Chapter 2! Don't own them, enjoy!

"So, Tony, why were you almost naked in bed with Ziva last night?" McGee asked as he took a corn muffin from the breakfast buffet the next morning.

"It was hot in there." Tony said as he filled a bowl with Cheerios.

"Actually, Tony, I was freezing."

"Can it Probie." Tony mumbled as he walked back to the table.

Tony, McGee, and Ziva were all eating while they waited for Gibbs and the Director to come down from their room.

"They probably were up so late having sex that they forgot to get up." Tony theorized through a mouthful of cereal.

"That is disgusting, Tony." Ziva made a face as she peeled an orange.

"Ziva?" McGee smiled sweetly in her direction.


"Care to enlighten me as to why Tony was in his underwear last night?"

"No." She answered as she ate an orange slice.

"Come on!" McGee slammed his hand down on the white circle table, making milk slosh out of Tony's Styrofoam bowl.

"McGee, you can not know." Ziva said, waiting to put the second orange slice into her mouth.

"You're gonna tell Abby!" McGee whined.


"Ziva! That's not fair!"

"Fine, Tony and I had sex, is that what you wanted to hear?" She said with a smile.

"Really?" McGee's jaw dropped.

"No, McGee, you're gullible." Tony said as he wiped up the milk on the table with his sleeve.

Before McGee could respond, the Director and Gibbs burst in through the doors to the breakfast area looking flustered.

"Rough night, Boss?" Tony asked through a mouthful of Cheerios.

Gibbs gave his Senior Field Agent a nasty glare.

"Shutting up now, boss." Tony ducked his head down and put another spoonful into his mouth.

"Director Shepard." A tall man in his forties wearing a pale blue dress shirt and black slacks asked later that morning.

"Colonel Roger Bates." Jenny acknowledged him as she smoothed the hem on her green suit skirt.

"The case is really violent." Colonel Bates started as they walked down a quiet hallway in Stratcom.

"We're used to them, Colonel."

"Lt. Colonel Adam West was stabbed in the chest six times October 17th. A week later, Petty Officer Jared O'Connell was stabbed in the chest six times. Yesterday, two Civilians were found dead. Marie Duvall and Paul Wisebecker were found stabbed six times each." The Colonel explained as they entered a conference room.

"Why are the last two NCIS cases?" Jenny asked as she took a seat in one of the black leather swivel chairs.

"They both worked in the same office as Lt. Colonel West and Petty Officer O'Connell, ma'am." Colonel Bates replied as he also took a seat.

"Any leads so far?"

"There are three other people in the office. All of them are civilians. There are Ron Henderson, Jess Perry, and Steven Lee." He slid the files along the oak table towards her.

"Are they in protective custody?" She asked as she thumbed through Ron Henderson's file.

"We planned on interrogating them, but we decided to wait and let you handle it."

"Ron Henderson?" Tony leaned over the table towards the man with blonde hair that was fading to white. Ziva stood behind Tony, smirking.

"Y-Yes." Ron wiped sweaty palms on his khaki slacks.

"What's wrong, Henderson? Don't like being interrogated by me? Do I scare you?" Tony cocked his head to the side and smiled.

"Uh, actually, she scares me." Ron said, pointing behind Tony to Ziva.

Ziva laughed as she walked up next to Tony. "And why do I scare you?"

"Because you're a woman." Ron swallowed and reached for the bottle of water on the table in between them.

"Sexist?" Tony asked as he pushed his chair out.

"N-No, she just looks mean." He stammered.

"Ha-ha, mean? Not our little assassin. She wouldn't hurt a fly." He patted Ziva on the arm as she took the chair he vacated.

"She's an assassin?" Ron Henderson's eyes widened as he looked from Tony to Ziva.

"Yes." Ziva leaned on her elbows on the table.

"Oh, Jesus." Ron closed his eyes briefly.

"Do you have a reason to pray?" Tony asked as he put his hands on the back of Ziva's chair.

"No. No sir, I do not." Ron answered confidently for the first time.

Jenny and Gibbs shared a look once they saw whom they were going to be interrogating. Jess Perry couldn't have been older than 20, with long, brown hair and gentle brown eyes. She was sitting up straight in her chair, anxiously playing with the sleeves of her blue sweater.

"Jess Perry?" Jenny leaned up against the wall as she spoke, allowing Gibbs to step up to the table.

"Jessica Perry." The girl nodded.

"How old are you, Jessica?" Jenny asked from the wall.

"19, ma'am."

"How did you get a job on base?" Jenny questioned.

"It's an internship, ma'am." Jess looked at Jenny and smiled a little.

"Who are you working with?" Gibbs spoke, glancing up from the file he was looking over.

"I was interning with Adam West, sir." Jess glanced down at her lap.

"Anything unprofessional going on in the office?" Gibbs asked as he placed the file on the table.

"He's married!" Jess blurted, looking up at Jenny.


"Why would we do that?"

"He was good-looking." Jenny added.

"He really was." The girl's hand flew up to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears.

"Jess?" Jenny pulled a chair up next to Gibbs and waited for the girl to calm herself down.

"We…were having an affair." Jess said through her tears.

