I do not own Naruto. I don't earn money to write this story. Masashi Kishimoto created Naruto.

Epilogue: They Love

A wolf and a fox sat contentedly.

The black wolf hummed, and the little golden fox perked up his ears.

"They seem happy," The wolf commented on the children they were watching.

"I think they are, but they have more trials to come," The fox had to ruin the wolf's good mood. He frowned, "Did we do right by them?"

"I don't know but think about it they would not have existed if we had not made that wish," The black animal pointed out.

"After all they have suffered would that not have been better?" The fox remained pessimistic, "They have both suffered, more than either of us did in the last life."

"But they survived," The wolf began to nuzzle the little fox. The golden creature whined. The wolf continued to speak though his words were a bit muffled in the golden fur, "They love."

"Yeah," The fox nuzzled back. They did love and maybe that was all they needed. Hardships would come, but if they supported each other then they could do anything…

…Naruto was running. He turned to smile at his team. They were on a mission to a close village. Naruto wasn't looking where he was going and stumbled. Sasuke smirked as he tripped. But it fell when he felt a presence. Kakashi moved ahead of Sakura and Sasuke and signaled them to stop.

Naruto was frowning, his eyes closed. He seemed oblivious to the dark energy. Sasuke's eyes widened as a tall figure with dark hair, pale skin and red eyes appeared behind Naruto. Time seemed to slow down.

"Naruto!" Sasuke screamed as the figure grabbed Naruto around the middle and picked him up. The person's face was obscured but those eyes…

Kakashi was running to Naruto. A huge sword was swung. Kakashi dodged but then he turned and screamed at the genin, "The man who has Naruto, don't look in his eyes!"

"I would follow his advice…little brother," He stepped from the shadows.

"No, Itachi!" Sasuke screamed, "Drop him!"

"Why?" Itachi asked in an icy tone. He grabbed the boy's chin, turned his head, and seemed to examine the boy's neck.

"So you put a mark on him?" Itachi questioned. Then he tisked, "Hardly worthy of an Uchiha…even you foolish little brother…Perhaps I should end him. Then maybe you will come to your senses."

Sasuke was screaming as he saw his brother draw the kunai across Naruto's neck…

…Sasuke bolted upright and grabbed his heart with one hand. The other went to his side. The sleeping bag next to him was empty. Sasuke quietly got up. That was the third time he had had such a nightmare just this week.

Sasuke went looking for Naruto. He found him coming back to their camp. He ignored Kakashi who was taking his turn at watch reading his book.

"You two up?" Kakashi asked without looking from his novel.

Sasuke silently checked Naruto over making sure he was really fine. He nodded to Kakashi not bothering to look.

Kakashi stood from the log that was acting as a chair for him. He snapped the book closed, "Good. I'm taking my rest now. Wake Sakura in a few hours for her turn watching." Sasuke nodded again and dragged Naruto over to the log. Naruto was rubbing his eye not quite awake though he had been up. He had needed to relieve himself and was just going to go back to his sleeping bag, but Sasuke would not let him go and just kept poking and prodding the blond boy.

"What? What is it Sasuke?" Naruto tried to push him away.

Sasuke wouldn't let him go. He hugged Naruto to him. He sighed, "It's nothing."

"Oh," Naruto said in understanding. He knew. Sasuke was rarely this nervous but he had been having these dreams and he would not tell Naruto about it but seemed increasingly interested in Naruto's welfare after them. He let Sasuke pull him into his lap. Sasuke began stroking his head and running his fingers through the soft golden locks. Naruto nearly purred and leaned into Sasuke. It was nice. This was the kind of touching that only Sasuke was allowed to do to him.

Sasuke pushed his face against Naruto's neck where a healing hicky was and began to suck on it to renew his mark. Naruto mewled and turned his head to make room for Sasuke. This was the most they had done besides kissing and that was how it was going to stay until Naruto said they could go further. Something inside him said pressuring Naruto for more would end very badly. Sasuke felt that waiting would be worth any frustration he felt.

Naruto was his soul mate, his other half, his love.