re-edited: 10-8-12


"Huh?" She stirred, finally awake. She finally realized she fell asleep on my back and blushed like a tomato. She scrambled off me, gave a cute little thank-you, and ran inside.

What a funny girl.

Another day at the host club.

Amu was really starting to feel at home at the host club. Everybody has really grown close to her, especially Ikuto. He acted like an older brother and made sure none of the other boys at the club touched her. It was kind of refreshing to have a male figure in her life and she was starting to recover from her hatred of men.

She's also been extra careful about hiding her gender and nobody has figured out that she was a female.

"Guys! Why don't we do something fun? We haven't done an event in a while!" Kukai exclaimed snapping Amu out of her worrisome thoughts.

"Why do we have to follow your orders, peasant! Hrmmm... but it is true... we haven't really done anything in a while." Kiseki stated. Everybody sweat dropped.

"Well, it's October. Why don't we all dress up tomorrow?" Amu asked.

"I don't know..." Ikuto said. He didn't really like dressing up.

"Come on Ikuto! It'll be fun! Stop being a kill joy."

"Fine... just letting you know, I'm going to be sexier than all of you." Ikuto stated. Everybody laughed.

"Wow... great job with the costumes everybody!" Amu stated.

Kukai was dressed as a soccer player; uniform and everything and topped with a soccer ball. He looked like a professional. But then again, all of the host clubs looked good dressed as anything.

Tadase and Kiseki's outfit went hand in hand Tadase was a prince; he was wearing a crown and everything. Kiseki was a king and he was droning on and on about ruling the world or something.

Nagihiko was dressed in a crisp kimono that fit around his body perfectly. He was a traditional dancer.

Kairi apparently had an obsession with samurais and was dressed as one. With his glasses and serious face, and how he could scare all the members of the club into doing almost anything, he fit the role pretty well.

Ikuto... well he was Ikuto. He was sexy without even having to put a costume on. He was some sort of cat and it made him cute. He was wearing a red wife beater with a white cross in the middle, skinny jeans that outlined his legs, and a red cape. He was cute, hot, gorgeous, sexy, all of it in one. And they didn't even know if it was possible to have all that in one, but Ikuto somehow made it possible.

Surprisingly, his outfit wasn't the one that left the biggest impression.

Amu came dressed as a girl.

"Please Ikuto, please, please, please?" Amu asked.

"No... Somebody is going to figure out."

"Nobody is going to figure out so please?"


Amu's eyes enlarged and went shiny with unshed tears. Her lip pursed.

"Aww... come on... you know I can't say no to your puppy dog face. Okay. But, if somebody figures out, it's all your responsibility."


Ikuto laughed, remembering the day he gave his consent to Amu's costume. She is just too cute for her own good.

"Amu, are you wearing a stuffed bra? Wow... that outfit is amazing!" Kukai exclaimed.

"Girls seem to have a thing for cosplayers and cross dressers... Good thinking Amu! This is better for the clubs reputation!" Kairi stated.

Kiseki and Tadase both blushed. "Is it weird that I find him attractive as a girl?"

"Back off of him. He's mine," Ikuto said, giving Amu a side hug. Amu giggled. He was like a protective older brother and it felt good to have someone else to rely on. After her dad left, everything was left to her. Since the night where Ikuto confronted Amu in front of the maid cafe, she felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"Guys... I'm still a boy. Stop looking at me like that." All the boys were dazed, still in shock to the sudden change... it was just strange seeing a boy look that pretty.

The group still had to business to do. They were still in the host club currently and had to entertain many girls.

"OHOHOHOHO!" That unmistakable, painful, laugh could not be mistaken anymore.

"Ikuto-kun. Where have you been? It's been a while since we last met."

"I'm sorry Princess Saaya. I've been a little busy but we can meet up today."

"Very well. Let's go sit over there." She said, with a flirty tone. Ikuto complied.

Amu didn't know why, but she felt a pang of jealousy... or maybe she just felt angry that Ikuto was hanging out with that demon disguised girl. Though, Saaya hasn't told Amu that she disliked her, Amu knew she didn't. After all, actions speak louder than words.

"I need some air."

She left the host club room and ran outside.

"I just hope Ikuto knows... that all Saaya wants is a trophy boyfriend. Someone who's rich and good-looking. What Ikuto needs is a girl that really likes him. I don't know who that girl is yet, but I've seen the look in Ikuto's eyes. The look that shows he is broken and doesn't trust anyone enough with his heart. For some reason, I've grown really close with Ikuto and he's like the perfect older brother. I just can't imagine seeing some despicable girl like Saaya with him."

After she cooled down and let her thoughts out, she turned around, ready to go inside but ran into something.


"Sorry Hinamori-san." Amu looked up.

"It's okay Fujisaki-kun."

"Amu, I know your secret."

"W-w-what s-s-secret?" She stuttered.

"That you're a girl. You are way too cute to be a guy and also... I used to crossdress so I can tell genders very quickly... I knew since day one that you were a guy but I didn't tell you..."

"It's okay Fujisaki-kun... just don't tell any of the other members about it, please? And wait... YOU USED TO CROSSDRESS?" Fujisaki lunged and covered Amu's mouth. Nothing could stop the bright red on his cheeks.

"Now that I know your secret, don't tell anyone mine," he murmured. Amu nodded and he released her.

"Anyways, we should head back." Amu nodded and they started to head back.

By the time they returned to the host club room, Ikuto was done with his meeting with Saaya.

"Where's Amu?" He asked Kukai.

"I don't know... No one knows where Nagi is either..."

"Hrmmm... strange."


Their conversation was interrupted by the door opening. Nagihiko and Amu walked in, talking and laughing. Suddenly Ikuto felt a heart wrenching pain and clenched his hands. He didn't know why he was upset, but he was and he had to stop whatever was going on between the two.

"Sorry Nagi... Amu's mine. Stay away from him." He said, shielding her away from Nagihiko's view. Nagihiko raised an eyebrow and their eyes met, sending sparks and lightning everywhere.

Amu managed to get out of Ikuto's grasp and stop their intense staring contest.

"He knows..." Ikuto thought to himself. "Nagi knows her secret."

Finally, closing time came and everybody started packing up.

"Good job everybody! You are dismissed." Everybody saluted him and left except for Nagihiko.

"I don't know exactly what that little intense contest was before... but let me tell you one thing. I've grown interested in Amu," Nagihiko said to Ikuto.

"No. Stay away from her," Ikuto replied, tensing.

"I don't understand why you're so protective over her... unless you're interested in her too? No, but you still haven't gotten over Aiko, have you?" The words left Nagi's mouth before he could stop himself and he immediately regretted it. Aiko was a touchy subject for Ikuto and he felt bad for rubbing salt on his wound. But it was too late to take back his words. Ikuto glared at him, his eyes growing red from anger. His fists were all balled up and he could tell that he was holding himself back from punching him in the face.

"Fine, have Amu. I don't care," he gritted his teeth and left.


DONE! This chapter is longer than my others; a gift for ya'll. So rate and review if you thought it was good