"You look gorgeous." Thatcher told Lexie as he linked his arms with hers and took there place.
"Am I doing the right thing?" Lexie asked quietly.
"Alexandra I could not picture you with any other guy but Mark." Thatcher told her with a smile. "You and Kendal are his world and I know he would never ever do anything to hurt you."
"I love you daddy." Lexie said with a smile.
"I love you too baby girl." Thatcher said as he wiped away Lexie's stray tear.
The wedding march began to play and Meredith and Derek walked down the isle with Kendal walking between them. They had decided to stick with a small wedding only having Meredith, Derek and Kendal in it. Meredith was in a long yellow dress while Derek was in a simple black tux and Kendal had on a white dress with yellow embroidering. The wedding ended up being indoors even though Lexie wasn't fond of the idea. However rain had been in the forecast and they did not want to chance it.
"Ready?" Thatcher asked once it was there turn.
"As ready as ill ever be." Lexie told him with a smile as they made there way down the isle.
Mark watched as Lexie walked down the isle with Thatcher and couldn't help but fell like the happiest man alive. She was breath taking in her wedding gown. He new that this was the right thing. Lexie was the girl of his dreams, the mother of his daughter, the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and grow old with.
"Take care of her." Thatcher tells Mark once they reach the stage were there standing.
Mark nods and watches as Lexie kisses her father then takes Marks hand.
"Mark and Lexie have decided to recite there own vows." The preacher tells the audience. "Mark," He said nodding towards him
"Lexie Grey I new from that moment you came into my hotel room that I would not be able to get you out of my head. You seduced me that night in a way that I had never been seduced before. I was Mark Sloan, the man whore, I was the one who was supposed to be doing the seducing. However here you came knocking at my door looking sexy as ever i might add." He said with a smile as the crowd let out a chuckle. "And my world changed. What we thought was going to be a one night stand turned into love and before I could stop it from happening I fell in love with you. I want to be by your side for the rest of our lives, I want to be there for the good and the bad. You and Kendal are my world and without the two of you I would not be who I am today." He told her with a smile as he wiped away the tears that silently fell down her face.
"You made me realize that I was more then just a dumb old intern. You taught me things that most interns would never learn. You trusted me not only professionally but in our relationship. We had a 3 percent survival rate and even though there were times were I thought we were going to crumble, we made it through. You have stuck by my side through everything. You are not only the father of my child and my lover, but you are my best friend, my soul mate, my other half. Not everyone is lucky enough to find there perfect match yet I was." She said with a smile as tears streamed down her face.
"By the power vested in me I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sloan."
Before the preacher even told them to kiss the bride Lexie snaked her arms around Marks neck and he placed his arms on her hips kissing her with more love and passion then the two had ever felt.
"I love you Mrs. Sloan." Mark said with a smile as him and Lexie danced together later on that night. The wedding reception was being held at a near by hall. It had been decorated perfectly with yellow daises. The majority of the hospital seemed to be there along with both Mark and Lexie's family.
"I love you too Husband." She replied with a smile as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"When do you think we should tell them?" Lexie asked with a grin. The two had a pretty big announcement to make.
"How about right -" Before Mark was able to finish there was a clicking sound and both Derek and Meredith walked up to the stage.
"First off, I would like to congratulate the bride and the groom." Derek started. "I know that at first I was not found of both Mark and Lexie relationship, but it grew on me. Lexie is good for Mark, she changed him in ways that I don't think any other woman could. She tamed him, making him settle down and allowing him to start the family that he wanted. I wish the both of you the best in life." Derek told the two as he raised his glass one more time. "Cheers!"
The crowd cheered once more as Lexie and Mark hugged both Derek and Meredith.
"Now me and Lexie have one more announcement to make." Mark said as Lexie picked up Kendal. "Do you want to do the honors?" He asked turning to Lexie.
"In about six months Kendal will be excepting a little brother or sister!" Lexie said happily as Mark wrapped his arms around her.
The two were soon followed by many hugs and congratulations.
Mark didn't know were his life would take him and Lexie, he didn't know how is life was going to shape out in the next five, or even ten years. But he did know one thing, this moment, with his two favorite girls in his arms, he would not trade it for the world.
I'm sad to say that When Tragedy Strikes has come to in end. I loved writing this story and I am so glad that everyone enjoyed it so much. Reviews would be much welcomed since this was the final chapter of the story. I hope you continue to read the rest of my Mark and Lexie stories and any that I make in the future.