Trinity saw Jax and Quinn coming out of the clubhouse as she replayed Nathan's words from earlier. Her head shot to him and Haley and she frowned as she watched them closely. "You two are seriously about to be divorced?"

Haley threw her head back and laughed. Once she stopped laughing she looked at Trinity with a wide grin on her face. "I know that people always get confused about that. Nathan and I are close and always will be, but we're just not in love any longer. We grew apart in the last year when I went on a tour. Nathan will always be in my heart, but honestly, I think we're better off as friends than we are husband and wife. If anything, Nathan should get back with Peyton because those two would make some fine babies."

Nathan groaned and shook his head. "You are NOT trying to set me up with Peyton again, Hales. Do you forget how Peyton and I were when we were together the first fifty times?"

Jax frowned. "You dated my sister, Nathan?"

Nathan smirked. "I did more than date your sister, Jax. I was actually with Peyton way before Lucas was ever with her. Peyton and I fought like cats and dogs a lot and we were constantly breaking up and getting back together. Peyton is the one who talked me into going after Haley because she saw how I was looking at Haley."

Quinn snorted. "Yes, Nathan, you did more than date Peyton. If I'm not mistaken you're the one who popped her cherry. You also beat the shit out of some guy after you two were broken up for the final time when the guy hit on her."

Nathan shrugged. "He should have known better than to grab her ass and tell her that she belonged on his dick. Peyton and I may have been broken up, but that didn't mean I was going to let someone treat her like shit when she deserved better. He's lucky my father wasn't around because if he had been the guy would have been killed that night. Dan may be a lot of things, but he is protective of Peyton like there is no tomorrow. Actually, both Dan and Keith would kill anyone who looks at Peyton the wrong way given half the chance."

Tig smirked. "How is Keith doing now?"

Haley chuckled. "Him and Dan are away on a business trip currently. They talked out their differences after the shooting at the high school last year. They actually bonded over Peyton's hospital bed."

Jax's eyes flashed. "Peyton was injured during the shooting?"

Nathan sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Brooke left her to deal with the shooter on her own. She was shot in the leg and it hit an artery. She was lucky to make it out alive. She was in the hospital for close to three weeks and then on crutches for two months. It was actually Lucas who carried Peyton out of the high school. Even though she was bleeding and half-way passed out she stopped Keith and Dan from fighting over the gun just by crying out. I have no doubt that if it wasn't because of her that either Keith or Dan would be dead right now."

Clay whistled. "So, we're not the first group of people who have been drawn in that feels the need to protect her?"

Haley smiled softly. "Peyton is tough of nails and that shows, but she also exudes this vulnerability that draws people in. I don't think I have ever met a grown man who doesn't feel the need to protect her once they meet her. I know that Laroy met her the night of my concert in L.A. and he followed her around the rest of the night and the next two days while she was in L.A. He actually cancelled whatever meeting he had and escorted her around L.A. and had his men shadowing her when he couldn't be with her. I know that we can't go to New York without having half of the Sons in New York following us around in plain view and/or from the shadows."

Quinn laughed. "I met Peyton when she was on a date with some guy. I took one look at her and ordered three of my men to follow her to make sure the guy she was out with didn't try anything. I just had this feeling that she was to be protected and that I was meant to be in her life. I haven't once regretted that decision."

Clay shook his head and smiled. "I can understand that feeling, Quinn. I don't think any of the guys are going to let her out of their sight for a while."

Happy who had been silent but listening snorted. "She isn't going anywhere without one of us with her. When she's on the lot one of us will be with her. I'm not entrusting her to the Prospect, Clay."

Clay bit back a smirk as he looked at Happy. "Who do you trust to be with her at all times, Hap?"

Happy frowned. "Any of the patched members, but preferably Quinn, Lorca, Tig, Koz, Jax, Opie, or me. We'll shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to protecting her."

Jax nodded grimly. "That is the fucking truth. I won't even try to talk someone out of trying anything before I pull the trigger and put a bullet in the fucker's hand. She seventeen, pregnant, and is dealing with too much shit right now. She needs to have someone on her that will make the decisions for her so, that she can relax and just live right now. She needs to stay as stress free as possible right now and that includes not making any tough decisions."

Nathan grinned. "Peyton may be a tough bitch, but she does need to let someone else make the decisions for her right now. She needs to let her brain rest so, that she can heal from the hurt my brother caused her. If I didn't think Haley would volunteer me for it I would say that she needs to get laid to relieve some of the stress that she is under."

Haley smirked. "Nathan, you know you would sleep with Peyton given the chance."

Nathan smirked. "I never said I wouldn't fuck her, Haley. Out of all the girls I have slept with Peyton and you were the best."

Haley blushed. "Jesus Christ, Nathan! You can't be saying stuff like that!"

The Sons, Gemma, and Trinity all laughed, but it was Jax who said, "Nobody is fucking Peyton unless she wants to fuck them. I NEVER thought I would EVER say something like that about my seventeen-year-old sister."

Gemma laughed. "Jax, you were a man whore at seventeen, so I don't wanna hear it. If Peyton decides she needs to have sex to relieve stress, then we'll deal with it. I'm going to go make an appointment for Peyton and Haley with an OBGYN. We really need to figure out how far along Peyton is."

Haley nodded. "I'll come with you, Gemma. Nathan, you need to call your mother or even Dan to get the ball rolling on getting us a house here."

Nathan groaned. "I think I'll call dad because mom will insist on flying right out here. I'll call mom and tell her that we are on a trip, but not where just yet."

He pulled his cell phone out after watching Gemma and Haley walk away. He really wasn't looking forward to the two phone calls.

A/N 2: *snorts* Well that didn't go the way I thought it would... Next up will be Nathan's phone call to Dan, a talk between Jax and Nathan, and who knows what else... Click the button and let me know what you think!