The slave's entrance to the family Malfoy's Manor was black, hidden and functional, muck unlike the lavish front entrance, long hedges leading to a doorway overlaid with gold, inscribed with Latin phrases and silver carvings of venomous lizards.
Slave Hermione Granger had only entered through the grand entrance once before, ghosting the footsteps of her former Lord Master. Now, though, Hermione knocked at the slave's entrance and waited until a scrawny slave boy younger than herself opened the door. A black band of leather encircled the boy's neck, much simpler than the thin black leather at the base of her own neck, red thread sewn around the edges leading to a red and gold clasp.
The young slave boy's eyes widened as they locked onto her high status collar. 'W-what do you want?' he stuttered.
'I am Hermione Granger of the family Weasley. My Lord Master wishes to buy from Lord Malfoy's stock.'
The boy nodded quickly and stepped aside to allow her entrance. The formalities dealt with, Hermione smiled at the nervous slave.
'I would understand if you didn't want to tell Lord Malfoy yourself.' She spoke soothingly. 'Is there a place I can wait for him?'
The boy nodded again. 'Master is in his study, you could kneel in the hall…' he trailed off and glanced at Hermione.
'That would be lovely, thank you.' Hermione smiled again and the boy flushed at the gratitude.
He led the Weasley slave through the kitchen in the slave wing, bustling with other slaves and the occasional grubby house-elf. The instant the two stepped through the large double doors at the end, Hermione knew she had entered the Lord's manor. Silencing charms ensured the grandiose hall was still and foreboding.
'This way.' The boy muttered quietly and scurried up the large staircase.
Hermione followed confidently. Though her current Master's home is more humble, she was used to the lavish declarations of wealth from her last Master.
'Wait here.' The slave instructed, stopping outside an ornately carved door. He hesitated for a long moment then dropped his voice to a whisper. 'Stay kneeling, even though he's not here yet.'
Hermione didn't need the advice, though she obeyed it anyway, dropping to her knees outside the door, sitting comfortably on her heels, her hands folded in her lap in the appropriate position of respect while visiting a Lord. Her eyes were lowered even though her head wasn't bowed, and she noticed the slave boy disappear back the down the stairs.
Hermione waited patiently for over a quarter of an hour until she heard heavy-falling footsteps approaching her. Expensive leather shoes stopped in front of her, belonging to a young man, probably her own age, with slicked back blond hair and an arrogant stance.
'You're not one of mine.' He stated. Hermione did not speak as she had not been directly addressed, and she had been trained better than that. 'Did Father give you to me as an early birthday present?'
A cold long finger touched the side of her chin and angled her neck to reveal the family crest on the clasp of her collar.
'Are you a Weasley prize, slave?' the man sneered.
'Yes, Lord.' Hermione said quietly. 'I have come on behalf of my Lord Master to do business with the Head of the House.'
'You expect me to believe the Weasley's can afford my Father's stock?' the young man sneered, confirming himself to be Draco Malfoy, son of the Lord.
He curved his lips slowly, observing the kneeling woman before him. 'I also don't believe they could afford such a pretty pleasure slave… What's your pedigree?'
Hermione lowered her eyes again as Draco leant against the opposite wall. 'I am a Mudblood, sir.'
'Ah, that explains it then.' Draco scrutinized her over his crossed arms. 'Go on then, tell me your providence.'
Hermione had long since memorized her providence, the documentation describing her previous owners, prices and training.
'I was sold by my Muggle parents at the age of six when I displayed magical awareness. At nine I was purchased from the Ministry by the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. My Lord Masters trained me well, and I became the personal property of my Lord Master Sirius Black at age fourteen. In accordance to his Will, after his death, I was gifted to the noble house of Weasley and assigned to my Lord Master Ronald Weasley.'
'That slimy git?' Draco spat. He stalked back over to her and reached out a hand to touch her hair.
The silver head of a black cane in the shape of a hissing snake hit sharply on Draco's outstretched hand. He winced and snatched it back quickly.
'Now, now, Draco.' A voice as smooth and deceptive as an invisibility cloak said. 'What have I told you about playing with other people's toys?'
Draco begrudgingly took a step backwards and stalked down the hall. Hermione raised her eyes to take in the tall form of Lucius Malfoy.
'And what is your business here?' he questioned.
'My Lord Master wishes to buy from your stables.' Hermione stated clearly.
'And your… Lord Master cannot do so on his own?' Lucius sneered.
'His business is of no concern of yours.' Hermione said. 'Just know that I am the representative of the Weasley House and entirely capable of handling the transactions.'
Lucius nodded and waved a hand impatiently. 'Well stand up then, lets see how capable you are.'
Hermione stood gracefully and linked her hands behind her back, chin raised under Lucius' scrutiny.
'You must be the Head slave, a collar like that, Arthur wouldn't spend that much on anyone less.'
