Authoress' Notes: Forgive me! D: I was SO working on the Germany/Kagome/Prussia shot when this little plunny popped into my head and then it started to multiple and populate my brain so much that Germany and Prussia's plunny went running! *reaches out to plunny* Come bacccccckkkkkk!

Oh yes, as you read along. You may need to look down at the notes at the end of chapter to understand what is going on or what is said. Important notes are marked with italicized numbers in parentheses, i.e. (1), (2), (3), etc. Or you can check them at the end; whichever floats your boat.

Related Shot(s): #1-2 [Kagome - The Double Agent Series] The dumb title is for future reference

Pairing(s): Kagome/Japan w/ sprinkles of Germany/Kagome/Italy and Kagome/China

[Sakuma: I'm not even much of a Japan fan… Since our personalities are so alike I… erm… -/- Never mind]

Shot 4: Yamato Nadeshiko

When he had first met Kagome Higurashi, it had been back during the warring states era when he was a young adolescent around age thirteen. He had been so young that he had been still been escorted and "raised" by China. It had been a small series of random but pleasant encounters while he and the much older Asian country had been passing by the area. Coincidentally, Kagome and her party had also been merely been passing through the area in search of the Shikon no Tama, but he had not known that at the time.

Even back then the introverted country had noticed Kagome's lack of conventionalism. The young woman had been practically prancing about in her sailor suit school uniform- causing her to initially to receive indignant or appalled stares from women and gaping mouths or bedroom eyes from men. Their surprise at her state of dress did not go unnoticed by her, as she was actually an observant young woman- That or she was very self-conscious.

He and (unfortunately) China's first meeting with Kagome had been when she, her monk friend Miroku, and her younger brother figure Shippo had all sat down at a small yaki-gyoza (1) shop for a quick snack. (The demon slayer Sango and the grumpy half demon Inuyasha, being diligent warriors went ahead to scour the village for information.) The shop was small and would more accurately be called a stand, as all it included was a small hot room where the yaki-gyoza and tea were made with three walls and a shabby roof made of hay with a rectangular counter that was barely large enough to fit the five stools that it did.

The young priestess had settled her bottom upon the stool in the exact middle of all the other ones, placing her between Shippo who was to her left and young Japan who was to her right. Miroku was seated to the left of Shippo while China was seated to the right of Japan; both older males took up the end seats. "Miroku-sama, thanks for this!" Kagome stated with a grateful smile directed across the stand at said companion. "If it weren't for you, Shippo-chan and I would starve until kingdom come." She joked lightly.

The monk chuckled and replied with a slight wave of his hand, "Think nothing of it, Kagome-sama." With a slightly dramatic close of his eyes and a hand placed delicately over his heart, he said, "It is an honorable man's duty to fulfill a beautiful woman's every desire."

Kagome giggled in return while placing her hand over mouth. "Oh, is it now?" She asked with an amused tone; obviously not bothered by her companion's flirtatious tone. "Let's keep that in mind when you pay for the bill." She teased as she saw the sole owner and cook approach from the heated kitchen space.

"What'll it be?" The middle aged man inquired gruffly while scratching his stubble, causing all of his customers to pale inwardly. No one really knew whom he was addressing his question to, so of course there came a flood of simultaneous answers.

"What do you serve here at this fine establishment, sir?" Miroku asked flatteringly.

"We'll take whatever you got!" Shippo piped vaguely.

"Erm, what exactly do you serve here?" Kagome had asked.

"I will settle for whatever you recommend," Japan stated politely and robotically.

"What item on the menu do you recommend?" China asked curiously.

…All at once.

"SHUT UP!" The owner yelled back while slamming his hands on the counter's surface, startling everyone sitting there. "ONE THE HELL AT A TIME!" He immediately turned to the only female sitting there and jabbed a thick finger at her face. "YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

"Eh?" She blinked from surprise while holding her hands up defensively. "Well, um," Kagome quickly gathered her bearings. "What do you have?" She asked with red cheeks.

"Yaki-gyoza and tea!"

"…Is that… it?" Kagome asked with a deadpanned tone.

"Sure is a tiny menu!" Shippo leaned over to Kagome and whispered not too quietly.

