This is the first story I have written please keep that in mind.

I don't own the characters!

This is a femslash story between Alice & Bella story, if you don't like than leave!

Alice's POV

I saw her the first time in a vision. I didn't know who it was but I knew what it meant. She was mine, totally and completely mine. I could picture her in all her glory, those chocolate brown locks that tickled the bottom of her shoulder blades, pouty lips placed delicately on a heart shaped face and vibrant blue eyes that stared straight into the soul. I wanted to hold her in my arms while we swayed to the music playing. I wanted to kiss her perfect lips. But most of all I wanted to stare into her eyes and tell her that I loved her. Oh, God I love her so much. I want to claim her, make her mine. Tell the world that she was mine, all mine.

I just had to leave the house, Edward was getting on my last nerves. He kept trying to see into my head, jeez you can only sing all the national anthems so many times before you start getting sick of it. But thankfully Edward got distracted by Emmet and Rose, so I could just sneak out. They all knew that something was bothering me, Esme definitely knew something but she was totally like a mother and didn't push too hard. Edward on the other hand is such an annoying brother, always wanting to know exactly what is going on at all times, ahhh it is so annoying! Thankfully Rose and Emmet knew when to butt out of my business and didn't bring it up every five seconds and they helped me escape Edward by giving me a chance to escape. I ran to the woods to go in hunt in peace and well that's when everything started to happen.

Bella's POV

Stupid woods, they keep going on and on and on. Don't get me wrong, it's really beautiful, but after being surrounded by trees for a whole week you need to talk to someone. Wish I had Rachel with me, she could make me laugh right now, but had to sever all my ties up in Canada, apparently I don't age well. Haha, don't age well, I don't age at all!




Oh, that smells delicious, just like. . .

Alice POV

I ran through our woods looking for some prey. Jumping over a few trees, I neared a clearing where there where some deer. As I crept forward, I was startled out of my musings by a rustling. Crouching low to the ground, I looked over and gasped by what I saw. There in the morning sun was a creature beyond anything I have ever seen. I should have run but my body leaned forward as my eyes drank in its beauty. A dark brown coat covered a powerful frame that was at least as big as a horse maybe even bigger. Gasping, I took another step forward wanting a better view of this magnificent feline.

"What are you," I whispered as my feet carried me closer and closer. Its head whipped around and pinned me with its icy blue eyes. Every step it took towards me, my eyes grew a fraction wider until I was breathing in its breath. Our eyes meet and I drowned, they pulled me in and didn't let go. Starting to shake I realized I was staring down a feline that was bigger than me, and from the looks of it she could be a cousin of the La Push kids.

"Oh, No" The world started to go black as my body sunk to the ground.

Bella's POV

Oh, No is right. What am I going to do with an unconscious vampire? I just wanted to get a good whiff of her so I knew what she smelt like, and she just fainted on me. I think she fainted on me? Do vampires even faint anyway? What if something is wrong with her? What do I do? What do I do?

Morphing back into my human form I pick up the small vampire and start running back to my den.