This is my first attmept at a time travel fic. Recently, I've been hooked on all these Harry Potter time travel fics whether it be back to the maurader era or to Tom Riddle era or even to founders era, so here is my attempt.

I know, you all must be thinking, oh this will be another cliched time travel fic, but let me assure you it will not be all...well a few parts, but that's that not really important bits... :) So anyway, hopefully I can make this story a individual story, compared to many other cliched fics, although i do love the cliched repetetive but oh so good!

Warning, this will be a SLASH story, to be precise a Drarry. For all those out there who are unfamiliar with the term, 'Drarry', it means it will be a Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter SLASH story. (YUMMY STUFF!)

**cough cough**...back on topic then...yes, this is a SLASH Drarry fic, (which if you ask me is the CUTEST couple IN THE WORLD) and it is also a time travel fic, it will contain crackish humor, attempts at humor, some sad moments, chick flick moments, friendship, male bonding (as in the friendship type), romance, attempts at romance, cutish stuff and alround a good read!

So please read and review people, because the reviews really do motivate the writers!

The next chapter for this will be in the next few days, I will try tommorow, but i'll have to see.

Well read people!

Chapter 1

Harry Potter stalked down a corridor in Hogwarts, muttering profane words under his breath which caused many women in paintings hanging on the wall to shake their fist at the man dubbed, 'Boy-Who-Lived-Twice'.

Harry couldn't believe this. When Professor McGonagall had offered he, and others of his year who had actively participated in the war, to return for a redo of their 7th year he had gladly accepted. Now he was having second thoughts.

"Urgh," Harry said, as he pulled at his hair in annoyance, glaring at his shoes, "why does it have to be like this? Why can't I have some peace? After everything I've done why can't anyone realize that I just want a norm-," Harry, too busy glaring at his shoes had walked into one of the statues which occasionally lined the walkways.

"GODRIC'S GONADS!" Harry yelled out as he began hopping around on one foot as he held the injured in his hands, cussing at the pain of stubbing his toe on a stone statue, "ROWENA'S SAGGY LEFT BOOB!"

"I don't think that's appropriate language Potter," a snide voice said from behind Harry, who knew instantly who it was, "the ickle firsties might hear the beloved savior swearing and have a heart attack."

"Shut it Malfoy," Harry said as he continued to hop around the corridor in a circle, ignoring the snickering from the blonde man.

"Going to hop around all day Potter?" Draco Malfoy said with a smirk, as he watched Harry jump around the corridor nursing his foot.

Even though the war had ended, with Voldermort dead and gone at last, Harry and Draco still continued to fight like they had in their previous years in Hogwarts. Harry assumed it was because Malfoy wanted something normal in his life, something which could prove that they had a life before the war began.

Harry was grateful for this as well as he took comfort in the normal routine of theirs, despite the two being like oil and water, they both relived in the fact that their views on each other had not changed.

Unlike other people I know…Harry thought to himself, trying to distract himself from the throbbing in his foot.

Draco had switched sides during their sixth year had become a spy for the light, alongside his godfather, and had become a resourceful informant who helped save countless lives of civilians and Order members alike with heads up and warnings of the Dark Lord's plans.

"Just like a Slytherin to take the Mickey out of a guy who is seriously hurting," Harry retorted with a glare at the Slytherin whose smirk only widened.

"At least I'm not a Gryffindor who goes gallivanting around and throwing myself into every dangerous situation I can find," Draco said smoothly as he leant up against the wall, the stones cool against his back.

"Hey," Harry said with a grin, "saved your ass."

"And I am grateful for that," Draco said as he eyed Harry with a strange look in his eyes, which Harry noticed, before it disappeared and was replaced with the normal steel hard eyes.

"Who are you, Helga Hufflepuff?" Harry replied as he felt the pain recede in his foot and stopped hopping around.

"Shut up Potter," Malfoy said with a sneer, distaste clearly written on his face, and Harry had to hold in a snicker at the expression on the blonde's face.

"Don't even lower me to a, a Hufflepuff…" Malfoy said as he visibly cringed and Harry couldn't help but let out a laugh, "I, for one, don't go chasing wrackspurt or whatever the hell they are called."

"Correction," Harry stated as he held up a hand, "one," Harry put up his index finger, "Hufflepuffs are actually nice, despite everyone thinking their the weird, two," Harry put up a second finger, "Luna is actually in Ravenclaw, so in your face Malfoy, you don't know everything, and three," Harry put up a third finger, "wrackspurts are real…seriously they are."

"Salazar Potter," Malfoy said with a smirk, "what is your problem?"

"I-," Harry began, but stopped when a bright light shone out from a painting they were standing in front of, a portrait of Hogwarts.

"What the…" Draco said as he observed the painting glowing, as he had to squint so the bright light didn't hurt his eyes.

Harry looked over to Draco, who was standing right in front of him, facing the painting, while he stood with his back to the painting, facing Malfoy.

"Is that suppos-," Harry began as he turned away from Malfoy to face the painting, but he never finished that sentence as he felt a familiar pull on his navel and began spiraling downwards towards the floor.

Yet when Harry felt himself connect with solid ground he noticed that he didn't hit the floor, rather thick, luscious grass.

With a groan, Harry sat up and peered at his surroundings, which seemed so familiar yet so…different. Harry heard a groan to his right, as he looked over and saw Draco sprawled on the grass in a very un-Malfoyish way and couldn't help but chuckle.

"What are you snickering at Potter," Malfoy said with a glare as he sat up and rubbed his back, a grimace on his face at his expense.

"Nothing, nothing," Harry said with a grin as he stood up and stretched, feeling all his bones crack, before rolling his shoulders and surveying the area properly.

They were standing on a small hill, one of which created a huge grassy hill, overlooking a lake. A huge lake. And there was a forest lining the bottom of the hill, the trees seemed so tall and ancient.

"Oh shit…" Harry said under his breath as he looked at his surroundings once more, not believing his eyes.

"What Potter," Malfoy said with a smirk, standing up as well, "had a bit of an accident have we?"

"Uh yeah," Harry said as he turned to face Draco, "you do recognize this place right?"

"Uh, for your information Potter, I don't memorize every hill I've ever stood on," Draco retorted as he began to brush the dirt and dust off his robe and clothing.

"It's Hogwarts you nitwit," Harry bit back as he stood planted to the spot, still shocked.

"What?" Draco replied as he began to take in his surroundings, recognizing the familiar terrain.

"Wait…" Draco said after a while as Harry was silent as he stood rooted on the hillside, "something's not right…"

"You bet it isn't," Harry replied as he overlooked the lake, not seeing any sign of a giant squid flouncing in the deep waters.

"Where's Hogwarts?" Draco asked suddenly, as he eyed the top of the hill, where the customary grand castle would usually stand.

"We just destroyed Hogwarts," Harry said, horrified, "Merlins' tie died parachute pants…"

Draco looked equally horrified as he glanced over at his companion before letting out a breathy, "ah, bollocks."

Soo, my first attempt at a time travel with a Drarry in it...first chapter...what do you think?

It's ok? Good? Average? Amazing? stupid? (the last one would suck if someone told me that but meh, what the hell, it's my story)