This is a extremely extremely short one-shot that I think is extremely cute n needs to b shared. Girls make sure ur bf says this to you~ LOLZ

My exam is almost ending -two days to b exact- n a month later i'll b shipped off 4 a 3 month camp hope u guys can b patient^^

Challenge proposal is seriously coming along wif the plot etc n a continued sweet ending

Argument has the whole plot mapped out...Typing n writing it is another issue ==|||| I need some time.

I thank you for all your support TQ so much...I hope i can continue to write more S.A stories..I might b jumping to sum other stories like Gakuen ALice, Vamp Knight, Maid-sama etc...I juz need more time 4 research

There will b a posibility 4 a crossover...not sure when bt keep ur fingers crossed

And yes, I will write stories on all the S.A couples...HikaXKei (in motion), TadashiXAkira(Thinkin), JunXSakura (Plottin), MegumiXYahiro(Plottin), FinnXRyuu(Plottin)

However I need NAMES! YES names of their Kids i can't really think of any. Plz leave ur suggestions in a comment

Ah...yes REVIEW PPL!~ ^^



The moon was bright as its light moonbeams caressed the soft night, while stars illuminated the dark sea green fields. She laid there, eyes closed. Her breathe shallow as she dozed in my arms. My fingers moved reflexively, stroking her face as the smell of her hair infiltrated my nostrils. "Freesia," I mused as she snuggled closer.

"Yahiro?" a soft voice whispered as I looked down only to be drowned in her chocolate brown pools. "We'll always be together, right? Like the night?"

"Why the night?" only to see her roll her eyes and frown, "Yahiro…you're a so clueless sometimes,"

"I'm only clueless when I'm with you~" Her lips lifted and she forced me upright.

"Look up there!" I followed her outstretched arm. "What do you see?" her voice saturated with enthusiasm.

"Polka dots," I answered bluntly that only sent her into a peal of laughter. I didn't find it funny. "Hiro…why? Why Polka dots?" she inquired in bits of giggles.

"Because it's black with white spots. Like a Dalmatian but different colour," That made sense to me, but not to a certain brunette.

Her kiss came in an instant- while I was unprepared," I love you so much because you'll always make me laugh," her laughter infectious.

"Happy to be of service, ma'am"

A jaunty smile encrusted on her face as she lifted her hand once more-to guide me, she announced haughtily just now- and explained plaintively, " That large white dot is the moon and the other white dots that go with it are stars…" her voice trailing off.

"Yes?" My gaze on her as I urged her to continue. She avoided my gaze and whispered, almost shyly, "…they're never a part. Like how we are,"

My throat tightened as did my grip on her fingers, "Well…at least I know you're the moon and I'm the stars,"

"Why do you say," her soft smile returned. "Because there's only one Megumi and thousands of Yahiro to love her,"