Hello Everyone!

I am suffering terrible writer's block on one of my other stories, so I am here, adding this one that has been on my mind for a little bit. I've been wanting to write a story about Rogue and Gambit, one of my top favorite pairings, for a long time. Enjoy the fruits of my writer's block on my other story.


P.S. To those of you who are still waiting for an update to my latest Digimon fanfic, it will be up soon. I am still working on it, but I reread it before posting it and things weren't adding up, so I had to make some changes.

Chapter 1: Life As We Know It

Rogue leaned on her sink as she brushed her teeth. Her purple pajama pants were hanging from her hips, exposing a small sliver of skin on her lower torso to show from between her tank top and her pants. She liked getting ready first thing in the morning. She was able to do everything without the fear that someone would accidentally touch her and cause her power to react.

She spit into the sink and wiped her mouth. When she looked back into the mirror, she could see a figure standing in the doorframe of the bathroom. "Can Ah help you with somethin', Cajun?" she asked with as uncaring of a tone as she could muster.

It still bothered her that the X-men had taken him in without even a second thought. Didn't they know how untrustworthy he was?

In her first meeting with Gambit, he had tried to kill her by handing her one of his exploding cards. Then he had kidnapped her and tied her up for a train ride from hell, gaining her trust just to then add insult to injury by her discovering that he had only wanted to use her powers and that he had been lying all along. She had been willing to forgive him of everything, believing that he had just done the wrong thing for the right reason. It didn't make them friends, and it certainly didn't make things all right between them.

She was still mad at him. She knew better than to trust him now, especially since she still had his slimy little perverted thoughts floating around in her head.

She turned back to her reflection in the mirror, and placed her rinsed toothbrush back in her mouth to finish what she had been doing before being so rudely interrupted.

Gambit gave her his signature crooked smile. "Jus' enjoying the view, Chère," he said in his usual flirting tone.

Rogue looked up at him through the mirror and noticed his eyes wondering her body. She slapped her toothbrush onto the sink and turned around to push him out of the bathroom and her room. "That's it, Swamp Rat, you're outta here!" She was careful to avoid contact with his skin. She wanted him out, but not trapped in her head anymore than she already did. She really didn't want to know what he was thinking, because she had a perfectly good idea of what it was. He was such a womanizer.

Gambit laughed in a low tone as he was forced to the bedroom door. "What's wrong, Chère? Remy can't admire you without being kicked out?"

Rogue stood with her hand on the door to her bedroom for a minute, looking at Gambit with her warning stare. "No, ya can't come in mah room without knocking without bein' kicked out," she said before slamming the door in his face effortlessly. Hopefully, he would get the message.

She walked across the room to her closet and began looking through her clothes. She grabbed a green shirt with a black sheer cotton top to go over it. She searched for some jeans and grabbed her boots from the floor.

A knock on her door came and it opened before she could even react with her words.

Gambit entered the room and closed the door behind him. "There. Problem solved, eh, Chère?"

Rogue groaned and carried her clothes into her bathroom. "Ah guess they don't teach manners down in that bayou, huh, Swamp Rat?" She closed the bathroom door behind her and locked it for good measure. A small part of her wanted to believe that he would be decent enough to respect her privacy, but the part of Gambit that was still in her head told her that her faith in him would be unwarranted.

"I guess they don't teach hospitality where you're from either," Gambit's voice came through the door in a muffled tone.

Rogue lowered her eyebrows at this comment. "No," she snapped at him through the door, "just good taste." She changed quickly and opened the bathroom door in an angry manner. She was going to show Gambit that he could not treat her like this in her own home.

Gambit was no longer in her room though. She wondered if he had even heard her last comment.

Rogue walked over to her bed, where she had tossed her shoes before storming into her bathroom to change. She hoped this didn't become a morning routine. Gambit must get up earlier than her, because he was always dressed and ready to pester her. She slipped into her boots and bent down to tie them with her back to her open bedroom door.

"Oh, come on, Chère! What happened to de little skirt you used to wear?" Gambit said from the doorframe in his thick Cajun accent.

Rogue rolled her eyes as she pulled her gloves on and grabbed her backpack. "Ah'm gonna pretend Ah didn't hear that," she groaned, more to herself than to him. She walked to the door and looked at Gambit with just her eyes. "Ah have to go to school now," she told him as a more kind way to say, "Get the heck outta mah way!"

Gambit smiled down at her and stared at her with his red eyes. He blocked more of the door with his arm and leaned down toward her face. "Without a goodbye kiss?"

Rogue groaned and placed a gloved hand over his mouth and pushed him back. "Ah won't assist ya in your suicide," she told him rudely as she made her way down the hall. She wasn't going to be late for school just because he was in the mood to bother someone. He could bother Scott or Logan for a while. She grinned slightly thinking about him trying to talk to Logan and him making his usual death threats. She pulled her backpack up on her shoulder and caught up to Kurt, who was also walking to school. It was going to be just another day in life as they knew it.

Yay! First chapters are always so exciting! Let me know what all of you think about this story. I know there isn't a lot to it right now, but I'm not going to continue updating after Chapter 2 if I think people aren't reading it. I have writer's block to get over after all. :p

Thanks in advance!