| II

Chapter 1: Towels are Evil

§Jane's POV §

"Jane!" my brother exclaimed as he reached out and enwrapped me in a bone-crushing hug. "I've missed you so much, my princess!" Alec said, his smile reaching from ear to ear. It had been a while since I'd seen him this happy.

"How long has it been?" Sam asked me as she took her turn in hugging me. It felt weird. A good weird. I hadn't had this much physical contact in the last twenty years put together.

"Twelve years," I answered. "So what brings you here, not that I'm not happy but this is the first time you've visited us. Is something wrong back in Volterra?" Alec asked, an edge of alarm clear as daylight in his voice.

I shook my head. "No, everything's alright back home," I bit my lip as the word 'home' escaped my lips. It was going to be very hard to get used to calling this place home. "It's just that... I was bored. Not much has been going on back home. And I missed you, brother," I added quickly, "and you too Sam, of course."

"Finally, some peace in the vampire world." Sam said with a sigh of relief. "Come on in, Jane. I'm sure you've got so much to tell us. Can I offer you something?" she asked me as she opened a large metal cupboard. I looked at her questioningly, until I saw that the huge cupboard, which was emanating coolness, was filled with bottles of red liquid. From the smell, I knew that it was animal blood. It was nowhere near as appealing as the blood of the humans I had passed by earlier in the streets, but I nodded to be polite. I would have to get used to the occasional bottle of piss- I mean animal blood.

Sam placed the blood inside a mug and placed it in yet another strange appliance. She pressed a couple of buttons and the thing suddenly lit up and started spinning around the drink. I looked at the strange contraption in wonder.

"It's a microwave. It heats things up in mere seconds." Alec said for my benefit, noticing my clueless expression.

"Huh, perhaps humans aren't as stupid as I thought." I wondered out loud. I looked doubtfully at Sam, trying to read her expression after my careless comment. I didn't know why, but I subconsciously trying to get her approval. Sam and I had never had an easy relationship. We were two opposites and the only thing we had in common was Alec. While she had much more modern while I was more of a conservative girl. She believed that through peaceful dialogue everything could be resolved, but I was not that patient and sought torture to conclude difficult matters. Our gifts were also opposites. Hers was used to save lives; mine was used to bring people close to the brink of death.

She looked completely impassive though. She must have expected something like that from me.

"Yes, they also found a way to keep things cool," he said as he pointed at the large cupboard, which was filled with blood. "That's a fridge."

I nodded. Alec invited me to sit around their large table while Sam placed the mug of blood in front of me. It smelled nicer now that it was warm.

"So, Jane," Sam started, "I'm sure you didn't come here to be lectured by Alec about kitchen appliances."

"I was thinking that now that the Volturi have no longer use of me since my power can only be used in 'exceptional cases', I thought that I could take it as my chance to start afresh." I said to them. "Start a new life here, in England."

There was a slight pause before Alec's face lit up in a bright smile. "That's great news, Jane! Isn't it awesome, Sam, my little sister joining our family?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows a little at the word 'family'. It made me start having second thoughts about this whole thing. I was not sure if I wanted to join a 'family'.

"Yeah, great!" Sam said, her smile reaching from ear to ear, however it was evident that it did not reach her eyes. She was nowhere near glad that I decided to join them. Alec seemed to have realised that too as his smile faltered jus a bit.

An awkward silence followed, however Sam spoke up. "Jane, if you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do about the blood?'

"There's a hospital nearby, right? That way I could have a steady supply of blood." I answered her, "Plus, if need be I can consume this animal... stuff instead." I said as I boldly grasped the mug and put it to my lips. I lifted it up and drank. The tepid liquid filled my mouth with its hateful taste, making me want to gag. I swallowed down, trying to keep up a straight face.

"Jane you don't have to drink that, you know?" Alec said to me. I put the mug back on the table and pushed it away. "Thank you. I honestly have no idea how you manage to swallow that down." Alec shrugged, "You'll get used to it." I doubted that but I didn't say anything.

"Well, I guess that would be okay." Sam said, sounding pensive. Then she glanced at the clock. "Shit, I've got a lecture in fifteen minutes, and so do you Alec. I guess we could call in sick."

I furrowed my eyebrows at them. "Lecture?"

"Yeah, Sam is taking a biology course in university. I'm teaching a history course." Alec said sheepishly.

My eyes widened. "Teaching? You? I think I know you enough to know that patience isn't one of your virtues, and neither is communication with today's human youth." I told him. He smirked, "It's one of my many hidden assets. You should know I have some very large classes, the largest history classes ever recorded in the history of the university."

I smiled in approval. Sam however wouldn't let him enjoy his brief moment of victory. "Yes, and I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that you're the youngest professor in university. I'm sure that the significant surplus of female students over male students have nothing to do with that."

He smirked at her, "What can I say, my handsome features are a gift and curse at the same time." She punched him playfully on the arm and I smiled as them. It was beyond me how two different people such as them could be so compatible together.

"Yes and anyways, I don't think I can call in sick though, we're pretty behind on our syllabus." Alec said.