'You are correct. I run the Weasley house.'
'Very well then.' Lucius indicated down the hallway. 'This way to the stables. What is your Master interested in purchasing?'
They walked through the grandiose dark manor, Hermione keeping in step behind and to the side of Lucius, the appropriate and respectful positioning.
'Partially human with some degree of magical ability. Preferably one that has outlived its usefulness to you.' Hermione recited.
'Specific categories.' Lucius commented. 'What purpose will it serve.'
Lucius led her outside under the grey sky and along a stone path. Several other slaves milled around, carrying items and attending to the grounds. As soon as Lucius' imposing form approached, the nearby slaves bowed low and shifted quickly away.
'I am sure you are aware of the family Weasley's penchant for experimentation.' Hermione said and Lucius smiled cruelly in understanding.
'I have just the stock.'
A barn made of black wood, double doors and imposing was where Lucius stopped as an older slave crept forward to open the doors for his Master. The strong stench of cramped bodies living in a small space hit Hermione hard. Sweat, urine and faeces stunk through the entire barn, making the stale air almost toxic to breathe. Hermione choked back the urge to bury her nose and mouth in her robe sleeve.
With a lazy tap of his cane, Lucius Malfoy breathed deeply and comfortably once before taking off at a fast pace through the barn. Hermione had one full breath of fresh air before Lucius began to walk and the acrid stench of urine returned. She followed after him quickly and the clean air returned.
Even though Hermione had never cast a charm in her life, she easily recognised the air cleansing bubble surrounding Lucius.
The magic was an awkward size, she couldn't walk constantly within the bubble, lest she break the laws of acceptable relations between slaves and Lords, but her stomach couldn't cope with the foul stench in the air. Hermione settled into an unrhythmic pattern of holding a breath for as long as possible before stumbling forward to steal clean air. They walked past rows of identical cells, grey bars bolted to the wooden walls with no discernable door or lock. There was one inhabitant in each small cell, all manner of part humans, dark creatures and beasts. Some were howling or wailing, some moaned pitifully or clutched the bars of its cell, but all were collared and chained to the dirty floor.
Lucius stopped in front of one cell, no different or marked from the others. The inhabitant was tucked away into the darkness at the back, a dirty chain trailing into the shadows.
Lucius tapped the bars with his cane and the chain shifted.
'Up.' He commanded.
Finally stopped, Hermione was able to breathe easier standing behind Lucius and watched in fascination as the figure inside was brought forward.
'You'll understand the unpredictability; full moon is a week away.' Lucius commented.
A figure was dragged forward by the magically pulled chain towards them. Tight wiry muscles bunched under thin, pale skin as the clearly male figure struggled against the pull. Boney knees scraped against wood, reopening old wounds to match his bloodied bare feet. The heavy collar and chain was impenetrable, the collar itself looked to be made of solid steel, glinting in the dim light.
The man came to rest, kneeling pressed against the bars, his head dragged down under the weight of the collar. The hair that hung limply in front of his face was light brown with flecks of grey, probably premature. Scars covered his entire body, the most prominent being a huge ragged bite mark on his left shoulder.
'A week before full moon and he is already feeling the effects?' Hermione clarified.
'My potions master was able to brew the concoction which extends a werewolf's cycle.' Lucius said with more than a hint of pride. 'It serves my purpose.'
'What was its purpose?' Hermione questioned, stepping closer to examine the potential purchase.
Without warning, the werewolf lurched towards her. He lashed out, hands scrabbling to grip at her robes, face snarling and pressed against the bars of his cage. Sharp yellowed teeth bared threateningly as Lucius' cane flicked between Hermione and the cage and pulled her back.
'The bit of a feral and out of control werewolf in the week leading up to the full moon,' Lucius said calmly even as Hermione's heart hammered within her chest, 'though not infectious, causes ceaseless excruciating pain enough to rival the Cruciatus curse.'
'Is… is there a cure?' Hermione forced out, adrenaline still pumping through her system.
'None. The subject must endure the pain until the new moon. It was a suitable punishment for misbehaving slaves.'
Two weeks. Hermione had endured the curse before, as punishment, or "corrective procedures" during her training at the Ministry, and a handful of times at the House of Black, usually only for a few moments, and never longer than ten minutes. To be in that much pain for days on end…
The werewolf watched her carefully with amber eyes –pupils so blown they looked almost yellow in comparison –pitifully scratching his head against the bars, a low whine beginning in the base of his throat.
'Behave, Lupin.' Lucius warned, the end of his cane driving into what little flesh the werewolf had on this thigh. The man gasped out scurried back from the bars.
Hermione looked towards Lucius, keeping her eyes downcast. 'May I inspect the stock?'
Lucius shifted the slim cane through his fingers and struck the silver figurehead of the fierce serpent against the bars.
