Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own my little stories. If you want to elaborate on then you must ask my permission. Also, I myself may elaborate on these at any time, so if you do end up writing one of these and I write the same one, remember it was my idea in the first place.

Thank you.

P.S. These stories aren't related to each other unless it says so in the title.

This story has been edited by my BETA Burning Rain. She is also known as Celine, cause she is cool.

+Naruto – Sakura in the Akatsuki+

+Part One+

Adorable - (Featuring Sakura, Deidara and Konan)

Sakura pouted cutely, hoping it would sway the scowling blonde's mind... unfortunately it didn't.

"Aww!" Konan squealed, giving Sakura a bear hug. "She's so adorable! How could you say no to this face?" Konan picked her up and twirled her around. Deidara rolled his eyes, but smiled at the sisterly behaviour happening in front of him.

Alive – (Featuring Sakura)

Sakura closed her eyes and concentrated. Tingles raced through her body as she felt the chakra being forcibly shoved to her legs. It wasn't an unpleasant tingling - less severe than pins and needles - it told her she was ready, though.

With practised precision she leapt into the trees and with chakra pumping she speedily jumped from bough to bough. She laughed at the feeling of absolute joy. This was when she felt most alive. It was almost like flying.

Angry – (Featuring Sakura, Hidan and Kakuzu)

Sakura growled. He just made her so angry! The persistent bastard!

"Look here, Hidan you fucker!" she hissed, "I am not going to dye my hair! I don't care how much chocolate you buy me using (at this stage he had begun violently waving his arms around in a last ditch effort to stop her from saying anything that might give him away to Kakuzu) Kakuzu's money!" Hidan's eye twitched as she finished saying the last part as loudly as she could.

"You bitch," he whimpered as he felt Kakuzu getting closer.

Sakura grinned evilly.

"You sadistic bitch!" he hissed when he caught the look she was giving him. She merely gave him the peace sign with a grin.

Hidan gulped when he felt Kakuzu's chakra flare. Then he came around the corner, as silent and deadly as Jaws, the evil killer shark.

"Can you please repeat that... Sakura-chan?" Hhe said, strangely calm.

Sakura and Hidan both predicted this wouldn't be for long.

Sakura smirked; Hidan thought she would dye her hair did he? Revenge would be hers!

Agreeable – (Mentions Sakura from either Pein's or Deidara's Point Of View)

Most of the time Sakura was a cheerful and agreeable partner. Then there were times when she wasn't. Now was one of those times.

Broad – (Featuring Sakura and Itachi. With a mention of Deidara and Kisame)

"But it's so broad! How're we going to cross it?" Was the first thing out of Sakura's mouth when she saw the huge ass ravine they had to cross to reach their mission objective.

Itachi really regretted not bringing Deidara and his clay bird with them. It shouldn't matter that he always flirted with her and cuddled her and – his Sharingan began to spin furiously just thinking about it.

Maybe Kisame was right. Maybe he did have a crush on Sakura.

Big – (Featuring Sakura and Deidara with a mention of Pein)

Sakura's mouth salivated at the sight of the peach being offered to her.

"It's so big..." She said in a trance-like state.

Deidara merely grinned and moved the peach from side to side slowly. He chuckled when she followed the movement with her head and eyes. She caught this and growled, not at all amused at being made fun of.

Deidara gulped and, dropping the peach, ran for his life. Sakura growling at you was not a good thing at all. Sakura dove for the peach and caught it just before it hit the floor.

Once the giant peach was safely in her hands she turned her head to watch the blonde clay artist run down the hallway.

She supposed that since no one was allowed to use ninja powers in the base – due to what happened last time – he couldn't just teleport away, though Pein did say you could use ninja powers in a life or death situation. Strange he didn't classify this time as such.

"Eh," she said lazily, eyeing the peach again. "I'll get him later."

With that said she bit into the succulent-looking fruit. This resulted in it suddenly exploding in her face and she was covered in peach guts.

Her emerald green eyes narrowed to slits. He was so going to get it now...

"No mercy! Cha!"

In the next hallway over Deidara shivered at the loud battle cry and teleported away; it was now a life or death situation.

Cooing – (Featuring Sakura and Tobi and a mention of Pein)

Sakura looked at the bundle of feathers being carted around by Tobi, puzzled.

"Tobi-kun?" His attention was suddenly on her and she knew he would have hugged her if he didn't have... that in his arms.

"Yes, Sakura-chan," he said, hyper, always aiming to please – because he was a good boy.

"Why are you carrying around a pigeon?" He looked down at the cooing mess of feathers in his arms.

