Imperfect Pair: Chapter 7 (Bella's Prov):
I couldn't believe it right there in front of me was my mortal enemy or should I say immortal enemy Victoria. She had a sadistic smile on her childlike face that if I was human would have made me cringe away out of fear. Now it just made me angry.
You see Victoria has had a vendetta against me ever since Eddie killed her mate James for trying to eat me for dinner. She'd been after me ever since and now that I had a chance to return the favour I was going to jump at it. Looking at Jake, he moved his head ever so slightly to signal me before leaping forward with me close behind on his tail.
Victoria let out a cackle of laughter before sprinting off further into the forest, as we raced after her. Jake threw his head into the air and let out a loud howl to signal the pack. We were close on Victoria's trail, Jake snapping his jaws. Just missing her arm by a hair's width, this seemed to snap her out of her game. It seems that she had underestimated us wolves and now we were going to show her why she had.
She leapt into a tall tree and sat there taunting us from her perch. We were circling around the tree trying to figure out a way to get her down when we were flooded with the thoughts from the rest of the pack as they phased in.
(Bella, Paul, Sam, Jared, Embry, Quil, Jake)
'Bella don't you dare take on that leech on your own wait until we get there.'
'I agree with Paul, Bella if this Victoria is as dangerous as you say she is. Then you should wait for the rest of the pack to get there to take her on.'
The other boys were murmuring their thoughts of agreement, but I was past listening I had be living in fear of Victoria ever since Eddie boy and the rest of the veggies knocked off her mate. I was a wolf too why should they get to decide whether or not I get my revenge. Besides Jake is with me, Paul only said that I can't take on the leech alone but I'm not alone. So ha ha boys guess who just found a loophole.
After giving it some more thought, I realised that the only way to get her out of the tree was to shake her out. Jake caught on to my train of thought and both of us starting shaking the tree with our front paws. Victoria soon realised her perch wasn't going to survive and decided that the best course of action was to flee but Jake and I were already on to her plan. As she dived through the air Jake leapt up latching onto her arm and ripping it from her body.
Screaming in rage she turned to Jake and as she went to attack him I stalked forward clamping my jaws down around her neck. With a savage growl, I started shaking the hell out of her like she was nothing but a rag doll. Jake surged forward and latched onto her leg, between the two of us we played a game of wolfie tag-o-war. Let's just say Icky Vicky was no more after that.
While we were engaged in our game the rest of the wolves were all shouting at us for going up against a leech on our own when we are the newest of the wolves. I heard Paul mumble something about punishing me for putting myself in danger but I was too focused on our game to even care.
Satisfied with our work, Jake phased out and pulled out the lighter he kept wrapped up in the t-shirt that was tied to his leg. Icky Vicky is finally burning, when the rest of the pack bound into view. Before I can even say anything an angry Paul wolf is stalking towards me, lips curled up with his teeth on display I almost feel afraid. I'm about to speak into the pack mind when his teeth clamp down on my scruff and I'm being dragged further into the forest by Paul.
'Damn right I'm angry, we told you to wait and what do you do. Take off after the leech that has been trying to kill you for the last six months. You could have been killed and you didn't even think you just leapt straight into the fight.
I went limp patiently waiting for Paul to stop his scowling. When we got to our destination, a small clearing with a waterfall, Paul drops my scruff dumping me unceremoniously on the leaf ridden ground. Stopping a few feet away from me, Paul orders me to phase back (Paul is the beta of the pack). I feel myself getting angrier by the second at the fact that he thinks he can just drag and order me about. I stalk behind the closest tree and phase back, pulling my red summer dress over the top of my head. Breathing deeply and preparing myself for whatever is to come, I step from behind the tree.(Sam's Prov):
We arrived at the position where Jake and Bella had taken out the leech in time to see Jake lightening her on fire. They had done a good job of dropping the leech but that doesn't mean I condoned what they had done. Paul was so angry if he hadn't already been phased he definitely would have been by now. Stalking toward Bella he grabbed her by the scruff before dragging her further into the forest. He scolds her a while before stopping in a clearing and ordering her to phase back, before phasing out himself.
Jake phases back in, the guys all congratulate him on a job well done. I, on the other hand, gave him a firm reprimanding before congratulating him. They may have done a good job of taking out the leech but what they had done was very stupid. I'm certainly glad I wasn't in Bella's position at the moment because Paul was a real hard ass when it came to those he cared about endangering themselves. We made sure the fire was completely out before setting off in the direction that Paul had dragged Bella in.
