Disclaimer: I do not, have not and will not own shaman king or any of the characters, although I would like to of course.

The story is based on the ending of the anime but I'll try to have as much content from the manga involved as possible, where it's fitting. Additionally I created an own character which I never wanted to do, but couldn't resist in the end.

I am not a native speaker so try to be merciful on my soul should you criticise. I hope the story is at least a bit original, I can't remember having read the plot anywhere, but I've read quiet a lot of Shaman King fan fiction over the years so I never am a hundred percent sure not to have stolen anything.

Anyway for now I'm just done with the prologue and because I've been lacking inspiration lately I'm not sure when I'll continue or if I'll continue but I felt like writing so here it is:


En was lying there silently, embedded into the peaceful night with no hint of disruption. Nothing but soft wind was moving the leaves of the trees creating a soft noise.

Only upon looking very closely one could see two figures seated in the tree, their dark capes blending in effortlessly with the moving leaves.

Not much of them could be recognised, except one was extremely small and the other had long black hair swaying out under the hood occasionally. It was her voice that finally broke the silence although almost melting into the whispers the leaves produced. "It's time. What do you think?" Her tone didn't imply general curiosity. She wanted a precise reply to a precise question. This question, she didn't word. She didn't need to. "I on my part am not to judge here, but her options are very limited" the smooth intelligent male voice of the small figure answered, without referring to the basic question that was asked "You know that's not what I meant. How is he going to react?" "As much as I would like to answer that, I can't." "We are cruel." She stated. "We knew that before", he retorted. "Knowing is different from being" She replied, eyes hidden under the shadows of the hood "With all due respect, you should not be the one talking" He mentioned quietly after a moment of silence. "Neither are you" was what she told him in return. He sighed "It cannot be evaded." She nodded and with one last look on the house both of them vanished into thin air.

Author's note: Short, I know and possibly not very good, I would like constructive criticism anyway.