"Oh! Leader-sama asked for Tobi to collect pigeons but didn't tell Tobi were to put them afterwards and I can't just let it wander, someone might try and eat it!"

Although Sakura sweatdropped she knew his statement was valid. It was even beginning to look good to her.

"Hey Tobi-kun, I think I know where you can put it," she said, a mischievous look in her eye.

Ancient – (Featuring Sakura and Deidara. With a mention of Zetsu, Kisame and cuddly ninja.)

Sakura looked at the cave – the Akatsuki's main base of operations. It was so large, so waterfall-ey, so majestic, so ancient, so – home of the most cuddly ninja of all time when they weren't on missions. This is where the main Akatsuki-nin resided. The others were scattered all about the place, but somehow Pein always knew what they were up to... which was kinda creepy.

"Sakura-chan, why are you staring at our base as if it's thousands of years old un?" Deidara asked, dropping down to stand beside Sakura from his clay bird in the sky miles above them – it promptly exploded once Deidara was on the ground.

"Isn't it?" Sakura asked, not even batting an eyelash at the little pieces of clay raining down on them.

"Nope!" he grinned cheerfully. "It was made about 10 years ago by Zetsu, Kisame and I when the old one flooded."

Sakura sweatdropped.

Bitter – (Featuring Sakura, Kakuzu, Deidara with a mention of Hidan)

Sakura looked at Kakuzu, noting he appeared more bitter than usual when he arrived at the breakfast table this morning.

"Did Hidan spend your money again, Kakuzu-san?" she asked him politely, not wanting to anger him when he was already in a bad mood.

His green pupil-less eyes found hers and narrowed. He didn't say anything, noticing she didn't flinch away from his 'scary' gaze like most people, a second later his eyes were back on his plate.

"I'll take that as a yes then," she said smiling at him. She sneakily forked some egg off Deidara's plate and onto her own. The blonde clay artist didn't seem to notice.

Unbeknownst to Sakura, Kakuzu wasn't feeling bitter just because Hidan had once again used him as his own personal bank account, he also felt bitter because Sakura had added that honorific to his name.

He inwardly sighed.

Boiling – (Featuring Sakura and Itachi with a mention of Kisame)

Sakura panted as she wandered the Akatsuki halls aimlessly. It was a boiling hot day, even there, in the underground waterfall cave.

She had to keep moving, had to keep trying to find a cooler place to stay. Heck, even the water was hot, which ruled out swimming to keep cool.

She watched, in an almost half-dead state, as Itachi walked by. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. He was completely unruffled! He didn't even have a drop of sweat on him!

"How?" she asked in a strained voice, almost collapsing.

Itachi stopped and wrapped an arm around her. He helped her to stand and she leaned against him. She paused.

His skin was cool!

She pressed herself to him trying to keep cool. He barely concealed a blush.

"It's a jutsu," he said. "Kisame taught me, as he needs to stay cool in this kind of weather."

"Tell me!" she breathed out, hugging him tightly.

His Sharingan began to spin more quickly in his embarrassment at the clinging female.

He blushed even more.

"Please," she murmured.

He nodded, "I'll teach, but let go first please."

She shook her head furiously, not wanting to part from her personal cooler.

"I can't teach you if you can't see the hand signs," he said persistently, even though he secretly liked her clinging to him.

She growled but released him, and looked at him expectantly.

He showed her the complex hand signs and was slightly amused when she got it right on the first try.

Abundant – (Sakura and Zetsu with mentions of Kisame)

Sakura sighed happily as she lay on the soft grass surrounded by all kinds of plants. She had never noticed before but the river inside the waterfall cave was abundant in plants despite the lack of sunlight.

"Hello, Sakura-chan," a pleasant voice broke into her thoughts; it was Zetsu and she could tell it was his white side due to the different voices he used.

She opened her emerald eyes and looked at the head that had popped out of the ground.

"Oh, hello Zetsu-kun." She replied, smiling at the half-shy, plant /cannibal man.

"Enjoying the scenery?" the darker side asked, surprisingly polite for once.

"Yes, it's so beautiful here. Did you make all these plants grow? Or are they some kind of mutation?" she asked.

She'd always been curious.

"I made them grow after Kisame built the river, they need constant maintenance due to the lack of sunlight but it's rewarding and fun." They answered in sync for once and Sakura giggled.

'Ah, this is the life,' she thought, stretching out her hands and feeling the grass beneath them.

Zetsu smiled secretly at her and turned his gaze back on his plants.

The mini stories are going to always be varying lengths so the outcome of words will always be different, but I hope you enjoyed them. I will be updating weekly, starting today and then once again next Monday then the Mondays after that.

This part was beta'd by Burning Rain.