(Paul's Prov):
I cannot remember a time in my life where I have ever been so angry with someone before until now. I'll be honest, I'm fucking scared. I have never cared about anyone as much as I care about Bella and it's only been a week. I don't like feeling scared, I'm Paul Lahote for crying out loud. I don't get scared, I'm a cocky werewolf with super speed, strength, hearing and healing what should I be scared off. Yet this small slip of a girl has the ability to put my heart into my throat in a second.
My train of thought is interrupted when Bella steps out from behind the tree. God is she gorgeous, the red dress she's wearing clings to her curves and puts her impressive cleavage on display for me to feast my eyes over. She will definitely need to wear that dress again that's for sure. My eyes make their way to her face and that's when I notice that she's pissed and god does angry look good on her. If I could keep her in a state of perpetual anger I would but that might not be so great for my physical health. I can't help myself a smirk forms across myself as she stalks towards me and it just serves to make her angrier.
She opens that luscious mouth to speak but I interrupt her before she even has a chance and go back to scolding her for how stupid she was thinking it was a good idea to take down the bloodsucking parasite on her own with only baby alpha for company. I hear the pack coming into the clearing behind me as I continue my rant.
Bella is shaking so much her whole figure is blurring at this point and then bam she explodes. The red dress floating to the ground in little-shredded pieces. Bugger, so much for her wearing that again. Baby really needs to work on her control. Next thing I know I'm on my back and Bella is standing over me in her wolf form growling. It's then that I notice she's much bigger than she was when she last phased and I know that something has changed drastically within the pack.
(Sam's Prov):
We had just come into the clearing when Bella exploded, she was standing over Paul and growling. That's not what was shocking, though, what was shocking was that Bella's wolf had grown. Her growls made me want to cringe down and display my neck. I'm the alpha I don't give my neck to anyone. The realisation then hit me and I knew instantly what it meant. Bella is the first born of the Black family line and she has also phased. This makes her a direct descendant of Ephraim Black, the first born of the Black line is supposed to be the alpha, as Jake was the only one of Billy's children to phase we assumed he would be alpha. Now Bella has phased this means that she is the rightful alpha, not Jake.
Coming back to the present, all the boys are still trying to calm Bella down enough for her to phase back. I finally tell them to shut up and give her some space to breath. She backs away from Paul and turns around to duck behind the closest tree. Mere seconds later we hear a very human Bella asking for some clothing. Paul had picked himself up off the ground by this point and was standing in front of Bella's tree. He grabbed the t-shirt from around his ankle and passed it to her.
Bella stepped out from behind the tree and if there was any doubt before about her being the alpha there wasn't any now. She had grown and now stood nearly as tall as Paul and I. The rest of the pack were all gaping at her like goldfish. Which made her snap at them asking what the hell their problem was. When they still wouldn't answer Bella turned her gaze to me. I couldn't help it, I twitched slightly under her gaze. I could feel the power of the alpha in them and knew there was no denying who our true alpha was now.
Answering Bella's silent question. 'Bella you've changed you're taller and tanner than you were just minutes ago when you phased. It would seem that Jake was never destined to be our true alpha but you are by the looks of it. I'm surprised that the boys aren't bowing to you, the alpha power is absolutely radiating out of you at the moment.'
(Paul's Prov)
When Sam stated that Bella was rightful alpha I think half the pack went into shock, including me. I mean we all knew that the rightful was a Black but we never expected it to be Bella. From the look on her face neither did she. Because she was staring at Sam like he'd grown another head swayed slightly as she did so. None of us expected what happened next because Bella's swaying got worse before she fainted hitting the ground in a heap.
I rushed forward in a panic. I mean wouldn't you be panicking to if your imprint just fainted on the forest floor. Scooping Bella up I looked at Sam who told me to take her to Emily's, when I got there Emily was in the kitchen cooking. She looked up when I walked through the door. Her eyes landing on Bella, telling me to take her through to the spare room asking me what happened as she followed.
I explained everything up to the point of Bella fainting. Emily told me to let her sleep it off and wait for her to wake up on her own. Bella has had a stressful and life-changing week. It's not every day you turn into a werewolf, meet your soulmate, find out your father isn't really your father and then on top of all that you then become the alpha to a bunch of pervert teenage boys. It's no surprise that events would catch up with her.
Looking down at my imprint, I can't help but smile at how much soft and younger she looks when she's asleep. Leaning down I place a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving her to rest.
Author Note: Poor Bella she just can't seem to catch a break can she. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Sorry that some of the chapters are a bit short. This one is a bit longer so I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to tell me what you think in a review. Cheers Akalei15 :D