"How many frigging bags do you need?" John Cena shouted out as a young blonde girl waddled up to him carrying about 5 suitcases. John just looked at her in disbelief. That was his best friend. Always way over prepared for a situation. Chrissy McNeely & John Cena had been best friends since the moment the two of them were born. Both growing up in West Newbury, Massachusetts and been born around the same time it was only inevitably. The two of them were now 18 years old and starting college at Boston University. John was going to be majoring in Athletic Training and Acting. He was only doing Acting seeing as though he wanted to at least be in one of Chrissy's lessons. Which meant Chrissy was majoring in Acting, of course and Music Theory & Composition too. She had a real passion for both music and acting.

"They've got all my clothes in, Jonathon. I need them. Stop complaining and help me carry these up to my dorm!" Chrissy smiled handing John a couple of her bags. He gladly took them and helped to walk her up to her dorm room. John was staying in the same hall as her but just in a different room. Both would be getting new room mates and were quite looking forward to see who they'd be spending their first year at college with. The two of them had already registered earlier on in the day and got their keys all they had to do now was move in. They arrived outside Chrissy's dorm room.

"I guess I'll see you later, yeah?" Chrissy asked smiling at John. She was thankful he was at the same college as her.

"You know it!" John grinned as he pulled her in for a hug. Chrissy pulled away and let John go find his dorm room. Chrissy took a breath in and opened the door walking into her room. Instantly she noticed a girl with brown hair sat there. The girl looked at Chrissy and smiled.

"Hi! Im Ashley Sampson," Ashley smiled politely. Chrissy placed her bags down on the bed at the other side of the room and introduced herself to Ashley.

"Im Chrissy McNeely! I guess you're gonna be sharing a room with me," Chrissy laughed as Ashley nodded sitting down on her bed.

"Yes! Oh, I must warn you now. My best friend will probably be spending a lot of time here too. I just wanted to give you an heads up cos hes a bit of a nerd and can be quite annoying sometimes!" Ashley giggled.

"Oh no worries. In that case, I must warn you that my best friend will probably be spending a lot of time here too. Hes a bit of a dumbass but hes cool. Im sure you'll like him!"

"Yay! So, what are you studying?" Ashley asked as she looked at her own timetable. All lessons started next week giving the students time to find their way around campus and to get to know each other and feel more comfortable.

"Im studying Acting and Music Theory & Composition. How about you?" Chrissy asked. She was thankful that her roommate seemed like a nice person.

"Oooh! Im doing Acting too and Stage Management but at least we have one subject together. Im so excited!" Ashley jumped up and down. Chrissy couldn't help but laugh. She knew that her and Ashley were going to get along great. She just wondered how John's roommate was turning out..

"Just stay out of my way and ill stay out of yours," Randy Orton glared at John Cena. So far John's roommate wasn't been nice at all. John was slightly amused by it and was trying not to laugh. He'd only know this Randy guy for about 2 minutes and already made him hate him.

"What's crawled up your butt moody?" John laughed as Randy just shot him a death glare. John instantly sat on his bed throwing his hands in the air.

"What did you say your name was?" Randy said, still glaring at John who was casually laid on his bed humming a song to himself.

"Cena. John Cena. John Felix Anthony Cena," John nodded at Randy who didn't seem amused one bit.

"Randal Keith Orton. Please tell me you arent doing Athletic Training & Acting. I don't want to be stuck with you all the time everyday," Randy groaned sitting on his own bed. John was way too hyper and happy for his liking.

"Sorry dude. They're my subjects. Im sure we could be great friends Randal," John said jumping up and hugging Randy who wasn't happy at all.

"First of all, don't call me Randal. The names RANDY. Second of all, never ever ever hug me again!"

"If you say so Randy!" John rolled his eyes not really bothered. He knew they had to better people here who were in better moods than Randy Orton.

"Im so lost!" Matt Korklan groaned as he stood in the middle of campus. He was all on his own. He didn't know anyone here and he was always one to get lost. That was probably his weak point. He had never been good with maps. Luckily enough he saw a dark haired girl chatting with a boy up ahead. Maybe they could help him? Matt walked up to them with a map of campus in his hands.

