Disclaimers: The Battlestar Galactica universe and all its occupants are not mine and I'm getting nothing but satisfaction from this bit of writing. Thanks to Ron for creating these characters and letting us play with them.

Passing part 1

Kara Thrace stood in a open field of lush grass, remembering her first meeting with Lee Adama and the instant connection they'd had. Now, as the wind teased his hair, she held her arms crossed, resisting the urge to reach forward and run her fingers through the wavy locks one last time.

This was goodbye. Lee's future was spread before him on this new world, while hers lay somewhere beyond.

Her eyes dropped to his lips as they lifted in a bittersweet smile and he took a step towards her. Kara nearly turned away, but held herself still as Lee closed the distance between them. So much distance. And though he moved towards her, the chasm could never be crossed by a few steps. But then his warm hand was cupping her cheek and his eyes were steeped in all that needed to be said and couldn't be spoken.

There was no time.

There never had been a right time for them, and Kara huffed out a pained laugh that now, when they'd finally reached their goal, when they didn't have to run anymore, it was time for her to go.

She'd just told Lee that she had completed her journey and it felt good, and she hadn't really been lying, the compulsion that had driven her for most of her life was finally at rest. Yet, feeling the stroke of his fingers along her jaw made her ache for that bright and shiny future he'd once spoken of.

Unable to bear the longing in the cobalt eyes, she moved into him, wrapping her arms about his chest in a tight hug and held on. Kara felt his breath brush her ear and the vehemence of his embrace was nearly crushing.

Gods, it was going to be hard to let go.

As the clench of their clasp eased, she heard him clear his throat and knew what was coming. Pulling back slightly, Kara put a fingertip to his lips, silencing him before he could unleash her tenuous hold on her tears.

Wetting her lips, "Lee, I can't stay," she said, voice hoarse with complex desires. "I'm not running away this time, I just can't stay."

His eyes searched hers, then she felt him take a shuddering breath.

"I know," he said, sliding a hand from behind her head to enfold her hand in his. The strength of his warm grasp was belied by its gentleness, and Kara clung to this moment as the echoes of so many other like ones surge forward over her.

Through the constriction in her throat, "It's been everything knowing you Lee Adama," she managed.

"Likewise, Kara Thrace."

Reluctant fingers eased apart and two hands separated, the heat of their contact lingering. Lee was the one that took a half step back, releasing her from his need.

"What now?" he asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

Taking a breath, Kara looked away and hugged her arms to herself.

"Now, Lee, you tell me what you're going to do on this shiny new planet we've found," she said, the words coming easier as she turned back to see the way his face lit with enthusiasm when he considered the possibilities.

Lee cast his gaze across the vast land laid out around them, and as he talked about exploring its expanse, Kara felt the pain of loss yield to a sense of fulfillment, and peace finally settled within her. Closing her eyes, Kara's lips lifted into a familiar grin when she heard Lee's voice, coming as if from a distance and yet a whisper in her ear.

Lee Adama will always love Kara Thrace.