"Don't miss your classes because of me, I'll be fine. I should probably start getting settled in, not that I have much." I said looking at my rather small luggage. I had a few black dresses and underwear, but nothing more. Everything I've ever needed was provided to me by the Volturi, so there was not much for me to pack.

"You don't mind, do you?" Alec asked me. I shook my head at him.

"Okay then, I guess I can show you to your new room." Sam said. "In the meantime, Alec go to our room and get our stuff please, I'll be down shortly."

I followed Sam upstairs there were at least five more rooms. One of them was slightly open and I could see that it was more than a little messy. Sam sighed as she noticed the state the room was in too and closed the door.

"Oh Daren. Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever learn," she said with a defeated voice. I was about to ask her who he was, but then I remembered from twelve years ago that he was the boy that she had turned during her absence from Alec. Back then, I couldn't help but regard him with suspicion. Sam is not the type to turn humans into vampires for fun so I thought that she must have had some ulterior motives. I thought that he might be a threat to Alec and Sam's relationship, but I guess that since after these many years they were still going strong, he did not prove to be such an obstacle.

She opened the door opposite to Daren's room and showed me in. The room was rather large and spacious with bare, light cream walls and a neatly made bed. "You can alter it however you want, paint the walls, buy new curtains and bedspreads, just tell me and we can go shopping, ore if you'd like you can go yourself or maybe with Alec." I nodded as I examined the clean room and placed my luggage on the bed. I opened it and revealed the contents. I saw Sam peering inside. "Not to intrude or anything, but are you going to wear black dresses all the time. They don't seem really comfortable," she told me. I looked down at myself. I had gotten used to this look on me. I looked at her and she seemed to fit in the modern world much more in a simple fitted red shirt, a surprisingly ripped pair of jeans – She obviously could afford to buy another pair that had less holes in it- and a pair of sneakers.

"I don't have anything else." I said rather meekly. She told me to wait a moment and within a minute, she returned with some clothes in her hand and a towel. "The bra might be a bit too large for you, but my clothes will fit you well, I think we're the same size." she told me. It was true that we were similar in size, but she was curvier than me and her clothes clung to her body in a way that they would never cling to mine.

"Right, so the bathroom is right next door in case you need to freshen up. I need to go because Alec's waiting for me." she told me as she handed me the clothes. "Oh and Daren will come home from school soon, just a heads up." she told me. I nodded but my head was elsewhere as I looked at the clothes in my hands. She left, leaving me to my own thoughts. I unpacked the items on the bed and decided to sort them into the cupboards. I put my dresses in the bottom cupboard, knowing I'd need to buy more modern clothes if I wanted to fit in with the rest of the people. I had about a hundred thousand euros, which I carried in cash. I wasn't big on trusting banks. Alec had talked me into investing my money through 'shares' whatever that was. He had called me last year to tell me that I had made huge profits, in other words, I was rich. But owning so much money seemed redundant, as I did not have anything to spend it on. But my new life here was surely going to change that.

I piled the money and put it underneath the dresses in an attempt to hide it. I didn't have much more, other than some family jewels. I put them next to the dresses in a small velvet box and put my empty luggage aside.

I stared at the clothes in wonder. Should I change? Perhaps I should shower first; after all I did go through the forest to get here.

I took the clothes with me and walked over to the room next door. The door was ajar so I opened it and got in. The bathroom was quite large and was decorated in a vintage style. I placed my clothes and my towel on the hanger and looked around me. I was very paranoid when I had to remove my clothes, especially in unfamiliar places. I locked the door for my peace of mind. I switched on the water of the tub before starting undressing. I started with my hooded jacket and unzipped my long black dress. I removed it with care and placed it gently on the railing. I removed my stays, my shift, and my stockings and stood completely undressed. Though I was usually pale, the faint blush from the last meal I'd had in Volterra could still be noticed. I slowly entered inside the tub, the warm water relaxing my muscles. I closed my eyes for a few moments, savouring the peace and quiet in the house.

I looked for the soap, however I found none. Instead there was a bottle which read 'Dove Beauty Bath Indulging cream.' I guessed this would do. I tilted the bottle and a white liquid came out. It smelled quite nice so I rubbed it on my skin as I would rub soap. It worked! It was a strange feeling but surprisingly nice. After indulging some more in the tepid water, I rinsed myself and wrapped the towel firmly around me.

I walked over to the clothes that Sam had given me. There were a pair of jeans similar to hers – holey too – but they were black instead of the blue colour of denim. There was also a long sleeved green shirt with a neckline which was way lower than anything I had ever worn before.

In a plastic case, there was also a... what are those things called again... oh yes, bra and a triangular piece of clothing. They smelled freshly washed too. On the case, there was the image of a woman wearing the undergarments, which left absolutely nothing to the imagination. I guess that the revealing undergarments would not matter since the clothes would cover most of my skin.

Come on Jane. Open mind.

I put on the underwear, the bra giving me some uncomfortable difficult to hook and put in place. I looked at the mirror. As Sam had predicted the bra was slightly too big for me but it wasn't so noticeable.

My eyes flew wide open. Good heavens, I look like a courtesan. No, not even a courtesan would wear such demeaning clothes. How can girls were such clothes? I feel my dignity slipping inch by inch. I should be ashamed. My brain was in turmoil and I felt an unusual feeling bubbling inside of me. Panic.

