Disclaimer: I don't own the series Naruto, if I did, I would have killed the pink eye sore long ago. Also, I don't the wrestling character "The Undertaker"

so without further adieu, on towards the story.


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Prologue: Prophecy of the Phenom

Fog and darkness covers the valley, as night illuminated over the land. At the middle of this desert like valley, two figures could be seen, around them was nothing but destruction made by course of battle. Both fighters were covers in cuts, bruises and blood. One of them was on one knee panting heavily, blood dripping down his mouth, a line of blood going down the side of his head, his attire torn from the fight, two mock horns made out of his long spiky hair. His cloak torn and bloodied by the injuries he received by the demon in front of him, a necklace with six magatama pendants could be seen hanging on his neck. He was the Rikudou Sennin , clutching his right arm due to a lethal blow made on his shoulder, burnt skin showing and smoking through the burnt cloak, the skin was burnt as if lightning had struck him directly. On his right hand, although injured, a half broken sword was being held, eyes with concentric circles around the pupil glaring with anger and frustration at his opponent.

Across from him, was a man that stood almost 7'0" tall, long black hair, dark as the night, black eyes that stared right at the Sennin (the attire he has is the one he wore at Wrestlemania 14 against Kane), his right hand, covered in a fingerless glove, extended with purple electricity cackling on his hand. Cuts could be seen all over his persona, a deep gash on his forehead bleeding down on half his face, a kunai imbedded on his right shoulder, and another one his left kidney area.

"Give up mortal, or this valley shall be your resting place." Spoke the demon of the valley, with a deep cold voice that caused the Sage to shiver in slight fear.

"Why won't you die!" the Sage yelled in frustration, after having inflicting so much damage from using the shinra tensei, to puncturing his vital organs with kunai, hell, he even stabbed the bastard through its dark heart, since he was literally missing half his sword which could be seen on the vest that covered the chest of the giant, shinning with the moonlight glow while covered in blood, "who or what are you, damn it!"

"I will not rest; for I'm death, the destruction, the darkness, the end, the phenom . . . . . I'm the undertaker . . . "at the claim of the lord of darkness, the sage could not help but feel utter fear. He was fighting a being that the God of Death himself had created, but he had thought the tale of the undertaker was nothing but a myth told through the ages. a A tale that told about his path of destruction.

"I have no choice but to use that Jutsu and hopefully be enough to destroy him," were the thoughts of the Sage as he got up from his knee and got ready to gamble with death itself. Gathering all of his chakra into a sphere between his hands, he expelled towards on top of the undertaker and yelled, "CHIBAKUTENSEI!"

The deadman awaited calmly as to what the fool of a Sage would do and saw he had expelled a sphere made of chakra above him, and slowly started to feel being pulled towards the sphere along with everything else. Taker got on one knee, with his right hand extended forward, his head lowered and started to chant in a language that the Sage could not understand. After event was done, all was there was a giant sphere made of soil and earth, with the undertaker at its core. "Izanagi," muttered the sage and the earth sphere started to glow for a second till it started to disintegrate, leaving nothing behind, not even a trace of the phenom.

The sage exhausted, he closed his eyes and fell backwards onto the ground, relief that he had survived, not noticing that the sky started to get darker than normal clouds beginning to form with purple lightning cackling quietly. Rain started to fall as a thick fog began to form.


A loud bell chimed and the sage sat up looking around in paranoia, not believing that the demon had somehow survived.


The bell rang again, the sage kept looking, till he turn around and saw a spiritual sphere. As it slowly began to take, the sage's eyes began to widen, for in front of him, the undertaker began to appear. He seemed to be resting as his eyes were closed.


The bell chimes a third time and the undertaker's eyes snap open, staring into the fearful eyes of the sage and said, "We are proud, the spirit of the Undertaker, lives within the soul of all mankind, the eternal flame of light that cannot be extinguish, the origin of which cannot be explained, the answer lies in the everlasting spirit . . . Soon all of mankind will witness the rebirth of the Undertakeerrr . . . . . . " as his eyes started to glow white, he finally said, "I . . . Will not . . . . Rest in peace . . . . . "and the demon of Death Valley began to slowly disappear as if he were never there, leaving the Sage with the revelation that phenom shall one day, rise once again.

TBC . . . . .

Well, this is my first work, inspired by "Naruto the Undertaker" however, it's gonna be going with a different twist, but instead of telling u guys about it, just wait and find out and hopefully U guys like it. I'm open for suggestions to any ideas you guys have, also, in just in case some of you are wondering, Kane will appear, but I won't tell how, till next time.