Jenny looked over at Gibbs and they both pushed their chairs back and went to leave the room.

"Wait!" Jenny turned, but Gibbs kept walking to the door.

"I'm, I'm pregnant. It's Adam's baby." With that, Jess crumpled in sobs and Jenny and Gibbs left the room silently.

McGee sat down across from Steve Lee. Steve was a big man. About six foot and four hundred pounds, he was bald and had blank, gray eyes. Steve was wearing a gray striped shirt rolled up to reveal tattoos on his forearms.

"Mr. Lee?" The man grunted, McGee flinched inwardly but kept going anyway. "How close were you to Adam West, Jared O'Connell, Marie Duvall, and Paul Wisebecker?"

"I knew 'em." Steve said without emotion.

"Care to specify?" McGee closed the file he had in his hands.

"I worked with them. I don't make friends with them. They be thinking they better than me."

"Did you kill them?" McGee decided to do a direct approach.

"You don't beat around the bush, do ya boy?" Steve said, with something that McGee guessed was supposed to be a smile.

"Answer the question Mr. Lee."

"Nah, I only killed one man in my life, and that was when I was training to be a SEAL. Not worth my time to kill those people."

The group had gathered in Tony, Ziva, and McGee's hotel room to discuss what they had found. It was three o'clock in the afternoon and they had an hour before they had to be back on base. Tony and Ziva were sitting on one bed, McGee was at the table in the corner with his laptop, and Gibbs and Jenny were on the other bed.

"We didn't find anything on Jessica Perry." Jenny started, holding the girl's file.

"Other than the fact that she was interning with Adam West and is now pregnant with his baby." Gibbs added.

"Isn't he married?" Ziva asked, stretching her legs out in front of her.

"Yep." Gibbs nodded, taking the file from Jenny's hands and skimming over it again himself.

"Steve Lee. He is big enough to kill without much of a struggle and he has killed before. But I don't think he did it." McGee looked up from his laptop.

"Why is that, Probie?" Tony asked, looking down at the files spread between his and Ziva's legs.

"Just a feeling."

"Uh huh, and on real police work news," Ziva leaned over and smacked Tony's head before he could finish his statement.

"Thank you Ziva." Gibbs nodded her way. Ziva smiled and nodded at Tony to continue.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Ron Henderson is a very nervous guy. I don't think he did it."

McGee rolled his eyes at Tony and went back to typing on the laptop.

"So basically we have nothing?"

"Director! How dare you think so negatively! But, yeah, we have nothing." Tony stated, closing a file and tossing it at the foot of the bed.

"Thank you, Agent DiNozzo."

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Jethro, get your phone." Jenny mumbled into her pillow.

Gibbs leaned over and grabbed his vibrating cell phone from the nightstand, it had been eight hours since the gathering in his agents' room, and they hadn't had any progress on the case since then.

"Yeah, Gibbs."

"Hello Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Give my greetings to Jennifer."

"Who is this?" Gibbs sat up and flicked the light on.

"Turning the light on won't help a thing, Leroy."

Jenny sat up, the covers falling away from her body and looked worriedly at Gibbs.

"How are you seeing us right now?" Gibbs asked, jumping out of bed.

"I'm doing more than just seeing, Gibbs."


Before Gibbs could hear the response, he heard glass shatter, Jenny scream, and then everything went black.

"How cute." Gibbs gingerly moved all of his fingers and toes to make sure he was alive, and then slowly opened his eyes. "You know that you and the Director sleep all cuddled up? It's very romantic, but a little cliché, don't you think? The whole boss-employee romance never appealed to me."

Gibbs tried to sit up, but Jenny was draped over his lap, her head resting on his knees, sending her red hair cascading down his lower legs.

"Wake her up!" The voice demanded.

"Why?" Gibbs lips were cracked, and his throat was rough and scratchy.

"Because I said so." Gibbs noticed the man standing in the corner for the first time. He was wearing all black and holding a gun. Gibbs slipped his hands under Jenny's armpits and slid her up next to him on the wall.

"Jen, get up, NOW." Her eyes fluttered as he shook her gently and she turned her head towards Gibbs' voice.

"Good morning, Jennifer."

"Charles." Jenny whispered, her eyes focusing on the man across the room. Gibbs looked over Jenny, then at 'Charles'.

"Trying to figure things out? I can see those ancient wheels a turning in there, Agent Gibbs." The man grinned, showing a line of perfect, white teeth.

"What do you want from us, Charles?" Jenny asked, sounding irritated.

"You know what I want, Jennifer." Charles walked closer to the two.

"Where are Gibbs and Jenny?" Ziva asked for the fifth time that morning.

Tony placed his hands on Ziva's shoulders and squeezed gently, "I'm sure they just slept late, again."

"They are an hour late, Tony." Ziva shrugged his hands off her and started to dial Jenny's number for the thirteenth time.

When no one answered, the three decided to go to their room. Once they got to the end of the hallway, they noticed the door was open. They pulled their guns and crept into the room, and the first thing they all saw was the blood on the carpet by the smashed window.

"Call Bates!" Ziva yelled as she ran into the room, checking the bathroom and closet. He and McGee glanced at each other before walking in to the room after Ziva.

"Oh my God…"