Chapter One
Rose learns something new
Notes- the name of this story comes from the original title of "Pride and Prejudice" which was "First Impressions" of course it couldn't be called "First Impressions" because at the moment the story starts Rose and Scorpius have already known each other several years. Please review and as always enjoy
Love C.J.
"Have you seen the notice board?" Abi asked Rose as they were getting dressed that morning for class.
"No," Rose replied only half interested Abi and her twin sister Aliza where the daughters of Neville and Lavender Longbottom, old friends of her parents that Rose had known as long as she could remember. At Hogwarts they were roommates with Rose Weasley and two other girls Marianna Armitage and Octavia Jones. The twins had a tendency to get over excited about things most people would consider trivial and Rose considered shallow.
"They have decided to hold a ball at Halloween this year instead of the feast".
"Oh," Rose looked up this actually was interesting "from Abi nonetheless," she thought "miracles never ceased".
"So are you excited?" she asked then before waiting for an answer "I plan to dance every dance with a different boy and wear a beautiful dress not silly dress robes they are so unflattering on your shape I mean I look like I have huge hips I so do not," Rose tuned Abi out at that point she wasn't so much bothered about the dance for herself she wouldn't deny that it would be fun. But romantically she thought more for her cousin Lily. Lily Potter was in fifth year and she was quiet, almost the opposite of her older brother James who had left the school a couple of years ago.
"Hello Rose anyone there?" her friend Marianna waved her hand in front of Rose's face.
"Sorry Marianna I was just thinking about the ball and trying to drown out Abi,"
"Well Abi left about ten minutes ago still talking some nonsense about robes and dresses and holster hips." Rose laughed "anyway l wouldn't think that this would bother you much unless you have an eye on a boy and are a very good hiding person which I know your not so spill."
"I was thinking about Lily and Charlie."
"Ah good call."
Rose found her concentration wavering a little even in history of magic her favorite class,
"Come on Rose," she thought to herself as her minded slipped again this time in potions but five minutes later she had miscalculated the salamander blood and Professor Cain was telling her that she obviously had inherited her fathers great stupidity Rose forced herself to keep her tongue knowing that anything else would land her in trouble than she was already in. She heard a snigger in the room and saw Martin Le Mer pointing and laughing at her obviously as a Slytherin Cain was blind to Le Mer's actions.
"I recommend Miss. Weasley that you go to the hospital wing your great clumsiness has no place here," Rose felt confused although the potion had slashed on her most had been on her back and she didn't feel like it had burnt her or even scolded her. She did however take this opportunity to leave the class she knew it was very rare for Cain to ever allow a student out of class and all she wanted to do was to leave that stuffy classroom.
"Madam Pompfrey?" Rose asked as she entered the hospital wing utterly confused still she would have headed straight to the dorm room but she didn't trust one of the Slytherins not to tell on her.
"Oh dear you better sit on the end of that bed," Madam Pompfrey said after taking one look at her. "I have some hair colorant over here,"
"Hair colorant?" Rose asked confused.
"Have you not seen yourself?"
"Here's a mirror dear don't worry I can sort it out in a jiffy,"
Rose looked at herself and immediately saw what everyone else had been seeing Rose wasn't vain but red hair flecked with white wasn't a good look on anyone. Rose's usually red hair that she had inherited from her father was now flecked with what looked like white so much that her hair was more made up of white than it was of red.
"I will put a magical colorant on it'll last forever," Madam Pompfrey said very quickly to reassure Rose. Rose didn't really need reassuring in that moment she saw her Granger genes shining through. Generally people always told her that she looked like a Weasley but with her mid length white hair she saw her grandmother Granger in her face more than she had before. The color that Madam Pompfrey chose was a little darker than her normal red hair.
"Is that ok?" Madam Pompfrey said a little quietly she knew after all her years working at Hogwarts that teenage girls suffering damage to their appearance could be more dangerous than those the worst pain.
"It's fine," Rose said as knock on the infirmary door interrupted them and Marianna came in.
"Miss Armitage can I help you?"
"Err yes well there is an incident in the Quidditch pitch Madam Pompfrey Madam Hooch would like you down there two of the first years collided." Madam Pompfrey shook her head.
"Miss Armitage can you take Miss Weasley to lunch?"
"Sure," Marianna said quietly and Rose looked at her best friend she was shy and quiet her mousy brown hair came around her face in curtains as though she was trying to hide her face from the world. Her slim face was pretty and freckles were peppered across her nose and cheeks but the pressure her family but on her to achieve was not far from her face. Marianna's mother was a career witch currently the principal private sectary to the Minister of Magic and her father was the features editor of the daily Prophet with her two older sisters both following careers in healing and her brother at just 23 owning the apothecary on Diagon Alley Marianna had a lot to live up to and Rose knew that Marianna rarely forgot it. "Rose Hello," Marianna smiled waving her hand in front of her friend "where are you today?"
"Merlin knows," Rose replied shaking her head "that's how this happened I wasn't paying attention,"
"I like it," Marianna said looking at her friend's hair.
"Me too, but it shouldn't have happened I normally am so careful and in potions too how was Professor Cain?"
"No don't break it to me gently how many points did she take off Gryffindor?"
"Forty although ten was because Elspeth Saxony said you had splashed her hair too, you didn't she was on the other side of the dungeon,"
"I expected her to take more you know what she can be like," by this time the pair had reached the great hall and the smell of lunch hit their noses and Rose realized that she was starving. Lily waved her and Marianna over to sit next to her.
"Did you see the posters?" she asked Rose and Marianna before even a hello.
"About the ball?" Rose asked, as she grabbed no less than four tuna sandwiches onto her plate "yes,"
"Oh I like your hair," Lily said grabbing a strand "when did you do it?"
"I didn't," and she re told the story of her hair.
"Your serious?" Lily asked "forty points?" and she looked over her shoulder to the large hourglass with rubies in noting it was lower than she had seen this morning "brilliant," she added sarcastically.
"But the ball," Rose smiled changing the topic not just because she was feeling a little guilty for loosing Gryffindor so many points but because she wanted to talk to Lily about what she believed was her motivation for being so excited about the impending ball.
"So have you talked to Zabini lately?"
"What?" Lily asked as Rose startled out of her daydream, which Rose noticed was directed towards the Slytherin table.
"Never mind," she smiled.