liked getting into character and seeing inside Kagome's head.

What was the hardest part to write?

The hardest thing for me was always starting off the chapter. I had ideas but no clue how to begin. I would write the beginning of a chapter like six times (no lie) before I liked it and could write the rest of the chapter.

How did working with Daichilover go? Was there ever any problems?
I love working with Daichi, she's awesome and never got mad at me for taking a long time to send in new chapter (sorry Daichi!) but our writing seemed to mesh really well and when she would edit the chapter it would come out awesomer than I intended. There weren't really any problems.

How did you feel when you were writing the last chapter/epilogue?
I was really happy to write the last chapter, I wrote it while I was on vacation ^.^ I was really sad to end it though. I had gotten really attached to the characters and the story had become my baby and I really didn't want to see it come to a close.

Who's your favorite character?
Out of the show or the story? Out the the story I would have to say. . .Kagome! Haha I somehow got nicknamed Kagome in seventh grade and I guess i feel really connected to her.

How did you first hear about "After the honey moon ends," and the offer of being co-author?
I was reading "Shop Till You Drop" and saw something about it on Daichi's profile and messaged her and BAM! I was her co-author.

What was your inspiration?
Everything actually. Writing is really something that comes easily to me so I'd be sitting there eating pizza and I'd be like "Hey! I can make Kagome and Inuyasha have pizza!" and the rest of the scene would unfold from there.

Questions from the readers:

Bella, did you like writing the story?- cutelildogears

Yes, I did very much.

Author: Daichi

How did you come up with the idea of ATHME?

Hmm, let's see right after I finished "Shop 'til you drop." I felt sort of lonely. I had really loved that story because so many people reviewed and favorited it. Apart from that, I wanted to write more about Kagome and Inuyasha's life outside of high school. I had recently also started taking a class at my local college (I'm still in highschool) and was like "That's it! They'll go to college!" And the rest came from there.

What was your favorite part in writing the story?

Oh, that's a tough one! I loved all of it really. When Bella would write a chapter, I would go through and edit and add details. Usually, they were snarky or sarcastic comments/thoughts Kagome would say. The scene I loved to write was Chapter 13: Freedom and my part in the epilogue.

Who was your favorite character?

That's another hard one. I really liked writing for Kagome because Kagome to me in this story was a little more selfish, sarcastic and dramatic than in the anime or manga. It gave her personality that I loved to write. Also, this may sound weird, but I liked it when I wrote about Takeshi. He's just so twisted, evil and what not, that I liked figuring out what he would say or do. It was very interesting trying to get into the mind-set of a murderer like him. He's also my original character, which makes him my creation. He's fun to write ;D

What was the hardest part to write?

The very last part of the epilogue. I've never been in labor because I have never been pregnant and so I had to go off the memories of my mother's labors. I've been through three, two that I actually remember and were my basis of this segment. Plus, my mom talks about it whenever she mentions that she wants me to get married soon. (I'm not even out of Highschool mom!) but yeah that was the hardest. Talk about writing outside of your life experience!

How was it working with your co-author, Bella?

Oh it was great. She has a good writing style and she has wonderful ideas. She was the one who came up with the idea of Leila. Let me tell you, if she hadn't suggested that, the WHOLE story would have gone in a VERY different direction but I'm glad she did! I don't know where I would have been without her since I had other stories to write and she would take care of every other chapter. (She was evens, I was odds) She's a great authoress with a lot of potential and I hope she goes far in life. I also hope to work with her again one day in the future.

How did you feel when you were writing the last chapter/epilogue?

Like the world had ended! JK. I was closing a chapter of my life when I finished writing this story. I really loved the prequel and this story also had a special part in my heart. Ending it meant ending my ideas for it FOREVER. Sometimes, I'm sitting down or doing something and I think of this story and think about how the characters would have fared if this had been a never-ending story.

Is there any information about any of the characters or chapters of ATHME that weren't mentioned in the story?

Oh yeah, there's lots. I'll include a list and either background or what's happened to the characters (in my head) after the last chapter. Plus, some of the things mentioned in the chapters that just weren't mentioned again will be cleared.

We'll go by chapters, shan't we? (Haha, that's old English for you!)

Chapter 5: Just when it couldn't get worse (We're starting here because I don't think there's anything in the first four chapters that I want to go over)

Kagura: She's mentioned in this chapter and only this chapter. After STYD, she stays with Kagome's mom and starts paying rent after she finds a job as a manager in a clothes retail. (That's why she had the bags with her—she has great discounts!) Nothing really happens to her because of Takeshi. In this story, if we had ever gone farther, she might have met Sesshoumaru.

The Brownie fight: Ok, so here Kagome mentions that all of them should have a brownie fight. They actually do, probably during the week that Inuyasha was nice to Kagome because of bringing Leila home. They do girls against guys and the guys lose miserably. It's just a little fun fact.

The "Three points" paragraph: If any of you are Twilight fans, then you should have asked yourself why the last full paragraph sounded so familiar. It's because I pulled it from the back of the paper-back edition of the first book, Twilight. No, it's not the same but I chose the same format for fun and as a sort of allusion.