"Excuse me. Im kind of lost. You wouldn't be able to help me would you? Im Matt by the way!" Matt said introducing himself.

"Im Ted! Lets see.. Oh Matt Korklan? You're my roommate! Just stick with me. Im gonna head over there in a bit. This is my new friend Emma by the way. We just met too," Ted laughed as Emma turned bright red.

"I kind of bumped into him and threw my water all over him. I better go anyway. I need to go find my roommate. It was nice to meet the two of you though!" Emma smiled as she waved goodbye to the boys.

"Looks like its just us. I didn't introduce myself properly though. Im Ted DiBiase," Ted smiled as he shook Matt's hand.

"Oooh. Matt Korklan.. Even though ive already said. My friends call me Evan sometimes though!" Matt grinned as Ted.

"Nice. Come on then Evan. Lets get to our dorm room!"

"Frannie Cooper is my name!" Frannie smiled introducing herself to Emma. Frannie was obviously Emma's roommate. Emma had walked in to see Frannie putting some posters up so could only guess that it was her roommate.

"Emma Radcliffe! Its so nice to meet you. I thought I might end up with a complete bitch or something," Emma giggled as placed her bags down.

"Oh gosh. No! Im nice, well at least I think so. Have you met anyone else yet? Ive got my best friend Joey here but her room is down the hall. It sucks that we didn't get to share but at least ive got you. I talk way too much," Frannie giggled. She was always hyper and in a good mood, exactly the same as Emma actually.

"No. I don't really know anyone. I met some guys called Ted and Matt earlier but that was it. Im so excited though!" Emma smiled as she started unpacking her stuff. Frannie was about to reply when she heard shouting across the hall. She opened the door to see 2 tall dark haired guys shouting at each other.

"MIKE JUST FUCK OFF!" Cody yelled at the other boy as Frannie and Emma just watched on in amusement.

"Come on Runnels. Don't be so moody!" Mike laughed ruffling Cody's hair.

"I hate you," Cody grumbled and turned around to see Emma and Frannie watching his and Mike's little argument.

"Ladies. Im Mike Mizanin," Mike winked at them introducing himself.

"Im Cody Runnels.." Cody smiled shyly at the girls. He was always shy when it came to girls apart from when he was around his best friend.

"Im Emma and this is Frannie. So, what were you arguing about?" Emma asked slightly nosey.

"Oh, I just found out I was sharing a room with Cody. We kind of knew each other in high school. We used to be friends until he started hanging out with that chick!" Mike shrugged. He and Cody had been best friends till Cody had become best friends with the girl Mike had despised the most.

"Shes not a chick. She has a name. Just shut up, get in the room before you embarrass me some more," Cody groaned pushing Mike into the room. Frannie and Emma just giggled. It was going to be fun with those two living across the hall from them.

Alex Malfoy was sat in her dorm room waiting to see who her new roommate would be. She was quite nervous. She didn't know anyone around here and hoped that she would make some new friends. She didn't want to be a loner through her whole college life. Just as Alex was about to go into the food hall to get some food the dorm room opened and in walked a brunette girl smiling kindly.

"I would have been here sooner but I got last. Im Joey Efron! Its so nice to meet you!" Joey smiled hugging Alex friendly.

"Its nice to meet you too. Im Alex. Don't worry about it!" Alex smiled. She was thankful that Joey was so nice.

"How was your journey here? Was it okay?" Joey asked placing her things down on her bed.

"It was fine. Just sad to leave my parents and everything but ill be fine. New start, I guess!"

"I agree with that! So, you're coming to the fresher's party tonight, right?"

"Oh you can count on it!" Alex smiled. She wasn't gonna miss out on a chance to meet some new people. The party was going to be interesting for sure.



This is going to be good hopefully.

Theres still at least 2 more characters to come though. You'll have to wait till the party in le next chapter to see who they are.

Anyway please review and let me know what you think. If I should carry on or not.