The throbbing in her head drove her to grinding her teeth, thereby making it worst. Fuck! Clenching her jaw, she reached for the night table beside her bed, fumbling with the drawer in the darkness, looking for a small pack of aspirins she knew was in there. Her fingers recognized the texture of the package and a light tap to hear the sound confirmed it. Sitting up to take a sip of water caused her to groan further in pain.

Sighing, the teen let herself slide back on to the pillowy softness of her bed. What was wrong with her? Her father repeatedly checked her for fever and had a mouth swab confirm she was not in fact ill with a virus or a bacteria. She couldn't understand it. Her mother even accused her of faking it, but why would she? Being sick meant she couldn't attend Cheerleading practice... or Glee... And that was simply out of the question. Something was definitely up, she just didn't know what.

In an attempt to bring her focus off the pain she let her mind wander to the crazy places it can go when one is tired. It brought her back to an event from several weeks ago.

"I don't mean to be a bitch -actually, yes I do"

She wasn't sure why she'd done it. Well yes she wanted to get back at Brittany because no one denies Santana Lopez ANYTHING. You just don't. But it felt like more than just that. Artie and the blonde cheerleader had since then kissed and made up, getting back together. The brunette didn't know why but something about the two of them bugged the hell out of her and every time she saw them she just felt negative. In fact her symptoms started not long after that, and it just made it worst to think about it.


Of late her mood had been fowl, no doubt in part to being in physical pain all the time. In part also due to the fact she felt lonely and grumpy and although she'd never admit it, Brittany did normally manage to keep her from going berserk.

It was the end of the day and she was walking -no, stomping down the hallways heading to the choir room. Most students cowered in fear and those who didn't either got elbowed in the nose or tackled against a locker. Those who dared accidentally or purposely make eye contact got choked half to death, nails digging in their throats et all. Santana was out and she was out to kill. It didn't make her feel any better, but she did enjoy this newer, fresher reign of terror she was imposing.

A very slight smirk -first faint trace of a smile on her mocha-coloured face in weeks- graced the corner of her mouth. But it was not meant to last. A scowl took its rightful place as she entered the choir room. Her stomach lurched and she felt faint and dizzy. She crinkled her nose in disgust brushing past Wheels and Brittany, bumping them slightly on her way up to the remotest spot in the room she could find. It was awkward, seeing as they were the only ones in the room for now and yet she pretended they didn't exist and they obviously uncomfortable, didn't try to push it.

Things got interesting however when Brittany got up to go to the washroom. Artie took off his glasses and laid them on the chair beside him to rest his eyes and rub his face. Santana left her seat and snatched the glasses as quietly as possible before smashing them and putting them back on the chair, broken glass and all. The boy had heard the sound but hadn't dared to ask, knowing she'd probably ignore him or pull some crazy stunt on him for simply having addressed her. However anger quickly rose in him when he reached for his glasses, feeling the cracks, the missing pieces, the broken branch.

"Lopez, what the fuck? Why would you even do that!

- Suck it up, bluetooth.

- What is wrong with you!

- Nothing. I am who I am: haters to the left!"

He muttered under his breath and she got aggressive.


- Even for you that was low. You happy now? I'm in a wheel chair and I'm blind.

- You're the one who always wants to get treated normally. Morality is for suckers anyway. Which means if you don't shut up I just might break them on your face next time."

Her voice had grown increasingly threatening. Something flared in her gut, like a flame catching gas.

Just at that moment Brittany walked back in closely followed by Rachel. Artie turned his head trying to see.

"Who just came in?

- I did.

- Me too.

- Who are you?

- Don't you recognize me? Its me Brittany! And Rachel.

- Its not that I don't its that I can't. Bitchface over there broke my glasses."

Brittany looked up, confused, with concern strewn on her features. Her blue eyes grew big and questioning when they landed on Santana, who remained unreadable, still scowling.

"You mean Santana? But..."

The blonde looked hurt and her eyes dimmed a little. To her own dismay, this unsettled the latina who found herself obliged to look away. She felt her stomach churn and something inside her burned.

"Santana is this true? As team captain I cann-

- Save it dwarf! You have zero leadership skills and if you care about your nose as much as you say you do, you should shut that damn trap of yours!"

The black haired girl stormed out of the choir room, heading straight for the toilets.