Kagome merely nodded in blatant agreement, "Teeny tiny."

Before the owner had a chance to be insulted by the two youngest of the trio, Miroku decided to speak up for all of them, "Ah, excuse me, sir. The young redhead boy and the young lady are my companions. We'll have two full servings of your dumplings and three orders of tea."

Before the grumbling, insulted man could skulk his way back to the kitchen, China raised a finger in the air and piped in an unsure manner, "W-We'll have the same! But make the three teas into two, please!" With a grumble of 'whatever' and a deep nod of his head, the cook went back into the kitchen and began to work on the orders.

Perhaps it had been a mere coincidence or accident when Kagome had turned her head to the right, where Japan and China had been sitting instead of to the left where her companions were sitting. She and China's eyes had met (hopefully that was an accident) and they instantly exchanged friendly smiles, both being outgoing individuals.

"Konnichiwa (2), my name is Higurashi Kagome!" She offered. Young Japan took notice of how she did not even attempt to bow to them, as any traditional Japanese woman with manners would.

And although Japan himself felt irked by her lack of respect for them, China did not seem to mind in the least. "Nǐ hǎo (3), my name is Yao, aru." He replied while turning his body to face Kagome entirely. The older country then gestured to the younger one. "This is my younger brother!" He announced with great enthusiasm and pride.

Japan nodded his head in respect, attempting to show that at least he had some manners when it came to meeting new people. "Konnichiwa, Higurashi-sama." He greeted in a robotic manner. "Boku wa Kiku desu. Hajimemashite.(4)"

Kagome blinked while flushing a bit, "Higurashi…sama?" She was thoroughly confused about what she had done to elicit such an honorable title.

That was when Miroku leaned from across the counter, squishing poor Shippo between his and Kagome's torsos as he did so. "Kagome-sama, you've officially established yourself as a noble with that introduction of yours.(5)" He stated knowledgably, knowing that Kagome was confused as to why the young boy would call her –sama instead of the usual –oneesan she received from children. Kagome felt like bonking herself on the head at that moment; she had forgotten that temporarily!

'Too late to turn back now.' She thought to herself as she continued to chat with her two new acquaintances. "Yao-san… Ah…" She did not how to ask a question that popped into her head suddenly in a non-offending manner. "O-kuni wa dochira desu ka?(6)" She inquired curiously.

China visibly stiffened from the question and was clearly shocked and taken aback, judging by the expression on his face and by how he had instinctively jumped out of his seat, successfully yet unintentionally knocking his stool over. This earned him confused stares from the Shikon no Tama trio and a silent but sharp glare from young Japan. "H-How do you know, aru?" The Chinese man inquired, still misinterpreting Kagome's question.

Kagome sweat dropped while replying to the question to the best of her ability, "Um… Well, your name is not exactly Japanese and your accent makes you sound like you're from the continent.(7)"

It took a moment for China to realize his slight mistranslation and he smiled embarrassedly at the young woman. "Ah ha ha… Sorry about that, aru." He apologized while awkwardly re-taking his seat with a hand behind his head. "I thought you meant something else…" China explained ever so vaguely. The irritated expression he received from his ward embarrassed him even more. "Chūgoku desu.(8)" He answered with an amused, knowing smile.

"Ah ha! I knew it!" Kagome quickly piped with a smile, easily easing all of Japan's tension and China's embarrassment and awkward feelings.

Miroku then coughed to gain everyone's attention, which he did… Save for Shippo and Japan whose attentions were on the steaming plate of yaki-gyoza that the cook placed on the counter in a spot between Kagome and Japan, but not quite in front of either one of them. "It seems that my young friend Shippo and I must be going now; we are needed by our other companions."

"Awww!" Shippo whined disappointedly. "Why? What are we needed for?"

"I'll brief you once we get there," Miroku replied while getting to his feet and grabbed his reluctant friend by the tail as the little scamp tried to run away.

Kagome blinked and began to stand up, "Then I should come too, rig-?"

"No, no, Kagome-sama," Miroku said while shaking his head negatively. "You stay here and eat your fill of the dumplings. Once you're finished with your friends, wrap the rest up and meet us at the inn." He insisted.

