"The caged purity" don't know what to name this story….if anyone have a better name you can tell me ^_^

Disclaimer: don't own naruto and inuyasha…

sorry! I'm posting another new story…it's just that I need to get my mind off of the story I've been doing these past months (SInByMe…short term) because, I don't know what or how to write the next chapters! . I already know what the ending will be and on how it will go there but, I don't know how to reach it there! Uwaa! And last night while I was browsing stories here in I accidentally hit the review of one story of naruto/Lord of the rings? I read one who had reviewed the story, something about 'if you get a problem on your story becuz' you don't know how to continue it or something and if you have been stressing on it. You can try doing a one-shot or maybe just drabbles to take your mind out of the story. After all, writing story should be a way to relieve stress or to relax not to put more stress on you' something along that lines ^_^ I just wishes I have someone who can say that to me T.T I really thank that person, even if he/she doesn't know it…so, I have a little story here….just a drabbles ( I think that's what they would call it)

I hope you'll enjoy it! And sorry for any mistakes :P I know I'm not good with grammar and spelling ^_^;


A figure appeared in front of a normal two-story house.

"I'm here, at last" the dark figure smiled as he stared at the house


For kun-loon this day is just like any other day just without her daughter. Although, she misses her daughter very much, she can't do anything with it. She knows that her daughter needs to go there since no one can do it also, that what she has told them is a VERY water-downed version of what really happen there but she can't complain anything since she knows that her daughter is just doing it to protect them, to give them a future. So, she would just wait patiently like what she always do and wait for her arrival and give her all the comfort and love she needs.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the main door open and closed. Footstep can be heard coming near to where she was doing her cooking. She looks to her left where a calendar was placed next to the back door.

"It's still Friday. Kagome shouldn't be home yet" she mumbles but decided to check on it, she turns around only to stop dead in her tracks.

There standing just at the wall that separate the dinning and the kitchen was a dark haired man whose clothes seems to be shrouded in darkness.

Her eyes widen in shock as she recognize the man in front of her.

"You...how are you here?" she asked weakly as she stepped back, hitting the metal table.

"Hello, Kun-loon. It's been awhile" the man said and tilts his head as if listening to something and looked back at her. "Say, where's my daughter, kun-loon?"

Her eyes widen. Oh, kami no!


there you go…sorry, for any wrong grammar and spelling :P pls. review! And can anyone guess who the guy is?