Sakura's view:

I entered the dark room with such grace and seduction. The dark figure of my next victim was lazily relaxing on the golden silk sheets that would soon be stained by ignorant blood.

"Aah. Aren't you a pretty little thing? Where did they get you from my dear?" his cynical voice rang through my ears. Fresh adrenaline pumped through every fiber of my being.

Closing the door behind me, I was all TO ready to end this worthless piece of shits life. My red velvet crop top, black-lace matching thong, knee high heeled boots perfectly accentuated every curve of my body. My long pink hair that came to my lower back, creamy pale skin, striking but soulless emerald eyes were perfect bait. I posed as a cheap thrill for my victim tonight.

I stepped closer to him, my hips swaying back and forth. Might as well give him a little pleasure before destroying him right?

"that's right, come a little closer. Dance for me" his tone was husky, he tried to sound sexy. But to me, it was the most disturbing and repulsive tone. Despite that, I danced for him anyways.

His bed was large, obviously custom made to be larger than king sized. It had posts going all the way up to the roof.

I crawled onto his bed seductively, sending him a predator like glare. That's exactly what I am, a predator. I hunt and kill, and he was my prey.

I pulled myself up desperately clinging to the large, round post. It served as a pole.

I wrapped a long leg around it and slid down it like a certified stripper, only to pull myself up and slowly grind on it. Climbing the pole about halfway up, I bent backward and let go of the pole with one hand. Closing my eyes, I slowly slid back down in a rotation.

"that's good sweetie.. Just keep dancing for daddy, daddy likes it" I wanted to puke, but I kept a perfect façade.

When I almost reached the bed I grabbed the remaining pole under me and did a back flip, landing gracefully in front of him.

He looked up at me and I stared down at him.

"come to me" I could see the lust in his eyes and he looked me up and down. I bent down and straddled his waist, crawling on all fours so I could whisper in his ear

"you've been a VERY naughty boy" my silk voice sent chills down his spine. I smirked at how close I was to killing him

"Daddy likes it when you talk dirty. How will you punish me?" I sat back and analyzed his face. I like to look into the eyes of my victims before killing them.

He smiled devilishly at me, I felt his member slowly pushing up on my core. Thankfully, there was cloth to cover it on both ends. I smiled sweetly and brought my hands up, placing them on my perky breasts

"that's right, touch yourself baby, excite yourself and get ready. Daddy will take care of you" I rubbed my breasts and pretended to be turned on by it. Squeezing them and popping them little by little out of the cloth containing them.

I moved my hands down the length of my body. Arching my back to tease his aroused cock. Sliding my hands down my bent legs I reached the point I was working to get to, the final act. I slowly started grinding on his clothed member and gripped the sheets beside my left boot.

He closed his eyes and groaned

"yeeah… oh that feels good baby" his eyes were closed and he placed his hands on my hips, moving me faster and creating more friction between his dick and my vagina.

I let him touch me, fake moaning all the while. When he was completely in a world of bliss I slid a kunai out of my left boot. While he was completely distracted I raised the kunai to his throat.

The blade slowly reached his skin and he froze.

"who-who are you? Who do you work for?" his voice trembled. His hands shaking

"what? Daddy doesn't like that?" I venomously spat. His face showed pure terror, this is the face I love to remember!

I felt the air being sucked into his lungs as he was preparing to scream. I slit his throat swiftly so no blood got on me.

His face was frozen with terror forever more. I stood up and pushed his corpse over on the bed.

Mission: kill the leader of the dragon blood gang. Status: completed.

Slipping out of the window, I licked the blood off of my kunai. His blood tasted tainted, signaling I had killed another evil being. The satisfaction swept over me. "you did it Haruno. Another one down" my inner praised our handy work as I traveled back to Konoha to tell Madame the assassination had been a success.

It was like this at least once a week. I spent all my time training until given another task, I would carry out that task fast and efficient, and return to do more training. I didn't make time for a social life. Being the best was now the only thing on my mind. I was higher rank than ANBU. My existence was entirely top secret and no one knows what I have been up to the past 3 years.

