Lovely Kiss!

In which Inuyasha learns that Kagome has...interesting tastes.

Inuyasha sighed.

Kagome's era was so... boring. There were no demons to slay, no shards to find, and no open fields for him to sleep in. Talk about a boring, full, and completely useless time period. It was so loud and crowded here! The villages were tall and towering—they made trees look like shrubs! Now, Inuyasha had to admit, it'd be thrilling to climb up those tall huts and explore the areas of Kagome's world he has never seen before, but that wench would make him eat dirt if he did so much as set foot outside of the shrine.

Sighing yet again, the half-demon laid back on Kagome's floor, trying to think of something to entertain him. Maybe he could imagine himself killing Naraku... Nah, he did that this morning. Twice. It wasn't very satisfying, knowing that the chances of killing his enemy with his bare hands was pretty much impossible.

That was when something caught his eye.

Flipping over to be on his stomach, Inuyasha crawled towards Kagome's bed, looking underneath it curiously. There was a pink little book hidden underneath it, and on the side, the words Lovely Kiss stood out in gold. Lovely Kiss? It sounded like something Miroku would like...

He shouldn't touch it.

Kagome would yell "sit" until he was at least several feet underneath the surface...

But, what was the major harm? He could just look at it quickly and put it back! Besides, if it was underneath her bed, chances were that she didn't even know it was there. ...Maybe she'd reward him with instant noodles, or maybe another kind of delicious modern-day snack.

With his mouth nearly watering at the thought of slurping down the delicious noodles, the half-demon eagerly reached underneath the bed and grabbed the book, pulling it out and setting it down on the ground before him. "Alright, Lovely Kiss! Let's see what secrets you hold within yourself!"

...What he saw was not what he had been expecting.

There were two men kissing. And by the looks of how things were going in the strange, impure drawing, things were about to get heavy. Oh gods... What the hell was Kagome into? Inuyasha felt his face heat up intensely, and in response to this, he sprang up and opened the window, throwing the unholy book out. Maybe it was some kind of cursed item... There was no way innocent Kagome could be into...into that kind of stuff, right? His sweet, innocent Kagome wasn't like that!

Calm down, Inuyasha. It's probably just a mistake! There's no way Kagome is into male bondage! That's just...just ridiculous! She's oblivious to sexual passes! After all, she doesn't even notice everything I do when I carry her...!


That was the sound of death. Inuyasha paled, going as stiff as a statue.

Silently, he creeped over to the window and peered out of it, only to let out a horrified yelp. When he had thrown the book out... He had hit Kagome in the face. Oh fucking hell...

"I-I didn't mean it, damn it! It was just underneath your bed, so I...!"


Random drabble I came up with. Took me 10 minutes to write.

I don't expect any grand reviews.