Seasonal Love
A/N: Hey guys thought I would try a festive fic for you all, I've been thinking on one for ages. So here we go for my Christmas love fic.
Chapter 1: The holidays begin – The Invitation!
The Duel Academy bell ran for the last time that year, all the students ran out of the school. Happy at the fact, school had ended until the New Year and the fact that Christmas was close at hand. Or at least that was the views of most of them, for Aki Izayoi however, this was a very different story.
She hadn't had a proper Christmas ever since she was a child, and she wasn't sure that this time around would be any different. It was true that she was no longer at the Arcadia Movement, which was slightly better. Whilst she had been there, Christmas seemed like a past memory. They had never truly celebrated it, whilst she had been in the movement. Plus she had no one to celebrate the happiness with; overall the times which were meant to be the happiest of the year were in fact the worst.
She had even heard that her parents wouldn't be able to spend Christmas with her again. What was she to do? All she wanted was to feel the Christmas spirit that everyone else had, why was it that she had to be shunned once again? She had reached her home alone, it was surprisingly quiet as she simply walked into her room and flopped on the bed. She was simply hoping that the holiday would pass and she could return to school, one of very few students which did. How was she to enjoy the holiday by being alone?
She was ready to fall into a gentle sleep, when she heard her bedroom door open. She had no idea who it could be, besides since when did she usually get company. Sighing she got up from her bed and turned around, the person facing her was her fellow friend and signer Yusei.
Aki almost jumped out of her skin in surprise, as she saw Yusei there. "Yusei...what on earth are you doing here? I mean who let you in?"
Yusei smiled before sitting down on her bed. "Well that is an easy one Aki, first I came here because I saw you today after you left school. You seemed depressed and well I had a feeling that you could use my help, is something the matter Aki?" Yusei's face showed a great deal of concern; he knew Aki was a fragile person despite her tough front.
"I'm fine Yusei; I don't need you worrying about me. I just don't think much to the holidays." Aki replied, although she tried sounding fine her voice had hints of sadness in it.
"Aki please don't lie to me, I can see that you aren't fine. It's in your eyes and your voice, so please tell me what's wrong? Maybe I can help you out with your problem." Yusei said trying his best to reassure her.
"It's just that...I never had a proper Christmas for years, and now my parents are away which means I'm all alone. I thought that after all this time my parents would want to spend Christmas with me, I guess I was dreaming again. It always happens I guess it is nothing new, well I guess you and the others will be enjoying yourselves for Christmas. Whilst I just wait for it all to be over." Aki sighed, a small sign of tears filling in her eyes as she sat up next to him.
"Aki..." Yusei looked back at her, noticing the sadness in her. "I couldn't let you be miserable, especially not on Christmas. I tell you what Ruka and Rua have invited us over for Christmas; I heard they were going to invite you if you weren't busy. However, you left too quickly so they couldn't find you. So instead I will ask you, will you spend Christmas with us?"
"I...I don't know" Aki stuttered, she was touched by his offer but part of her was saying that she shouldn't. Then again it would save her from being alone all of the holiday.
Yusei gently pulled her towards him and hugged the red haired signer; Aki could feel a ripple flowing through her body. Shocked by his sudden action, but not fighting it why would she? This felt like a dream, but she knew full well it wasn't one. Her cheeks burned with his sudden affection, she wouldn't have guessed anything like this would happen. This was something she didn't expect, someone like Yusei opening up like this, just to make her clear her doubts for wanting to come on over for Christmas.
"Aki please come, we are like family. You can't not be alone all of the time, especially when you said it yourself that you hate to be alone." Yusei said softly.
"Yusei...Alright I'll be there." Aki broke away from him, smiling as she finally gave into his offer. "However, you better inform the twins I'll be there. I don't want to seem like I am gate crashing, this also means I will have to get you all gifts. Still it will be interesting to see what I can get the others, any ideas?"
Yusei looked at her thinking carefully; after all he didn't want to send her down the wrong path. "Well I think I know what you can get Ruka; I have seen a huge cuddly Kuribon in a toy shop in Neo Domino. Rua should be fairly straight forward he is a young boy after all, Jack practically anything expensive, and Crow well he could use something to help him with his work."
"Well ok I guess I can handle that, but what about you?"
Yusei blushed slightly at this question. " really don't have to get me anything, besides I'm just happy to be able to spend Christmas with my friends."
"Are you sure that is the case?" Aki looked at him like she couldn't believe a word, he had just said.
Laughing lightly Yusei got up from the bed. "Pretty sure Aki, anyway I best get going I have something I've got to attend to. I will see you at the twin's house tomorrow, goodbye for now." Yusei waved back at her before leaving Aki to herself.
"He really is a mystery" Aki thought to herself, as she flopped back down on her bed. Her face was beginning to burn again, at the thought of what she had just been through. Why did he hug her? Was it simply so that she would stay with the others for Christmas, or was it something bigger than that? She shook off the feeling after a while and stared up at the ceiling, it was peaceful now so what did it matter? Soon she would be with her friends, enjoying this holiday just like she wanted. A small smile graced her lips, "Only problem is; now I'm going to have to get them all gifts"
Yusei meanwhile had gone to do his "errand". He was in the fanciest Jewellery shop in the mall of Neo Domino; this was one of the last places he thought he would be in, well it would have been hadn't it been for the situation. He couldn't believe he was going to do this at first, but his mind had been made up. Deep down he knew that Jack and Crow would be angry for 'wasting' money on such a thing, still this wasn't simply a thing for him but for someone he cared for.
The shop owner came to the desk, noticing straight away what Yusei was here for. "Ah Mr Fudo I believe you have come for your item, am I correct?"
"Yes that's right; I presume it has been engraved with my message and everything." Yusei nodded as he asked the shop owner what he wanted to know.
"That's right you can see for yourself if you wish, everything has been done with your request." The shop keeper opened the small rose coloured box, revealing the item inside, engraved around the edges was a message. It wasn't clear from a distance but it was all written down, exactly like Yusei had wanted it.
"Excellent, thank you I will take it." Yusei smiled as he handed over a fairly large sum of money probably in the range of £750. He had been getting the money from his job, by keeping some aside from Jack and Crow so he could buy this. As he received his item he left the shop, and looked back down at it.
"I hope this will be fine, after all I want to show how much I care. This is more than friendship and I think she knows that. Right Aki?" Yusei thought as he pocketed the box and drove back home, it was only two days away from the big day and this was one Christmas he was sure no one would forget.
A/N: Well guys this is chapter one of three or maybe four of this fic. I wanted to do a festive one, and I hope to get it done by Christmas day. Hopefully it will be done by Christmas Eve; This is a re uploaded fic from last year, chapter 2 will hopefully be up very soon. So enjoy this one as you wait, for the previous viewers and favourites of this fic. I'm so sorry I didn't finish this last time.