They don't need to know. Its better if they don't. I pulled out my black cloak when I was far enough away to be safe and pulled it over my exposed body, disappearing into a pile of Sakura pedals.

When I returned Tsunade looked up at me, pleased.

"good work Sakura. I have no other missions for now. See me in three days, I will have new intelligence and maybe a new mission" I nodded and turned to leave.

This one better be more interesting. It would be nice to have a mission every once in awhile where the victim fights back and I don't have to be more than half naked. Just once in a while, I'd like a challenge.

"and you can never break my stride, you never slow the momentum at any moment I'm about to blow! You'll never take my pride! Killing the flow, slow venom and your opponent is getting' no mercy, mark my words, aint letting up, relentless, I smell blood, I don't give a fuck! Keep giving him hell!"

Sasuke's view:

"SUIGETSU YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Karin screeched. Suigetsu broke out into a fit of laughter. It was 3 fucking A.M. what the HELL could be so funny?

I opened my eyes and activated my sharingan. You NEVER wake Sasuke Uchiha up, unless TOLD to do so.

"I'm gonna kill you! fucking shark baka!" I heard rumbling on the hard ground and water whooshing around which could only mean one thing, Suigetsu is pissing Karin off as usual. I rolled my eyes and deactivated my sharingan but got up anyways to stop her before she finds a way to behead him.

Karin had Suigetsu in a head lock on the ground, punching him in the face when I walked out. She immediately stopped and stared up at me. Hearts formed in her eyes. Suigetsu looked up and saw me, his expression slightly more fearful knowing I was pissed.

"What's going on Karin?" she stood up and dropped Suigetsu on the ground with a loud thud.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun but the shark baka put a spider on my face while I was sleeping!" she pouted like a child, expecting me to be the slightest bit attracted in some way, shape or form. But I wasn't.

"go back to sleep, Suigetsu stay away from Karin" I turned and Karin ran up behind me, hugging one of my arms. I cringed and pulled away but she held on tight.

"Sasuke-kun can I sleep with you? He wont mess with me if I'm with you!" batting her eyelashes and tugging on my arm slightly I cringed

"no. go to your tent and sleep" I ripped my arm from her and stormed off into my tent, leaving her dumbfounded in the darkness. Amazing how she has the nerve to still seem shocked when I reject her every attempt at getting in my fucking pants.

Fuck fan girls.

Laying back down, trying to return to the peaceful dream world I was in I finally fell asleep.

Tomorrow we would be meeting Madara in the crumpled sound village to plan our attack on Konoha. I would need rest for the journey, so these fuckers better behave.

"I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress, hand full of anger held in my chest. And everything left is a waste of time"

Sakura's view:

When I got home I stripped from the barely-even-there clothing and stepped in the shower. The cold water felt good on my tense muscles. I slicked and stroked my hair back as I let the water run down my face and onto my bare figure.

After washing and shaving I got out and dried my body off, taking extra time on my hair since it was so long.

With the towel wrapped securely around me I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. I pulled out a blue thong, black shorts and a white tank top for pjs.

Fully dressed, I towel dried my long pink hair. Tomorrow morning I would be up at the crack of dawn and go to the training grounds to prepare for my next mission.

I hung the towel back up in my bathroom and looked in the mirror, admiring my progress. My arm muscles were well toned and slim. I squeezed one and found it to be sore from so much training and less rest, but it wouldn't stop me. Training gave me an adrenaline rush I was addicted to

I ran my hands down the length of my sides, stopping just over the curve of my hip. My hips were big unfortunately, but a major dick magnet so I wasn't going to complain, they were a good weapon on missions. I turned and saw how big my ass still was, it never seemed to go away no matter how hard I trained! It was perky and full, so its not like I had a fat ass.. I was just.. THICK on my lower half. My legs were well toned and long.

"we're HOT, you already know this" inner Sakura and I both snickered. NO guy refused me, EVER. Even though I refused EVERY guy. Yes, I am still a virgin, still have yet to have my first kiss. Guys drooled over me constantly but I never paid attention to any of them except if they were a target, and I wouldn't even have to kiss them either!