Kagome blinked again and replied unsurely, "Okay… If you insist…" She did not understand the look of amusement dancing his violet eyes as he looked between Kagome and Yao. She kind of felt bad for Shippo though, Miroku mercilessly swung him by the tail as he walked away with a knowing smirk on his handsome face… Why was Shippo needed more than she was anyway? Kagome decided to shrug it off for later as she turned back to her two newest acquaintances.

"You know, these dumplings originated from my country," China stated matter-of-factly with a proud grin. "We call them guotie (1) though." He added.

"Oh wow! I didn't know that!" Kagome lied with a marvelous smile. She did not know why but it seemed that the Chinese man was more than a bit patriotic when it came to his country after she made a note of pointing out that he seemed foreign. So she decided to humor him his cute gloating. Little did the either of them know was that gloating originated in Korea…

Once again she felt a bit lost when she noticed the young Japan staring at her with a baffled and, at the same time, agitated expression. "Is something bothering you, Kiku-chan?" She asked kindly, wanting to find out what it was about her that he did not like.



"Don't be rude, aru." China chastised lightly. "You should answer when a noble lady asks you a question, aru." Japan was even more annoyed about China lecturing him about etiquette when a bit earlier, he himself had been showing a lack of manners!

…But of course Japan did not let those sorts of negative feelings show outwardly. It simply was not done. However, he did muster up the courage to ask the question that had been plaguing his mind for a bit. "Why is it that a noble lady dresses herself in such a scanty manner like a baishunfu(9)?"

China froze on the spot while Kagome forced a twitching smile to her face. "Well t-that's because-" Before she could come up with an answer or complete her sentence, Kagome squeaked when the young adolescent reached over with his hand, cupped a handful of soft flesh, and gently squeezed her thigh.


"They are such nice legs though." Japan stated bluntly.

…Such great first impressions.

They continuously bumped into Kagome for an extended period of time, as it seemed that they had been traveling in the same direction for a while… Well, that was until it seemed that Kagome had disappeared off the face of the Earth. Japan and China had crossed paths with the monk a couple times more and it was then that it was explained to them that Higurashi Kagome had returned to her rightful home, in a land far far away… forever. Although both countries had become attached to the young woman, eventually, overtime it was became easy to forget about her… Just like all humans countries unwittingly became attached to.

…Well, that was until hundreds of years later when Japan had crossed paths with a young woman with the exact same features as Kagome… They were identical from the wavy jet-black hair, to the strange blue-gray eyes, down to the green and white sailor suit uniform… It was like an exact replica of the young woman he had met but forgotten so long ago. Knowing that humans could never survive a four hundred to five hundred year life span yet still believing in reincarnation, Japan simply took it in stride… literally. The two of them passed each other on his way to meet up with Germany at the airport and on her way to her part-time job as a babysitter…

…Japan still could not help but pause for a moment after they passed each other and he turned to peek at the attractive young woman from over his shoulder, only to gasp and blush when he saw that she, too, had stopped to look at him. The same flash of recognition that he felt seemed to flash in her eyes as she turned to face him completely and asked a one-word question that made his heart thump in his chest, "Kiku-chan?"

"H-Higurashi-san…?" He inquired back nervously. He still was not sure if this all was a coincidence… or maybe, perhaps, they were tied together by red thread of fate…? (18) That thought caused his face to turn bright red as he lowered his head, not wanting her to see his embarrassment.

"It is you!" Kagome marveled with widened, bright eyes and a happy smile. Without warning she had launched herself into him, slender arms wrapping around his neck, in a greeting that reminded him much of his friend Italy. "I've missed you so much! How have you been?" She asked as if their reunion was that of a normal variety… As if they had not seen in each other in a couple months, when in actuality, it had been hundreds of years.

Their reunion was also the day he had introduced Kagome to Germany and she had been recruited as their ally on a mission to seduce England. The true reason behind why Japan even allowed her to participate was so that she could find out if England possessed any spell that could transport her further into the future, 61 (16) years to be exact, where she belonged. She had explained that to them that she had just arrived to the year 1939 a couple months ago when she passed through the well from the Feudal Era to complete her high school graduation… Something apparently went wrong, and here they were!

