It had been 12 months. 12 long and cruel months. I still curse the day i met that woman - if that is what you can call her. I still grieve the day she took away my everything, my life, my love, my happily ever after. I looked down at the grave stone bellow me and saw the perfect ingraving of the name that still pulled at my heart Stefan Salvatore - husband, brother, son and friend. forever in our hearts. i started to feel my eye's burn at the unshed tears of my sorrow. Every word on the marker was true, he was a great husband even if i had only enjoyed that experience for a year, it was still an amazing year...a short year. Another word on the marker made my breath catch in my throat 'Brother' i had not seen Damon since the funeral a year ago, and when i had he seemed a shell. i can only imagine his pain! I am stuck with a pain of agony after knowing stefan for only 4 years yet Damon had known and loved stefan for centurys. I think the thing that fills both me and Damon more than grief is hate and anger! Even the name Kathrine filled my mind with venom. It all started 3 years ago, Stefan and I were out of high school and living at the boarding house together with Damon. Stefan proposed to me one summer night but out joy was short lived when the disapperances started to happen. Innocent people were being taken from the street, not to be seen for days and then torn to pieces and left in the town center for everyone to see! if that wasnt desturbing enough then the notes certainly were. On every body a note was left with only one letter on each note. After eleven mutilations the message became apparent 'Honey im home'. After this the sightings began. Everywhere Stefan, Damon or I went we would see her face...MY face, until one day Damon came home with a vervain laced stake invading his stomach. We kept recieving those little messages on and of for a year until it all stopped. Stefan and i got married and we were happy. But then there was the attack. Kathrine showed up with 30 other vampires in hope of destroying the town and everyone in it. After days and days of battle it was just damon and stefan versus Kathrine. Damon got poisoned and that just left Stefan, who was on a strict animal blood diet. Damon came around long enough to witness his brothers demise. I think something inside damon changed that day, he became Half a man. He killed kathrine and then emptiness filled our lives. After a while the town went back to normal, Kathrine fast forgotten, ...and Damon long gone. He checked in every few months on the phone but that was it. I sighed and pulled myself away from the haunting memories. I turned around went to leave, the ring on my finger feeling heavier than ever now that it held no meaning. I drove slowly to the boarding house, taking my time to do so, It didnt seem right being there by myself but that is where my life with the salvatores was and that was where i was staying. I walked to to front door and instantly Knew that something wasn't right. i reached for the vervain dart i always kept in my pocket, and opened the door. The fire place was on which was odd as it had not been touched in months. I walked forward and felt a gush of wind as something swept past me, i turned as fast as a human could and stabbed the dart forward hitting the smooth chest of my attacker. He fell to the floor with a grunt and then i took a good look at his face. I gasped and fell to my knee's beside the stiff body and tried to form words 'D-damon?'
Hey guys! thanks for reading this, i hope you like it, this is my first fanfic and id love to hear what you think and il update it soon. Any opinions, Questions or suggestions please let me know and il get back to you =D
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