This was written for a Big Bang Land challenge at Livejournal, as a Holiday gift for Roxanne (ennaxor). Hope you like it! (Hope everyone does!)

The knock at the door startled both Leonard and Sheldon; it was very early in the morning and usually no one in their apartment building was awake but them. "I hope that's not the building manager," Sheldon said.

"Why would it be?" Leonard asked, moving from the white chair to the door.

"There's no logical reason; hence my hope that it is not the building manager."

"Whatever," Leonard said, rolling his eyes. Sheldon moved to his spot on the couch as Leonard opened the door and smiled at the person on the other side. It was Penny. "Hey, you're up early."

She gave a deep sigh. "Yeah, I am."

"Are you stressed about something?" He asked, concerned. She was a little paler than usual, and there were slight bags under her eyes. To someone who didn't know her well, her condition couldn't be detected, but Leonard had dated her for seven months and he could tell that something was causing her stress. "What's wrong?"

She sighed again. "I got a phone call yesterday night. From these people that were involved in that Rent production I did. There's a play tomorrow – something new, they wrote it themselves – and their lead female has a terrible cold and can't sing, so they called me up…"

"I'm out of here," Sheldon said, getting up and heading toward his room. Leonard looked over his shoulder, glaring at his roommate. Sheldon didn't see; he continued around the corner and into the hallway.

"…and they said that they'd pay me, actually pay me," Penny said, "since it was such short notice. So I said yes."

"Okay." Leonard nodded slowly, unsure of where she was going with this. He decided to guess. "So, you need a ride there tomorrow? You want help with your lines?"

"That'd be great," Penny said, nodding, but Leonard knew by the way she was wringing her hands that it wasn't the reason she'd come. "Um…see, I was actually wondering if you'd come and watch."

Leonard blinked. "Oh." Since she'd shown him the video of her Rent performance, he'd heard her sing several times, including the previous Christmas when they were dating and she'd spent Christmas Eve singing along to the radio. He could tolerate her voice in moderation, but it wasn't good at all.

"See," Penny said, sounding desperate when he didn't agree immediately. "I know my voice sucks, okay? I get it." Her voice cracked ever so slightly. "But I need the money. And I know that people are going to get up and walk out. I know I'll probably be booed. It's going to be hell, and I know I'm going to want to cry by the time it's over. I just want someone who I know…and who cares, out there. Someone that I'll know is there, and will stay to the end, even if I can't see them due to the stage lights." She lowered her eyes. "I know that's pathetic. But…"

Leonard's hands went to her wrists. "Penny, I'll be there."

Her head jerked upward to look at him, a slow, small smile appearing on her face. "Really?" He nodded, and her voice changed to one of gratitude. "Thank you," she said, detaching her wrists from his hands and putting her arms around his neck in an appreciative hug.

He put his arms around her, returning the hug with a smile. "You're gonna do great."

"Shut up," she said with a little laugh.

He pulled back and held his hands up, pretending to be irritated. "You know, I'm just trying to support you here."

She smiled, keeping her hands on his shoulders. "Will you sit in the front?" She asked.

"I'll be sure you can see me," he said. "The entire time."

I know it was short, but I did this in my self-awarded break from a long day of homework. Hope you liked it! Let me know! :)