After pacing for the past two hours, Quinn had to do something with herself. Quinn ate yogurt with fruit and granola so her stomach wouldn't get upset, but that didn't help. She then showered, again, because she was so nervous. She blow dried her hair, packed up her make-up bag and brought everything to Mercedes and Kurt's apartment to get ready. She left the bags of clothes for her vacation by the door; Puck would be picking them up before he went to the park.
Puck was already with Finn and his nerves were kicking in.
"What if she doesn't show up?" he asked holding the phone in his hands preparing to call Quinn.
"She will man, calm down. She loves you." Finn said taking the phone out of Puck's hands.
"What if she realizes she is making a mistake?" Puck asked.
"Puck, I know what you are going through man, but you need to calm down! You and Quinn are going to get married and be fine." He was reassuring.
"She doesn't trust me!" Puck yelled as he was now pacing through the entire house.
"Yes, she does" Finn said leaning against the kitchen wall.
"No, I cheated on her, she doesn't at all!" Puck said sitting down against the wall with his head in his hands.
"YOU CHEATED ON HER?" Finn yelled shocked and disappointed.
"With Santana, in high school! She'll never trust me again; I know she'll realize the mistake she is making." Puck remained in the same spot.
Finn felt better knowing Puck hadn't cheated on Quinn since then and couldn't help but laugh at Puck's behavior. He knew what Puck was going through and knew why he was beating himself up. He slid down on the floor next to him. "Puck, that was what six, seven, years ago? You and Quinn are going to get married and be fine! Would it help if I called Quinn for you?"
Puck nodded, "Please? Just make sure she is okay and that she wants to do this!"
"Alright, how about you go and shower and I'll call Quinn. Then we can watch the game and stuff before Kurt comes over to dictate the rest of our day" Finn said.
"Thanks man" Puck replied as he walked toward the bathroom.
-"Hey Quinn" Finn said after Quinn finally answered her phone.
"Hey Finn, what's going on? Do you need to talk to Rachel?" She asked.
"Not much, I was just calling you to make sure you still wanted to marry Puck" he said trying to contain his laughter.
"What?" she joined in on the giggling, "Of course I still want to marry Puck!"
"That's what I told him, but he keeps saying you are going to leave him or are going to realize he isn't good for you! It's comical, I mean according to him 'No chick intimidates Puckzilla!'" his laughter was in full force.
Quinn was giggling uncontrollably, "Oh gosh! Well we all know that isn't true. But I have to go, a lot of stuff I have to do still. Make sure he knows I will be there and wouldn't ever think of us as a mistake."
"Alright I will, have fun Quinn and we will see you in a few hours!"-
Quinn was getting the final touches done on her hair and makeup with Mercedes. Kurt just left after doing a majority of the stuff and all she basically had to do was put the dress on. Kurt went to give the boys their suits and was going to stay with them until the wedding to ensure they didn't wrinkle anything or spill.
"You two are pigs!" Kurt said after navigating his way through the room the boys were sitting in.
"What? We haven't had time to clean up in here we've been busy the past few days" Finn said.
"Please tell me the pizza and beer bottles are from any day rather than today!" he said kicking the piles of stuff.
"Yes, I haven't had anything to eat or today, I am too nervous! Maybe I should drink a little to calm myself" Puck said.
"You will do no such thing!" Kurt yelled. "Plus, there is nothing to be worried about. Your bride looks fabulous thanks to me and you will look great too."
"How is she? Is she happy? She still wants to do this right?" Puck asked.
"She is fantastic! She is excited and beautiful" Kurt responded. "And for some odd reason, she can not wait to marry you." Kurt smiled knowing this is what Puck wanted to hear.
"Oh, well that's cool! I'm excited too!" He was trying to act cool, but on the inside he was relieved.
"Yeah, now let's get you two buffoons ready!" Kurt said.
Mercedes, Rachel, and Judy helped Quinn get the dress over her head and the cinched it at all the right places. Her beautiful blond hair was curled and some of it was pulled back. Here it was braided with baby's breath and a beautiful pink flower was pinned on the side of her hair. The dress fit her perfectly. The strapless dress showed off her toned shoulders and arms. The top was fitted with a corset that hugged her body, showing off her perfect shape. While it was a long dress, it didn't have the traditional train her mother would have liked. Quinn insisted having a tighter dress so she could dance all night with Puck. She chose flats however Mercedes vetoed this decision, giving her a gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choos. Quinn was now prepared to marry the man of her dreams. She had everything. Her engagement ring was the something old, the dress something new, the veil was borrowed from Rachel because she insisted on having a staple in the wedding, and her something blue was the sexy lingerie she had underneath the dress layers. She stepped into the limo and was on her way to the park.
