13 Little Nobodies

{Vexen} 13 Little Nobodies all by themselves; One told a secret, and then there were twelve.

{Larxene} 12 Little Nobodies working as brethren; One turned against them, and then there were eleven.

{Lexaeus} 11 Little Nobodies plotting to win; One picked a fight, and then there were ten.

{Marluxia} 10 Little Nobodies buried in lies; One chose to be traitorous, and then there were nine.

{Zexion} 9 Little Nobodies betting with fate; One stayed below, and then there were eight.

{Demyx} 8 Little Nobodies who won't go to Heaven; One followed his orders, and then there were seven.

{Xaldin} 7 Little Nobodies pulling their tricks; One stole another's property, and then there were six.

{Axel} 6 Little Nobodies fighting for their lives; One chose to be brave, and then there were five.

{Xigbar} 5 Little Nobodies asking for more; One kept up his taunting, and then there were four.

{Luxord} 4 Little Nobodies that weren't meant to be; One used up his tricks, and then there were three.

{Saïx} 3 Little Nobodies who look to the moon; One put all his faith in it, and then there were two.

{Xemnas} 2 Little Nobodies that had their fun; One sought all power, and then there was one.

{Roxas} 1 Little Nobody who resides in someone; He may return, but for now there are none.