DISCLAIMER: Stephenie Meyer owns all Twilight characters and Twilight itself except for my own brand new created member of the family which I'm gonna describe briefly:

Georgina Cullen: Tall about 1.65 cm she has brown hair with big curls, she's skinny and as all of the Cullens, she's a vampire. She likes to be called Georgie though Emmett adores teasing her by calling her Gigi. She's full of energy; she tends to get afraid easily and she sometimes behaves like a 5 year old girl. She's most of the time reading or drawing. PS: She likes to shop but not as much as Alice or Rosalie and she was adopted after Carlisle and Esme found her hunting in one of their hunting trips.

Chapter 1: the super braining idea of Emmett

Emmett POV:

So as most of the time we were watching Wife Swap and this week it was of a family in Montana and a family in New York and my brain had this awesomish idea that all of them would like…Signing Esme up for it!

-Don't you dare Emmett!It's exposing for us and it will turn bad!-Eddie boy again had to ruin it and this time I needed support, it's not fair!

-Oh come on Edward it will go good and it's gonna be adorable cause I've seen it- Yeah! My super pixie sister to rescue me!

-But we haven't decided on that one yet?-Bella, Bella, Bella when are you gonna accept it.

-I'm filling that sheet now so there's no way back!-I yelled when Rosie sat on my laps and kicked the back of my head with her hand.

-Whatever is the plan now it better work out- Yeah now my awesome Rosie was on my side.

-Thanks babe!-I kept filling out the form

Application for Wife Swap

Family name: Cullen

His Name & Age: Carlisle Cullen age 30

-Emmett if you want to keep up with it please put a reasonable age for him- Edward again and this time I was gonna be wise with it!

-I was gonna put 30 years, I'm not a nut brained- I pouted

-I'm beginning to agree that you do-So Eddie was so smart uh! We'll see later!

Her Name & Age: Esme Cullen age 30

Address (inc. City & State): 130 Drive, Forks, Washington

-What are you doing guys? - Georgie said as she approached to the computer- Wow you're signing us for that nice program yeah! - And she began jumping and saying "We're gonna be on Tv" at least someone liked the idea.

Names, ages of children from this marriage:

Edward Cullen: 17 years

Rosalie Hale Cullen: 18 years

Emmett Cullen: 18 years

Jasper Hale Cullen: 17 years

Alice Cullen: 17 years

Bella Cullen: 17 years

Renesmee Cullen: 8 years

Jacob Black: 20 years

Georgina Cullen: 5 years

-Hey then if you put me 5 years you should put yourself 3 years!-Gigi began to pout again and teased me by if I didn't she'll tell everything to Esme.

-Fine!-I said as I typed

Georgina Cullen: 18 years

What is dad's job and work schedule? Doctor from 8 am to 8 pm

What is mom's job and work schedule? Home mom and doesn't have work schedule

How long have you been together? 20 years

-Emmett dear why are they together since they were ten years old!- Rose said as she slapped my neck

-Sorry babe- I said with a teasing voice and I typed 15 years

If married, for how long? 8 years

Who takes care of the following responsibilities in your family:

Childcare? Esme

Shopping? Alice

Cleaning? Esme

Cooking? Esme

Money? Carlisle

Planning social life? All of us!

Kid's homework? The kids

What pushes your buttons? (Both in your family and in general)? Emmett and Georgina

-Hey why me!-Geogie began pouting again

-Dear Gigi remember last paintball fight and the destiny of the brand new couch?-I said teasing her and she gave me her face that meant we were right.

We filled up the res of the questions really quickly and began making the video before Carlisle came back. Alice picked the video camera and said:

-Who's gonna be Carlisle?

-We'll pretend to be his voice and we'll put a pic of him or something like that- I said with my super brain that's not a nut!

-So action!-Alice yelled

-Hi I'm Carlisle, this is my family and we would love to be in wife swap- Jasper was really good at doing it- She's Georgie and she's our last adopted daughter, she's 18 and she's nice- Gigi smiled and the we shot Eddie boy- He's Edward, our first adopted son and he's 17 years, and here's Bella which was one of the last ones to be in the family and she's 17 too- Later we shot Alice arranging her closet-She's Alice and she's 17 again and she likes to shop- We then shot Rose going down stairs- She's Rosalie, she's 18 years and she likes to shop with Alice- Then we shot Nessie with Jacob in the kitchen- They're Renesmee which is 8 years and Jacob which is 20 years old- And now we shot Esme in the garden- She's my loving wife Esme, and she adores to design our house- And we shot now me the awesome dude!- He's Emmett, he's 18 years and we tend to believe sometimes he's nut-headed- Everyone began giggling but it wasn't funny at all and at last we shot a pic of Carlisle- And this is me, I'm 30 years old and I'm a doctor.

We finished the video and we sent it.