Chapter 6: Attacked by the beast

The even chapters: Ok, to get one thing straight, the even numbers are bella's chapters (with my editing and inserts) so these might have a little more because it gave me another chance to imagine things in a different way.

The Pool: Oh my gosh, when I read this was like "Crap! We've never mentioned a pool and now people are gonna be like WTF?" I also thought that if might be weird to be out in the country and have a pool like Kagome and Inuyasha have. But, since I trusted Bella,(and no I'm not bashing her writing) I went ahead and inserted a paragraph that sort of explained why it was never mentioned before. To me it seemed like a hasty, rushed-put together of an explanation but I never got complaints from it.

The Pizza: I know for a fact that the pizza scene was because Bella ate pizza that night. :D Lol.

The wedding gift: If you guys haven't figured out what it is. . . D: You haven't gone through puberty maybe. I didn't say what it was outright because it's really only rated T and I didn't want to step over any boundaries. (Maybe I still did with some of the cursing, but that wasn't as much. Here and there with the big words but nothing that bad)

The Wedding: Bella was the mastermind of this shindig, which includes the almost-rape-scene. (I expected that from me but Bella . . . D:?) and I'll be honest. I totally freaked out when I read that scene and I think I mentioned it in my author's note. I haven't been at the edge of my seat for a long time. :D

Chapter 7: Unexpected Visitors

Inutaisho: He finally makes an appearance here in this chapter, but not such a huge one. I had wanted him to reappear in the last chapter, but we just couldn't fit him in. I always thought about how his life is without his wife, but I would think that he still goes to her grave a lot. He was so happy that Kagome named her daughter after Izayoi that he seriously cried. (At least, I feel that he would.) If the story had continued, we might have had a scene a chapter of him just reminiscing at the grave site. (That just might sound good as a one-shot . . . what do you guys think?)

The "Dad" thing: I think I captured the embarrassment a person would have by calling their in-laws as if they were their own parents. Apart from that, Kagome hadn't used that word in a long time, so it was pretty weird for her.

The Bodyguards: So this was a plot device I wanted to really grab on, but it never really happened. There's hardly any mention of it anymore after this chapter and really, around chapter 10 or something Kagome tells Inutaisho to just let them go. I could have been better in using them. :(

Chapter 8: Friction

The Job: This was put in by Bella. I really wanted to use this too, but it just wasn't mentioned much after this. Maybe once or twice. Kagome left the job after she got pregnant and Inutaisho found a good (legal) job for Inuyasha that covered all their expenditures and have some left over. They're probably never going to leave that cottage since it's so important to them. They add additions for the new babies they make, lol. How many kids they had? Probably as many as they could have. :)

Leila: Ah, the third wheel. The horrible love rival of Kagome. She was actually inserted by Bella as well and after she told me what she had planned for her, I gave her the green light. In all sincerity, if it hadn't been for Bella's inspiration, this story would have gone down another, more darker alley. I mean, the idea was good enough to throw mine out so that's saying a lot!

And Inuyasha was sooo freakin' annoying in this chapter. I was so upset that he would forget his wife the way he did. Bella did a good job on conveying Kagome's feelings about it. I would have just outright killed him. Goodness, sometimes I wish I had put the necklace that Inuyasha has in the manga/anime in the story so Kagome could have used it! Maybe then the message would have gotten through his thick skull.

Chapter 9: A bundle of joy

The break-up: Ever since Leila was introduced, I had planned for this to happen. It just might be that I'm a horrible person, but I want those guys that don't know how stupid they're being even with being told to suffer. I totally made Inuyasha suffer and I know it sounds horrible to say that I liked it, but yes, I did. I wonder if bella did too . . .?

Inuyasha listening to sports: I never really mentioned this before or after, but Inuyasha is a HUGE soccer fan. He doesn't like the bruteness of american football, doesn't like how boring golf and tennis can be and can bear basketball only because Kagome likes it. He loves the way he can just run on the field and the intense moments you get when you're so near the goal . . . :D

The note: Oh, this was my favorite part of the chapter. IN YOUR FACE STUPID INUYASHA! The tear that falls onto the paper is later seen by Inuyasha, who can't believe that his wife has just left him. He actually calls his dad to talk to him about it and Inutaisho just tells him that he's an idiot for making her leave. Inuyasha only gets more depressed. Even when they're back together and have Izzy, there's always that little part in his subconsciousness that is scared that if he screws up, Kagome will pack up and leave with his kids and never come back.

Chapter 10. Clueless husbands and skanks

The title: Okay, does anyone else want to comment on the stupidness of the title? Or maybe the lack of creativity? Grr, I had to think up a title on the spot because bella just doesn't' use titles. I was trying to find a creative word for Leila, but my brain was fried and I went with "skank". I just had to choose the most ghetto of them all, didn't I? I would've have put whore, or maybe even hoe, but it was T rated (I wanted the titles to be G) and just didn't go right. Not like my replacement was better. _

The "F" word: Okay, for those of you were fans of STYD and actually remembered this little snippet of information, this was a reference to chapter something where it is explained that Inuyasha doesn't like the word freak. I don't remember exactly what chapter that is and I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment. On with the comments!