Another part of me however opposed the conservative girl inside of me. It's what modern girls wear. I need to move along with the times, I can't remain stuck in the 18th century, for God's sakes. I took a deep breath to calm myself. These undergarments would definitely need some getting used to.

I hurried up and put on the shirt and jeans.

I couldn't believe how utterly... human I looked. I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror. The girl in the reflection couldn't possibly be me. I pulled out the pins in my hair that held it up in a high bun and let it flow. It was straight and reached a few inches past my shoulders in blond locks.

Only my bright red eyes, which were slowly turning black from the hunger, were proof that I was not human.

Which reminded me. Perhaps it was about time that I paid a visit to the local blood bank. I grabbed my hooded jacket and headed downstairs. I noticed a key on the mantelpiece. I grabbed it and headed out into the rain.


I discarded the empty blood bag in a dustbin and secured another four, which were hidden, inside my jacket under my arm.

I headed off towards Sam and Alec's house quickening my pace. It was raining heavily now and I was sure that I would get soaked if I didn't hurry up. I made it just in time. I entered the house and placed the key back in place. I headed towards the cool cupboard – I mean fridge – and placed the bags at the bottom where there was space. Apparently Sam and Alec hadn't returned yet, so I decided to go wait in my room till they returned.

After climbing up the stairs, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the door to the room in front of mine, which had been closed by Sam earlier was now open, however I didn't put much thought into it.

I opened the door to my room and sat there in silence for a moment. That is until I heard a noise. I exited out of my room, thinking that Sam and Alec had returned but I ran smack into something... or rather someone.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around me to steady me. At their touch I froze and I felt a small dose of my power leak out of me. The man in front of me gasped in surprise and let me go instantly.

"What the hell was that?" he asked me. I could look at him clearly now and I noticed one important thing.

The man in front of me was wearing nothing but a towel. I was stumped. My brain, which was usually so logical and rational, felt frozen. I couldn't take my eyes off his body, I couldn't even look up.

"Wait, I know you! You're Alec's sister right, back from Volterra." he said. I nodded, feeling like a moron. No one had ever had this kind of effect on me. No one.

He huffed. "Would have been nice if they had given me a heads up that you were coming, I thought we had an intruder," he said. He paused for a moment. "Wait, they do know that you're here, right?"

I nodded again. Silence fell between us. All I could do was think about "You do speak English, right?"

"O-of course." I stuttered. He smirked, the arrogance clearly written all over his face. Call me crazy, but it made him look even more attractive.

"Great. Cause I can't speak any other language to save my life."

Droplets from his wet hair were dripping onto his muscled chest. I bit my lip and tried to force myself to look up in his eyes.

"I'm Daren by the way. You're Jade, right?" he asked me. Was it just me or did his voice sound husky.

"J-Jane." I muttered softly. "Jane not Jade, but close enough, right? So Jane," he said, putting emphasis on my name, "how long will you be staying here?"

"I don't know. I just came here, it... it was a spur of the moment thing." I answered, my voice sounding unusually meek. I was never this shy. I couldn't understand how Daren was having this effect on me, this little kid barely years old compared to me. I had seen him at Sam and Alec's wedding, but I could only remember him vaguely. Perhaps it was the vicinity to him while he was practically naked that was making me act like an idiot.

"Well, I'm glad you did. Things were getting pretty boring around her. We'll see how you'll manage to spice things up.," he said to me. My eyebrows furrowed, and some of my ego was returning back.

"Why should I spice things up? I didn't come here to cause trouble." I defended myself.

"Oh really, you think the smell of fresh human blood on your breath and your bright red eyes are going to sit well with Sam?" he challenged.

The pompous insolent fool. He dared to talk like that to me? "I didn't kill anyone, if that's what you're implying and I can assure you, I am not afraid of Sam."

The sound of someone clearing up their throat stopped our little debate. Sam stood behind us, a not-so-pleased expression clear on her face while Alec was a step behind her.

"I see you've met Daren. I trust that there's no need for us to introduce you. If you are interested, we're watching a movie now. But if you want to keep bickering, be my guests. I'll go set up the DVD," she said and left, not before shooting me a disappointed look. I looked behind her where Alec stood. He was glaring at Daren with a burning intensity.

Alec reached out for my hand and pulled me towards him. "Put on some clothes, pig," he told Daren, "I don't like my sister having anything to do with you, let alone while you're not even dressed. Talk to her again like that and you won't need a towel around your waist because I'll rip your junk out myself." Alec threatened, his voice sounding low and dangerous even to me. He pulled me away but I involuntary turned back to look at Daren.

Alec's harsh words hadn't wiped the smirk of his face. He caught me looking at him and winked at me.

I felt the blood I had just ingested rise to my cheeks.


Hey Guys! Yes, I finally started the second part. I hope you missed me cause I surely missed you guys :') I've finished my O Levels and as promised here it is, Outcast Part II .

I just love writing in Jane's POV, she's just so clueless about the modern world.

Tell me what you think :) I can't wait for your comments :)