Today turned out to be a hot one! It was so hot that Kagome did not even make the effort to meet the Allies, nor did Germany force them to train… And for that, Kagome was eternally grateful. Today she, Germany, and Italy were going to spend the day outside, cooling off with the watering hose… Japan was on his way over from what she heard.

Kagome looked over herself a bit in the body-sized mirror in her room… She decided that her best bet for a day such as this would be her red two-piece swimsuit. Across the bikini top, which was held in place by a tie of strings at the back of her neck, had a white floral design across the right breast area and the similar design was at the back of her bottoms at her left butt cheek…

…Kagome practiced her cutest smile with her reflection while tying her hair into high ponytail that dangled down to her shoulders. Now for a sexy smile- Er… Kagome frowned at her reflection. She looked so unnatural doing that! It did not feel quite right either. She then sighed hopelessly… Truthfully… The only reason that she went the lengths that she did to look this… physically attractive was so that she could possibly elicit the attention of a certain blond hunk of country… That she… sort of… had… a teeny tiny crush on… Kagome blushed and shook her head. 'Just act natural and be yourself!' She told herself.

And with that, Kagome exited her room and made her way outside to the backyard, where Italy and Germany were already there. Italy, shirtless as ever, was wearing a simple pair of springtime green Hawaiian design swim trunks, and was lying on his back on reclining lawn chair, sun bathing… Germany, just as shirtless as Italy, was wearing a pair of plain darker green trunks… But oh- As Kagome got closer to them, she could make out the shape of Germany's finely sculpted body… 'When did I turn into such a creep?' She asked in a horrified manner while slapping her palm against her forehead.

Italy was the first to notice her approaching. He looked up at her; his spacey expression turned into an excited one as he quickly launched himself out of the chair and into the unsuspecting Japanese woman's body. "Ahhh! Italy-kun!" She cried out as she was sent crashing on her back into the soft grass with the Italian man landing unceremoniously on top of her, placing eager yet sweet kisses on her cheeks.

Germany immediately turned around at the sound of Kagome's scream and bristled, jaw dropping, at the sight of his Italian ally enveloping the Japanese woman while rubbing his cheek against hers. It would not have looked so sinful if it were not for how their bodies writhed and squirmed against each other's for some reason… Probably because Kagome was trying to escape Italy's hug while he, blissfully unaware, continued to praise how great she looked.

Nonetheless- "Italy!" Germany stomped his way over to the duo. He easily broke the embrace by grabbing the Italian man by the back of his trunks and hoisting him off the ground. "Vhat in the vorld do you think you are doing?" He yelled angrily while lifting Italy high enough so that they were eye to eye… not that Italy's eyes were open.

Like a guiltily naughty puppy, Italy slumped and lowered his head a bit for a moment while pouting a bit… A pouty Italy was actually a thoughtful Italy though. Not three seconds later, the smaller country answered the other one, "Ve~!" He looked at Germany and asked innocently, "Don'cha think that Kagome-chan is looking really cute today, Germany?"

Said country then paused for a moment with a scowl on his face. He looked from Italy to Kagome, who was still lying on the ground from Italy-induced trauma and instantly his heart skipped a beat and began to pound rapidly within his chest at the sight of the small yet curvaceous young woman in the comprising position she was in…

What a sight she was with her ponytail slightly askew from it being squashed to the ground, her cheeks inflamed with rushing blood, swimsuit slightly out of place so that more cleavage was showing than what should have been, blue-gray eyes clearly embarrassed, sitting on the ground with her legs parted ungracefully… "Cute" was definitely not the word he would use to describe her.

Germany tore his eyes away from eye while dropping Italy to the ground. He turned his back to hide his own red face and coughed. "Kagome, make yourself decent." He commanded while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Eh?" Kagome blinked, wondering what had just occurred.

"Veeeeee~!" Italy said in a spacey tone while recovering from his fall. "It looks like Germany likes how you look in that swimsuit too!" He piped observantly.

