"Noticed an oversight in the code I have." Grand Master Yoda said when it was time to bring up new business. Technically this wasn't exactly new business as he had been carefully trying to bring this to just about everyone's attention for the last several centuries. Now, he was done carefully dancing around the subject and had brought hard data with him. Perhaps now, he would be able to close a rather unfair gap in how discipline for a certain infraction was carried out.

"An oversight?" Council Member Mace Windu asked, hoping Yoda wasn't bringing up what he thought he was. He had a headache, and listening to Yoda yammer on for hours about something he usually didn't bother to try understanding as he had followed his predecessor's advice and tuned the old bat out once key words were mentioned wasn't something he was looking forward to.

"To do with the rule of non-attachment it has." Yoda said.

The silence that followed this statement was that of the suppression of eleven groans or their equivalents as eleven beings barely restrained themselves from sinking their faces into their hands or equivalent appendages.

"For the last three millennia, marry we cannot. Become attached to things or people in the outside world we cannot. Say anything about one-night-stands drunken or otherwise however, the code does not." Yoda said.

There was a collective Wait,...what? as the council who had discreetly turned to other activities finally processed Master Yoda's statement. This wasn't Master Yoda's usual rambling discussion that contained phrases that translated to something like "disparity in matters of discipline between males and females" and "natural breeding cycles of the human species". Master Windu ended up spitting out the water he was drinking to wash down the two painkillers he'd taken.

Finally, after several long centuries, the Council was paying attention. Finally, after centuries of watching several promising young Jedi being dismissed for one mistake while their male counterparts got off scott free despite having made an average of three more of the same mistake over their careers, the Council was listening.

"Saying dismiss them after a single error in judgment, I am not. That their actions have consequences, teach them we should. Make the same mistake twice, they should not. If make that mistake again they do, then dismiss them we should." Master Yoda said when the loud discussion that followed his announcement died down.

"What do you propose?" Master Ki-Adi-Mundi asked.

"That make this mistake, mostly the young it is. Know the consequences, they do not. Learn them later, they may not. That their actions have consequences, we must teach them. For their offspring, take responsibility they should. Make it so leave the changing and three a.m. feedings to the creche attendants they cannot." Yoda said.

"But, what about..." one of the Council members started.

In the end, it was decided that there would be a test case that would stand as an example to the others. The next time a child that was verified to belong to a Jedi was brought in either one of two things would happen: Should the child belong to a Knight or Force Forbid, a Master, the Knight or Master in question would likely be dismissed - barring extenuating circumstances - since they should already know better. Should the child turn out to belong to a Padawan - the age group most likely to engage in risky sexual behavior and not understand the consequences thereof - however, the Padawan in question would get a second chance. The Padawan in question would probably be wishing for a quiet life in the Agricorps though, since the young teen or early twenty-something boy (or girl, [though most girls had been quietly taught how to recognize the signs for free clinics that handed out birth control by their masters through a series of rather awkward discussions] or bi- or tri- gendered being) would be solely responsible for the care and feeding of his (or her, or its) infant until such a time as the child can begin its training, and for that time - which, depending on the species, could be anywhere between a couple months to a decade and a half - would be removed from the active mission roster.

Meanwhile, Elsewhere in the Galaxy:

"If you follow the directions on the package, nothing should go wrong." a rather attractive near-human female said.

Obi-Wan tried to read the back of the box, but his hands wouldn't stop shaking. He didn't love the girl, but there was a strong mutual physical attraction. She was three years older, and presumably more experienced in this area. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of her.

He took one of the small packets out of the box and tore it open. The object inside tore as well.

"Er, maybe we can go without?" Obi-Wan said, hoping he didn't sound half as nervous as he was.

Eleven Months Later:

Qui-Gon Jinn liked to drop by the creche and look at the new arrivals every week when he wasn't away on some mission. This time, there was only one new arrival, a newborn girl with bright red hair. Smiling, he bent down and picked her up.

"Hello there little one, welcome to the Jedi Order." he said, as he tickled her nose. She promptly sneezed on his finger. A nearby attendant giggled when she saw this.

The baby then opened her eyes, and got the most serious look on her face as she proceeded to make a mess in her diaper.

"She looked like my Padawan when she did that." Qui-Gon said chuckling as he handed the baby over to the attendant to be changed.


Obi-Wan walked into the creche. He never knew why his master liked to see the screaming brats that dwelled there. The time his master wasted playing with the babies could be better spent on other things, such as training him.

He walked over to his master who was putting a freshly changed baby into a bassinet. Feigning interest, he looked down. What he saw made him go pale. He'd recognize that peculiar shade of red anywhere as well as those pupils that were slit like a feline's. The Force was telling him that...No! It wasn't possible!

He turned and ran. It couldn't be possible. He couldn't possibly be a father at fifteen.


Master Yoda sighed as he entered the Creche. For the last eleven months, he'd been waiting for this day to come while simultaneously hoping it wouldn't. Some years there were more, some years there were less, and some years there were none. This year, there was one and it belonged to a child he'd helped train, his padawan's padawan's padawan. It was now his unfortunate duty to make an example of the young boy.