Author's Note: Okay, this is a Seddie story, you just have to be a little patient sorry. I really hope you like it. I was pretty much inspired by seeing a "Shake it Up" episode, you will probably know which one by the end of the chapter. And I'm really sorry if I have my facts wrong (You might be seriously confused because you have no idea what I'm talking about yet) but it's just that I'm doing a project on it for health, and since I'm researching it and know some things about it, and I thought since Sam is never good in school, I'd give it a shot. Oh and by the way, Sam is pretty OOC this chapter, but that's just because she is thinking about how she really feels about what she goes through everyday, she will be more in character next chapter promise.

Disclaimer: Really, I promise I'd tell you if I owned iCarly, but I don't… Dan the Genius Man does.

(Sam's POV)

Yay… I have a quiz today. Actually that was sarcasm… I never look forward to quizzes or tests, because I can never understand them. I fail… especially grammar.

I looked at the first question, and sighed when I read it.

Ple seacor erctefehol lowiegpnar agrpah.

I closed my eyes, knowing that the sentence won't be any different when I open them.

I struggle when I read, and when I write.

It's not because I don't have the ability to, because I do, and I have average intelligence just like any other student here.

People just think I'm too lazy to study, but I do try, but the words just get jumbled together and mixed up and I can't read it.

I do pretend to be lazy though, I don't want anyone to find out about this, like Carly or Freddie. I just don't want to tell anyone, it'll make them treat me different, and it's just embarrassing, too.

The only person who knows this about me is my mom. She used to care about my grades, she always tried to help me succeed, but when I wouldn't, she gave up on me, and so did I. I just can't keep up with the other students. I wished it was easier for me.

Come on Sam, I said to myself, you know these words. I know I've seen them a thousand times, I know it, but why does it always take me a few minutes to figure it out?

I carefully tried to comprehend what I was reading, sometimes I understood, sometimes it was a jumbled mess and I take forever to put the words to make sense.

I looked at everything I had to read for the test. Paragraphs and paragraphs or things I had to read, and then correct.

Sentences were smushed together, and the spacing looked off, and they were just out of order, in my head.

I glanced over to Carly, who looked just about done, and then to Freddie, who looked the same. Then I looked at my paper, less than halfway done.

My guidance councilor knows about this, too, actually, not just my mom.

I secretly go to an extra help class with a specially trained teacher. She tells me that I get better, but I really don't see it. The words are still like looking into a bowl of alphabet soup. Scrambled.

I sighed. I'm only on question four, while everyone else in my class was nearly done with the whole fifteen question quiz.

I barely try anymore. It's never going to come clear to me, the words are always scrambled and I'm unable to read them without difficulty.

Every single day.

I have difficulty reading, and spelling, and even giving directions. I have trouble processing these words. I know I will fail this test, just like any other. I won't get into a college, and I won't get a good job. I couldn't help but keep thinking about the time I was in that fight with my mom, and Carly invited her over, and she told me that I had no future. I remember how much I wanted to cry, but I lied and said, "My future is gonna be just fine."

I sighed, and looked at the time. I had five minutes; well actually I had fifteen more minutes, because I get extra time on tests. But I just finish at lunch, when I tell Carly and Freddie that I have detention and they believe me.

The bell rang, and when the teacher was collecting tests, she waited until she collected all of the others until taking mine and put it on her desk for when I come back up later.

I looked for Freddie and Carly, and they waited by the door like always.

"Hey, Sam!" Carly said cheerfully.

"Hey." I replied.

"You seem a little out of it today." Freddie commented.

I rolled my eyes, "I hate quiz day."

Carly smiled, "So does the rest of the class, Sam."

I shrugged, "iCarly rehearsal tonight, right?"

"Yeah, both of you guys meet me at my locker after school so we can walk back to my apartment, 'kay?"

Both me and Freddie said "Yup." At the same time, and I gave him an annoyed look, and he rolled his eyes.

Carly was about to turn, but then looked at me, "Oh, and you wrote down new ideas on index cards, right?"

I looked up at her, "Yeah. I've got them, and I gotta go to class. Bye!"

Doing iCarly was hard to do to, but I find my way to do a good job with it.

As I walked I took out the index cards that took me more time that it should to write.

Next period was gym, and I was back to my normal self, because there was no reading or writing involved in gym, so I didn't have to struggle like I did in all my other classes because of my dyslexia.

Author's Note: Yes SAM has DYSLEXIA. (Which is a disorder where you have difficulty processing language and sentences... actually I think it's hard to describe… maybe you should look it up….) ANYWAY sorry she was out of character, I know she was, and I did that on purpose. She will be more like the Sam we know in the next chapter! Review if you like it and want me to keep going please!