Sometimes Italy was bit too honest. Grr… And how was he supposed to deny that she looked down right sexy in that swimsuit…? Especially with the way she was sitting on the ground just now… So inviting yet not. Ugh. It was if she was practically begging to be dominated, tied up, and whipped-

"Ve~?" Italy looked to his left at a red-faced Kagome. "Ve~?" And then he looked to his right at a red-faced Germany. Maybe they were turning red from the heat? They were shades lighter than he was! "Hey you two, it looks like you're cooking like lobsters, you should try to cool down with the hose some more!" He suggested thoughtfully. "Oh! And you know what goes good with lobster? Pasta, of course! Ve~! We should have that for dinner tonight; my treat!" He exclaimed with cheer.

The two of them fazed out Italy's cute but monotonous rambling about how great pasta would be a day like this. "You do seem a bit flushed." Germany pointed out, despite obviously being a hypocrite. "Do you want me to… vash your back?" He asked blushing and holding up the running water hose, while blatantly avoiding Kagome's eyes.

"Yeah, that would be awesome!" Kagome nodded eagerly. She did need to cool off quickly. "Just, raise your arm a bit higher, like this!" Kagome instructed while gently grabbing Germany by his forearm, causing his muscles to tense she noted. She raised his arm in the air at her desired height before smiling and nodding. The arm that was holding the running hose was now raised a foot above her head as she stepped underneath the thin flow of cool water. "Aaaahhh…" Kagome sighed contently while throwing her head back and allowing the water trail from her body, leaving a trail of cool, moistness as it went by. Germany stiffened at the sight of her exposed neck. She was acting like she was taking a shower to goodness sake~!

Vhat was he supposed to think about when she did things like that? And because of height, from his vantage point, he could had a front row seat of her wet breasts...

…It was becoming increasingly hot for some reason.

"Ve~! Now let's spray Germany! He looks like a lobster right now!" Italy said while picking up another hose and twisting the knob to another water faucet to turn it on. "Here, Kagome-chan! You can help too~!" He said while passing her a third hose.

"No thanks," Germany stated while waving a hand at the two of them. "I do not vish for your assistance. I am perfectly capable of handling the heat myself."

Kagome and Italy simultaneously looked at each other…

Kagome grinned devilishly.

Italy returned it with a cute smile and a quiet, "Ve~!"

They then turned to Germany while wordlessly aiming the hoses at random parts of Germany's body. "Fire!" Kagome commanded while she placing her thumb over most of the hose' opening, causing the gentle water flow to explode into a fierce blast of water that hit its target with expert aim… Kagome unknowingly caused a sudden cooling in Berlin in the process. Mean while Italy clumsily fumbled with his hose and succeeded in spraying himself in the face.

"Wah~! Kagome-chan! Another defective red devil!(10)" Italy cried while dropping his hose to the ground and raising his hands to eyes, which now had water in them. Germany bristled at the sight of Kagome turning her attention away from him to tend to Italy. She gently cupped the sides Italian's face while whispering soothing things to him.

"Aww, Italy," Kagome sighed amusedly while leaning away from his once she found that he was more surprised than hurt. "You big exaggerator!" She said affectionately while giving him a light noogie.

"Ve~…!" Italy sighed in content. "Kagome-chan's skin is so soft and smooth…!" He mused aloud, causing Kagome to blush a bit.

"Ah, it looks like Japan has arrived," Germany announced at the sight of the Asian country, clad in his entire white military uniform coming into the backyard. He looked as if he was prepared for another day's worth of brutal German-style training.

"Hallo, Japan(11)." "Ciao(12), Japan!" "Konnichiwa, Kiku-chan!" Said country was greeted.

"Ah, konnichiwa, miina-sa-!" Japan froze in mid sentence at the sight of his three allies. Shirtless Italy was caught in a headlock by half-naked Kagome, causing the Italian's head to be squashed into her soft breast (though he did seem to be enjoying himself). And shirtless Germany was holding a running water hose in his hand… Japan did not overlook the suspicious wet spot between Germany's legs and the glistening of sunlight bouncing off water droplets that clung to Italy's face and Kagome's breasts… Japan flushed angrily and embarrassedly at the sight of them-! He could not even say for sure if the wetness on them was truly water or not…! Just the thought of it…!

"What's wrong Japan? You're looking really red," Italy inquired. "Oh!" He gently slammed a fist into his hand knowledgably. "I know! You must be hot in that uniform of yours!" The Italian stated while escaping from Kagome's grasp and walking up to the Japanese man, causing him to instinctively take a step back. "Here, I'll help you out of those clothes!" Italy offered with a smile as he began to fumble with the buttons on Japan's shirt.

