Hello Everyone! So i haven't decided on whether or not i want to continue this story but think of it as a prologue anyway. If i get enough reviews i'll continue and reveal all the juicy secrets that I hinted at in this chapter. Hope you like it R&R

Far Far Away

Even now, years later, the memories of that dark time haunted Haru Miura. Sometimes while she was preparing dinner she would catch sight of a flickering lamppost outside her kitchen window prompting tears to prick her eyes and a vice to clench her heart. Maybe it wouldn't be a lamppost; maybe she would see a vague shadow seemingly chasing her. Other times when a candle was lit in her presence her old wound would start to ache at the sight of the flame. It was always the small things that set her off now. The nightmares had long since ceased to plague her nights and most of the time she didn't think about her past at all.

Yes, she was moving on and trying to live her life. It had taken her ten years to get to where she was now. She could smile again, she could even laugh at the crude jokes her boss made. So why…why on earth had she ventured to this place?

Before her stretched a thick steel fence encompassing the area as far as the eye could see. Within said fence were the charred remains of what appeared to be a city. Though overgrown with weeds the blackened wood contrasted sharply with the surrounding greenery. However she wasn't interested in her former home, she was searching for a particular building. Circling the fence to the suburban districts she found it. It was hard to believe how much it changed over the years…Namimori Middle School. Haru pressed herself against the fence straining to get a better look at it. Barely upright and falling apart under its own weight she surmised it didn't have long to live. It would break apart soon and disappear into the landscape.

Sighing Haru sank to the ground her back facing the school. She pulled out her cell and hit speed dial. The wind picked up and howled through the ruins of Namimori as she waited for the other end to pick up. The tone continued and she wondered if her boss was out. Scoffing to herself at the thought she hit the disconnect button and redialed. She knew perfectly well what her boss was doing at this very moment; reading his porno magazines under the guise of an article on chemical compounds and ignoring their customers. Frustrated she redialed his cell for the third time. Finally he deigned to pick up his phone.


His harsh voice was only compounded by the static of her reception.

Haru cringed when she remembered how he felt about her proposed visit to Namimori. The idea had barely left her mouth when he coldly told her to stick such thoughts were the sun don't shine. She retaliated furiously and the fight dragged on for hours. But that was how they always acted around one another and her boss probably hadn't thought much of it. Haru, however, had been serious about the trip and decided to go without him the next day. Now here she was calling him because she felt sad about the state of their old school.

Taking a shuddering breath Haru realized she was crying. Smartly wiping her tears away she focused her attention back on the phone. Her boss was speaking,

"Look, if you're that chick who's been buggin' me about bein' some kid's father I already told ya, I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE IN MY LIFE!"

Haru giggled, but it sounded wet and strained.

"Shit…Haru? That you? Where the hell have ya been? I've been worried sick! Aww fuck you're cryin', what the hell happened? Are you hurt?"

His voice turned serious and lowered dangerously. Haru hiccupped and giggled again, this time turning into a full blown chuckle, as she could picture his concerned look and furious aura. Smiling softly she spoke,

"H-hai, its Haru, so sorry for worrying you Hayato-san…but you know if you have an illegitimate child Haru expects you to take full responsibility." She did her best to sound reprimanding despite the obvious shaking in her voice.

Hayato Gokudera let a sigh of relief on the other end of the line before running a hand through his hair in agitation. That damn woman was going to be the death of him one day. Snuffing out the limp cigarette between his lips he growled into the mouth piece,

"I hope you have a damn good explanation, you stupid woman, for being so fuckin' late!"

"Hahi! Don't call Haru a stupid woman and don't use such foul language in the presence of a lady!" Indignant now, Haru glared into the ear piece daring the man to contradict her. Luckily he knew her well enough not to comment.

"Che, whatever, just get in here before those damn brats show up and start makin' a mess of the store. And no I'm not gonna take responsibility for some snot-nosed kid whose mother I've never met before. So there!"

"Hayato-san! Haru's surprised at you…shouldn't you at least look into the possibility that-"

"Enough already! Haru just trust me, I know I've never met this woman before and I sure as hell didn't fuck her, so drop it!"

"But what if it happened before you stopped drinking…you could have…well you could have done a lot stuff you don't remember!"


His tone was warning and immediately the brunette shut her mouth. Shame surged in her gut as she realized her mistake.

"Haru's so sorry Hayato, Haru didn't… Haru didn't mean it." Her voice was small and choked.

Another ragged sigh escaped Gokudera's lips before he spoke, "Yeah I know you didn't…just, just don't cry again kay?"


"Anyway hurry up and get over here, I'll treat ya to takeout."

Haru raised her eyes to the sky in defeat. If she told him where she was they would only argue and the prospect of a quiet lunch in the store with her dear friend was too appealing. Granted the quiet part wouldn't last long but she didn't mind. The children from the orphanage would stop by in three hours or so to regale the two of them with stories of their exploits. Then proceed to tackle Gokudera in an attempt to drag him with them back to the orphanage for dinner. Haru needed much less coaxing and the rest of the evening would be spent surrounded by children, food, and laughter.

Resigned Haru promised to be back in an hour and said farewell. Hanging up she stood while studying her surroundings. It was such a dead place now, Namimori that is, and she couldn't wait to be back home. Turning on her heel and strutting back to her car Haru's thoughts were conveniently preoccupied with plans for dinner at the orphanage. Had she paid attention in the slightest she would have noticed the two men dressed black watching her departure.

Lots of Love and please review so I know to continue or not! ;)

Flames are welcome but will be ignored if they are just flames for the sake of flaming.