Chapter 11: New Moon

Takeshi: He hadn't appeared for a while and since I wanted Kagome to know what was happening, I chunk him in with Leila. It was a little weird to write for them because, even as the creator of one of them, I don't like them very much together. Apart, they both have their characteristics that set them apart but they really don't go together as a couple. At least, that's my opinion.

Kagome: Here she says that even though she finds out that Takeshi is the source of her problem, she still doesn't want to go back with Inuyasha. I thought this was more reasonable than her dropping everything and running to Inuyasha immediately. There was still the fact that Inuyasha chose Leila many times over Kagome. Would you go back that quick? I know I wouldn't. BUT after some logical thinking from Sango, she kinda gets halfway back to where Inuyasha is. The shopping helped too. ;D

The note: Well, It's all I could come up with. Not my best threat note, that's for sure. I should start practicing in real life. XD.

Chapter 12: Wild-goose chase

The "learning to fight": This part Bella put in, because I had no idea Inuyasha had taught Kagome to defend herself, but I guess that could've happened right after the kidnapping. Inuyasha didn't want Kagome to be helpless and she didn't want to caught off guard. It makes sense, ne?

Takeshi: He was REAAAAALLLLLY creepy in this chapter . . . again, Bella, what was going through your head? Omg, anyway, she's an amazing writer for giving me the chills with this chapter. Again.

p.s: Him being nice was even creepier than him being all psycho. Good work bella!

The "B" word: This is the only REALLY bad word and it was directed at Kagome (Sorry!) I wrote that phrase in and I debated on whether or not I should. I ended up doing it, so if anyone was offended by the curse word (I mean, it is a T rating . . .) sorry, but that's just my story for ya.

The fight: Leila and Takeshi knew Kagome was pregnant because they hacked into the hospital files when Leila saw her leave her house. (She was spying on her on Takeshi's orders) Besides that, Leila sometimes went in place of Takeshi into Kagome's house so that his scent wasn't left behind. Talk about doing the dirty work!

The gunshot: I hope you guys thought that Kagome had been shot. I think I may have tweaked it. (probably my only edit . . . or maybe it was all bella? I don't remember anymore! .) But just to make sure you guys got it, it was Leila being shot. Not Takeshi.

The real "F" word: Okay, so I totally dropped the F-bomb. On purpose. To emphasize. I mean, I would say a lot worse if some guy lied to me. He'd get a good hit to his balls before getting dunked in a toilet. (Yes, I'm evil.)

(I just saw my author's note! I wrote the whole last part! YAY)

Chapter 13: Freedom

Kikyo: I think this is the one and only time we wrote about Kikyo, or even mentioned her. It's true though. Takeshi hated that Inuyasha was the one Kikyo loved. That was the whole reason he wanted Kagome. To do the same thing that had been done to him (even though Inuyasha never wanted Kikyo)

Leila's saving: I think Leila really redeemed herself right here. From the very start, I wanted her to bad and turn good, and she did. She might not have been perfect, but she finally did something right. This is the reason she dies. Like she says, she moves to fast and she's had a massive blood wound. (Around the chest cavity, probably hit either the liver or a lung. Either one would've killed her.) Her small act of compassion, love or whatever you want to call it was her undoing. Yeah, the sword that Takeshi thrust in her body helped a bit too, but that was just the icing on the cake. Fate is thus cruel. But as they say, Karma will come and bit you in the butt. At least Kagome forgave her. Which is in her nature, by the way.

Burn baby burn: The part where Takeshi says "I'll die tonight, but you'll be coming down with me!" That was inspired from the Sailor Moon, where Rubeus self destructs his ship while he has the sailor scouts on board. He dies by himself in the end though. I wanted the same sort of thing here and that's basically you got your ending to the chapter!

Epilogue: Flowers

For some reason, I feel like even thought this chapter wraps everything up and I have lots I could talk about, I won't comment on anything. Most of the chapter is explained really in itself. I think it's the one that I can least talk about. I will say this though, the flower theme was something I had always loved and thus the peonies and whatever was the other flower in her vase after the birth.

Kagome and Inuyasha live forever, watching their kids go through life and then they're grand kids and after that . . . until forever I guess. If I wrote another story to make this a trilogy, it would probably be a couple of chapters of Inuyasha/ Kagome looking at their daughter, their thoughts and probably one chapter where they're together. Maybe even a chapter with Izzy. I don't know though. That story might just stay in my head. What do you guys think?

Well, thanks for reading all the way through! I hope I clarified somethings. If you have anymore question, leave a review and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Signing off for the last time,


P.S: Sango totally gets trashed when Kagome is finally well enough to get mad at her for spilling the beans. It wasn't really that bad though. Kagome only gives her a look and then hugs her. Seriously, you just don't know with that girl.