"Please remove yourself from my personal space!" Japan exclaimed as politely as possible while pushing Italy away with such force that the Italian was sent flying on his back. Japan then felt guilty at the hurt expression Italy gave him. "I apologize if you are harmed in any way but I am still not used to the nakedness in Western culture."

"Eh?" Italy got to his feet and placed his hands on Kagome's bare shoulders with a smile. Both Japan and Germany fought themselves bothered by the sight of Italy giving her shoulders a light squeeze before beginning to rub little circles into them… And Kagome did not seem to mind at all either. "But Kagome-chan doesn't mind parading around in this sexy swimsuit here. And look, it's a two-piece! That's mighty bold if I do say so myself!"

Japan's attention was then drawn to Kagome's voluptuous body, which was pretty much on display for all to ogle. Of course he had noticed before that Kagome's figure was far above average when compared to the typical Asian woman and it resembled that of Western women. But… But…! Japan flushed while sputtering his response, "K-Kagome-chan!"

"Kiku-chan…?" Kagome blinked. She absently wondered why Japan seemed so bothered by the sight of her in a swimsuit. Did she put on a lot of weight since their first meeting when he was a child? Was her body repulsive or something?

Japan squeezed his eyes shut as he began to shake violently. It looked as if he was about to burst. "Eh?" Kagome blinked once again when her vision was suddenly all white… Japan had nearly ripped his shirt off, revealing the white tank-top he wore beneath his uniform shirt, and threw it onto Kagome's head. "A-At least wear this to save some of your modesty! As your country, I can not allow you to shamelessly flaunt your body to the world!(13)" He exclaimed while turning around to hide his reddened face.

…This was the type of effect Kagome seemed to have on people.

"Hmm?" Kagome hummed thoughtfully for a moment. "Why should I?" She asked confusedly. "Are you just saying this because you genuinely care or because you find my body disgusting? Hm, you seemed to like my legs before, Kiku-chan. Remember when you had your hands on my thigh and-"

"K-Kagome-chan!" Japan turned around quickly and exclaimed with steam blowing from his eyes. "It is inappropriate to speak of such things in front of people!" He exclaimed, eyes still shut closed.

Germany paled and felt himself sinking inward into a world of confusion and despair. It sounded like before he had been introduced to the Japanese woman, she had former relations with Japan himself… Relations of the… mature variety. Germany scowled at the thought and hid his face by turning to look in another direction. Who knows how he was looking at the moment…?

Kagome then smiled appreciatively at Japan, finding his shyness cute and was touched he cared about her so much. She then pulled the shirt, which was of course a bit large for her, over her head and slid inside without having to undo the buttons… Kagome then noted how nice it smelled. You would think that a man dressed in a military uniform on a hot day would smell pretty bad, but damn- Japan's shirt actually smelled like fresh cherry blossoms for some reason. It was nice. "You can turn around now." Kagome stated teasingly.

Japan slowly and hesitantly did so… Only for his brown eyes to widen at the sight of Kagome's curves filling up the usually straightness of the shirt. He was forced to raise a hand to his nose to force back the nose bleed that certainly about to gush out if he continued to see the young woman in such a sexy- err- disgraceful state of dress! "Is my dress to your liking now, Yamato-kun?(14)" She teased lightly.

"Gah! I-I can not stay here any longer!" Japan conceded while retreating back into Germany's house until his allies decided to come inside and dress appropriately… Not to mention Kagome's antics had just inspired him to make some new doujinshi(15) featuring himself and a certain time traveler.

Kagome and Italy exchanged clueless expression while Germany sent Japan a sympathetic look. "What's with him?" Kagome asked aloud. Italy merely "ve"-ed in response.

Important Facts/Notes:

(1) yaki-gyoza – a Northern Chinese style dumpling usually filled with pork, chicken, beef, and other fillings. In North America, we know these as pot stickers! [And as China stated guotie is what they are called… in China]

(2) "Konnichiwa" – "Hello" (or) "Good afternoon" in Japanese [Most people know this basic Japanese but… you'd be surprised how many readers… don't.]

