Potential for Episode 21, set the day after Lawson and Shannons' shenanigans - which were caught on camera by Michael…

This is my first attempt at FanFic stories so I hope you all like it…

Lawson's POV

I arrived at base this morning, somewhat distracted but still trying to focus on the task at hand…we had to head out to diffuse a volatile situation at a local casino. Yesterday was a very eventful day, that's for sure! But no, I must focus and not let my personal life affect my work…but the two had now crossed paths…bad move Lawson…but I couldn't deny my feelings for her anymore. I had given in and now there was no turning back…although I was still a little uncertain of where it was going to lead.

I was getting some info from Leon about the 3 guys at the casino who were holding some staff hostage and GD's needed our assistance. Meanwhile Kerry was throwing orders around to anyone within earshot and I notice Micheal wander in and give me a strange look…like he was privvy to something I wasn't…oh well, deal with that later, focus Lawson!

"Micheal, your with Josh and Christian" I ordered…"Shannon will ride with me and Stella in TR2"… (ride…good choice of words Lawson…aaargh focus!)

Speaking of which, where was Shannon? She was the only one not yet at work. I must've been psychic because just as I asked myself this…there she was, kind of cautiously sneaking in as if to be avoiding someone…was it me? Was she unsure about what happened yesterday and had regrets about it…Lawson stop being paranoid! I then forgot my trail of thought for a moment as I took in her beauty. Her piercing blue eyes and gorgeous smile had me mesmerized…god, snap out of it Lawson!

"Hey… Shan, aah, where've you been?", I asked curiously.

"Lawson I need to talk to you, it's important, where's the others, are they all gone yet?" she said anxiously.

"Yeah and we are riding with Stel today, she's in TR2 waiting, can't this wait til later?" I urged.

"But I have to tell you something, it's about yesterday"

A feeling of dread washed over me for what was coming next…

"Lawson…yesterday…I went back to the house…", she struggled to get the words out.

Just then Stella interrupted by yelling out "Oi! What are you doing, having a nanny nap? These guys will probably have cleaned the place out by the time we get there!"

There was no time for this now. "What Shan, what do you mean?" I was getting more confused and all too aware of the fact that we had a job to do.

"Never mind, tell you later…" she muttered.

The car ride was strange. Shannon was very quiet and distracted. I couldn't talk to her about yesterday because of Stella sitting in the back. She drove in silence as I sat in the passenger seat looking out the window trying to fight my paranoia. Stella occasionally tried to fill the weird silence with jokes. I attempted to react somewhat amused so as not to provoke suspicion or questions from her. Stella is, of course very nosey at the best of times.

"God you could cut the tension in here with a knife!" She taunted and I quickly jumped in with "I dunno what your talkin' about Stella, just tired that's all"…I hoped that was convincing enough. "Mmm yeah and I have a rotten headache", Shannon added. Stella looked back and forth at each of us from her position in the back seat. Her curious facial expression told us she wasn't quite convinced. However, she just nodded sarcastically and muttered "bullshitters" and sat quietly, looking around.

Later in the day we were all back at base and I was still yet to find a spare minute alone with Shannon, much to both our frustrations. Everyone was hanging around having a few beers after a stressful (but thankfully successful) day on the job. Most of the team were laughing and chatting. However, Michael was still acting like he had a chip on his shoulder and Shannon sat at the other end of the table staring around the room. She still looked troubled, I could see it in her eyes. I wanted nothing more than to waltz over and kiss her then and there to put that stunning smile back on her face. Not now Lawson, stop it! They will all suspect something…after all, we did break all the rules in that intense, heated moment of passion. Our careers are on the line if the information got into the wrong hands. Must…be…very…careful!

Just when the guys were all thinking of calling it a night shortly, I thought, finally I can talk to Shannon alone at last! She had been glancing at me across the table, subtly of course. I so desperately needed to know what she had been thinking all day. She looked at me cheekily with a hint of desire but I had occasionally caught her worried expressions when she didn't realise I was watching her.

It was right then, when everyone was on the verge of getting out of their chairs, that Michael stood before the group. He had something to show them all. I noticed Shannon go a little pale and look at me with sheer horror and back at Michael with disbelief. She swallowed hard and looked to be panicking. "Michael don't!" She pleaded, almost choking on her own words. What on earth was going on I thought to myself as Michael proceeded to put a disc into the laptop sitting over on the corner desk. He adjusted the screen to ensure everyone had a good view….."This is why you couldn't reach Lawson earlier, Kerry", Michael quipped as he pressed the play button…

And then it began…the beginning of what could well be, the end of our careers…and most certainly our dignity…