I brushed my teeth but didn't brush my tongue, I wanted to savor the taste of the bastards blood in my mouth for a night. I brushed my hair and hopped into bed with new found confidence and a wicked smile plastered on my face.

The next two days I did the same thing. Got up, ate a small breakfast, trained, went home, took a shower, went to bed. And the routine replayed. I didn't make contact with anyone, I hadn't in some time and managed to avoid everyone almost entirely besides a few cover slip ups every now and then.

The last time I had eaten ramen with Naruto was about 4 months ago when he caught me on the street walking to my hidden training grounds. I took a secluded route to and from after that.

I went to bed 2 hours early last night and felt refreshed with the extra sleep, so getting up was no problem for me this morning and I was rather excited to see what Madame had for me.

When I got to the tower I saw the ANBU just left. "good, so fresh intelligence had been gathered and a new mission is open for us" my inner gave a wicked laugh and smirk. I couldn't help but smirk also, I wonder who I will be killing this time…

"ah, Sakura. I have a mission for you" Tsunade-sama smiled and crossed her arms on her piled desk. I stepped fully into her office and walked up to the desk.

"well, there's good news and bad news, which do you prefer?"

Good of course, I get to be pissed and haunted by bad news afterwards.

"good news is that you wont have to get half naked for this one. Bad news is that its in the sound village, and its Tobi. it seems he's got intelligence on us and is planning to attack with an unknown force. You must search for him and take him out before his plan comes into action. I estimate this will take you a month, maybe more. You leave immediately"

I nodded and turned, smirking even wider. THIS is just the challenge I had been looking for. If I remember Tobi correctly, he has some unique abilities. It will be fun testing his against mine.

I went home and packed all the needed weapons and supplies to get me there, I will restock once I get to the village. It will take me two days of travel to reach the sound village. Somehow, the name sounds so familiar.. It was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't put my finger on it just yet..

I looked at my old team 7 photo on my dresser for some reason. Ironically, the answer came as I looked at Sasuke. Orochimaru created the sound village, but Sasuke killed him and it now ran independently. It will be interesting to see what kind of chaos a sick, twisted snake demon could make for a village.

As I started at the dark haired boy who is now almost a man, the sadness and loneliness I managed to shut out all this time crept into my heart. I would replay that damned night in my head over and over to remind myself why I am the way I am. I DON'T trust anyone. NO one. And I DON'T need anyone. The little weak girl I used to be no longer exists. All I have left is spite and hate in my heart. It fueled my determination.

"I feel so alone

All I've become

Hands fall apart

Hole in my heart

Savored fragments of my being piece together, give life meaning. Fragile quilt of faded memory, torn apart by life's disease again."

Sasuke's view:

We made it to the sound without much more clashing between Karin and Suigetsu. They got the hint I wasn't fucking around, not that I ever do.

"so where is this Madara guy Sasuke?"

"we will be meeting him shortly. Be patient"

I led my team through the streets of the sound. Such chaos all around us, though it stopped as everyone stared at me in fear. I was well known here, for reasons.

We would be staying here for awhile until the attack plans were completed. I estimated about three months before our first move.

We moved through the streets rather quickly. I didn't make eye contact with anyone, I didn't have to. Everyone moved out of my way. DAMN STRAIGHT. I was the well known and feared Uchiha who killed Orochimaru.

"AH, SASUKE-KUN! YOU'RE HERE!" Madara appeared in front of me and squealed. It seemed when he was in public he kept the perfect façade of Tobi, not many knowing he was actually Madara Uchiha.

"lets get this over with" I growled at him. Fucking bastard had an irritating voice as Tobi. Not that I liked him any better as Madara.

"right this way Sasuke-kun and peeps!" he extended a hand in the direction we were to travel, signaling me to lead. I rolled my eyes and proceeded. This was going to be a LONG ass three months.

"I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard, handful of complaints but I cant help the fact that everybody can see these scars. I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel"

Author's note:

New story! Sasuke is still with taka and Sakura is a bit different. She's basically legally psychotic and you will see that more later XD please R&R! let me know what you think!