'Patefacio obfirmo.' He murmured, and the bars of the cell vanished. The snake's bared fangs levelled at the man's face. 'Knees, werewolf.'
Genuine terror entered Lupin's eyes and he scrambled to kneel, legs spread on the disgusting ground, head bent in fear, not submission. He drew sharp panicked breathes as Hermione stepped closer, thin chest rising and falling. She stopped close to him, watching his eyes flick rapidly from her shoes to the floor.
Hermione rested one hand on his lank hair and Lupin shuddered in expectation of a blow.
'Look at me.' Hermione commanded gently.
Lupin hesitated slightly, his head shaking in denial. Hermione traced a finger down the side of his face and cupped his jaw line.
'Look at me, pup.' She spoke again, her voice firmer.
The conflicted werewolf turned his handsome face up towards her. He blinked rapidly, glancing at her hand on his stubble-covered cheek like he was expecting it to cause him pain.
'You have a way with animals.' The Master commented, almost impressed.
'Even a slave can command respect from those below themselves.' Hermione replied easily, her fingers stroking a lazy pattern through his hair.
Deep gouges ran diagonally from his eye to his jaw, old and new scars that marred his otherwise handsome face.
'I trust there will be a discount because of these.' Hermione stated, fingers following the lines of the scars. A soft moan rumbled in the base of Lupin's throat as he closed his eyes in total bliss at her gentle touch.
'He's not worth displaying.' Lucius scoffed.
'There will be a discount.' Hermione stated, and kneeling by her side, Lupin shuddered at the commanding tone in her voice.
'Tell me your pedigree, pup.' Hermione instructed.
Lupin's mouth opened and moved soundlessly, his amber eyes immediately filling with shame and self-loathing, unable to conjure the coherent words this close to the full moon.
'Born to a lower close wizard and witch,' Lupin supplied. 'Practiced magic until he was bitten at the age of twelve by none other than Fenrir Greyback.'
Hermione was impressed, recognising the famed sire.
'Stand, pup.' She commanded softly.
Lupin rushed to obey, clumsily getting to his feet and bowing his head as he shifted instinctively towards her. His naked chest showed every rib along his side, the light dusting of light brown hair bearing no relation to the wolf within. The only scrap of clothing he wore was a silver-grey fur pelt tied around his bony waist.
'And this?' Hermione questioned, thumb brushing against the fur.
'His own.' Lucius informed her. 'I had the werewolf partially skinned one full moon. Don't worry, there wasn't any permanent scarring.'
Lucius moved forward and Lupin's eyes widened and breath stuttered as he was encased in the bubble of cleansed air. With a graceful tug, Lucius removed the fur pelt and handed it to Hermione, leaving Lupin naked, his hands clenching behind his back with the desire to cover himself.
'Just so your house knows what they're purchasing.' Lucius indicated at the pelt in her arms. He turned to Lupin, and with one gloved hand, handled the lax genitals, displaying them for Hermione.
'Still has a few good years of siring left in him.' Lucius commented. 'Otherwise, we can geld him if you like.'
'That won't be necessary.' Hermione shook her head, rolling the pelt in her hands, stroking the soft fur.
Lucius moved around the werewolf and tapped the breadth of his shoulders with his cane. 'Broad shoulders, still capable of bearing heavy loads.' A sharp stab at Lupin's legs and he fell heavily to his knees again. 'Good condition, considering his age.'
Hermione held out the fur pelt and Lupin stared at it for a moment, before taking it and tying it around his waist. Hermione's hand dropped to the heavy collar, fingering the twin dog tags stating his information that hung at the base of his throat. Crescent shaped burns indented his skin where they touched.
'Silver?' she asked.
'The clasp is solid silver too.' Lucius agreed. 'He won't dare run. Well behaved, only needs the occasional beating before full moon to keep him in line.'
Carefully considering all the variables, Hermione decided on her purchase. 'Name your price.'
Lucius Malfoy did, and Hermione arched an eyebrow at the exuberant price. She named her own, undervaluing the beast by her side. 'I will also be taking his current collar.'
'Ridiculous.' Lucius huffed, and the bartering continued.
Eventually, they settled on a price midway between the two initial values, and Hermione also walked away with the collar, a length of leather as a temporary leash and the instructions for the cycle-extending potion, proving her capability as Head Slave.
The paperwork was completed efficiently and Hermione walked out of the slaves entrance to Malfoy Manor, the leather leash wrapped twice around her hand trailing behind her, attatched to the heavy collar of –as the paperwork she held declared –Remus Lupin the werewolf.
Well, I don't really know where this one came from, but at least I vaguely know where it's going. This is a slavery AU where Salazar Slytherin did convince the others to only educate purebloods at Hogwarts, eventually degenerating into a society where only the purebloods are allowed to practice magic and others (half-bloods, Mudbloods, part-humans) are sold and worked as slaves.
Please review and tell me what you think!