(3) Nǐ hǎo – "Hello" in Chinese

(4) "Boku wa Kiku desu." (and) Hajimemashite" – "I am Kiku." [I made him address himself as "boku" instead of "ore" because I think a 13-year-old boy using "ore" would be… weird. And a bit pompous for Japan as well.] (and)
"Pleased to meet you"/"Nice to meet you"/"It's a pleasure to meet you" in Japanese

(5) During the time of the warring states era in Japan, only nobles, royalty, and people of high social status had last names. So when Kagome introduces herself as Higurashi Kagome, Japan assumes that she is a noblewoman and thus, addresses her as such

(6) "O-kuni wa dochira desu ka?"– "Where are you from?" in Japanese but this literally translates into "What is your country?". When Kagome asks this, she is asking China about his nationality. But he makes a mistake and interpreting that she is asking what country he is.

(7) Kagome is obviously referring to how China ends his sentences with "aru", which holds no meaning at all but is actually a Japanese stereotype of how Chinese people speak. [This is why it would not make sense for China to say "aru" in the English dub of Hetalia]

(8) "Chūgoku desu." – As a response to Kagome's question, this means: "I am from China." However, this could also literally mean "I am China." [My version of a Hetalia language barrier joke] China also finds it amusing how ambigous his answer is.

(9) Baishunfu – "prostitute" in Japanese

(10) red devil – This is a reference to Red Devil Grenades that the Italian army used during World War II. It is notable how a lot of them were defective and could randomly blow up at any time, which made the Italians a danger to themselves as well as enemies.

(11) Hallo – "Hello" informal in German

(12) Ciao – "Hi" in Italian [also means "bye", but it's easy to differentiate using context]

(13) My terrible and blatant reference to the fact that Kagome is being ogled by actual countries of the world. i.e. Japan does not the other countries [*cough*Germany*cough*] looking at his beloved priestess ^_~

(14) Yamato – "Yamato" is ancient term used for "Japan" in Japanese before "Nihon"/"Nippon" which mean "Japan" in Japanese. Here, Kagome is teasing Japan by inferring that he is so traditional that he resembles… well… himself from a looooooonnnngggg time ago.

(15) Doujinshi – in a nutshell "fan comics"

(16) 61 years – I came up with this number because I want Kagome to be 18-19 years old since she is graduating from high school and the Inuyasha series began in 1996 when she was 15. There are 3 years in Japanese high schools instead of 4 like in Western ones. So since Kagome is in her 3rd year of middle school, she needs a good 3-4 years to have passed for her to graduate out of school. And when you add 4 (rough estimate) years to 1996, of course, she's supposed to graduate in the year 2000. But in this series, Kagome ends up in 1939, when World War II began. Hence, there is a 61 year difference between 2000 and 1939.

(17)Yamato Nadeshiko – "personification of the ideal Japanese woman" is an old, traditional idea of the perfect Japanese woman who is neat, tidy, and a homemaker who maintains the home sphere. [Used in title of shot]

(18) Red thread of fate – also known as the red string of fate/destiny an Eastern Asian belief that the gods tie an invisible red string around the ankles of men and women who are soul mates and destined to wed each other

*** venus goddess of love Thanks for catching my embarassing typo that probably would have been avoided if I didn't get lazy with proofreading~! /

Authoress' Notes: So yeah, this shot included some background on how Kagome got to where she is in this particular shot series… It's rough and sketchy, but- meh. I hope everyone enjoyed/appreciates my effort to include some cultural stuff here and there… I worked my butt to make it… Hetalia-like.

Germany/Kagome/Prussia is definitely next people so don't pelt me with tomatoes! …Unless they're like grown in Spain but those… Hee hee, I love tomatoes! [No really, I love them! ^-^]

*sighs* Aside from that, someone please feed my brain by making a new Hetalia/Inuyasha crossover. That would just… make me so… happy. I've been busying myself by indulging in Hetalia memes and quizzes. / Kyah, and I got SO many good results involving… involving~

America-kkkkuunn! My hunny-bunny! / *melts into happy goo at thought of America*


~ Take this Hetalia sleepover meme and let me know your results! /wants to feature people in a mini Hetalia... erm... story thing/


[Replace (dots) with real dots for the link]