"Quinn, darling, are you nervous?" her mother was the first to break the silence.
"A little bit" she said speaking softly.
"Don't be. Noah is a wonderful man and he loves you more than anything in this world" she said placing her hand on top of Quinn's.
"Mom, you don't even like Puck" Quinn said sadly.
"That's where you are wrong." She said, looking Quinn in the eyes, "I may have not always liked him, but he has grown on me after all this time. The way he stood by you in high school, how he always called me to check up on you when you weren't speaking, and he way he is around you makes me know you will always be together."
"What do you mean the way he is around me?" Quinn asked.
"Whenever you two are around, it is like there is no one else. Just you two in your own beautifully blissful world. He is so protective of you and as soon as you are next to each other, you both get these smiles that shout 'we are more in love than anyone thought was possible'" she responded.
"Mom" Quinn was almost crying.
"Now Quinny we can't let you ruin your make-up! I know I cause a lot of trouble for you but today is your day and I want all your dreams to come true! I love you little girl!"
"Thank you, I love you too!" She leaned over and hugged her mother, who had a tissue to blot away the escaped tears.
It was time. Puck was waiting at the gazebo with Finn standing next to him. Rachel made her way up to the gazebo, with Benjamin as ring bearer behind her. The wedding march began and Puck looked up to see Quinn stepping out of the limo. She was breathtaking. The only thing he could use to describe her was angelic. As she glided across the ground, Puck couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her hair was amazing, the dress was gorgeous, and Quinn was the most perfect woman he had ever seen. Within seconds, Quinn was in front of him as he stepped down bringing her up the steps to where the priest and rabbi were.
"You are stunning Quinn" he whispered. She smiled as her cheeks gained a new rosy color.
The ceremony had started and even before the vows were read, there were tears in everyone's eyes, including Puck. It was all about to get worse when Puck began his vow to Quinn.
"When I was six years old, I saw an angel. Her beautiful blonde hair shined like the sun and her piercing eyes were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When I was eight, she was the only one who could make me smile when all I felt like doing was hiding from the world. When I was fourteen and reckless, the devil I had become scared away my angel. But we found our way back to one another. At sixteen, I finally admitted what I had known all along, I was in love with this angel I had met ten years earlier." He paused choking back tears so he didn't completely embarrass himself and Quinn, "Quinn, you are my angel. You bring so much warmth into my life and you are the only one who truly knows me. I am so lucky to have found a woman that is more beautiful and intelligent than anyone I could ever imagine. I know that I struck gold with you and I know from this day forward, I will be with not only my best friend but the one true love of my life. We may fight and disagree and you may even want to kill me at times, but here today I vow to never hurt you or leave your side. I vow to be your shoulder to cry on, to be the one you come to when something isn't right, and be the one to pick up the pieces if anything goes wrong. But most of all, I vow to love you with all my being for every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, for the rest of our lives." He slipped the ring onto Quinn's finger and shook away the tears. Quinn swallowed the tears in her eyes as she began her vows.
"They say you never know when you will fall in love because it is never certain. I can say I fell in love when I was sixteen. At the time, I wouldn't admit that to anyone but I can honestly stand here and proudly admit to you all that it's the truth. While it hasn't been an easy road to come by, there was never a doubt in my mind that one day I would become Quinn Puckerman." She looked up and smiled sweetly, "Noah, when we first met, I knew I had a friend I could count on forever. When I fell in love with you, I knew I was falling in love with my best friend. You have this ability to make me laugh when the world is crashing down around us. You are the prince in all the fairytales I used to pray for every night. You are the happiness that overwhelms my heart in the best possible way. I vow to love you everyday in every way possible. I vow to raise our family with the same love and devotion you have continued to show me. Noah, I vow to be yours forever wholeheartedly because you are my world and the reason I breathe. I love you!" she slipped his ring on.
The wedding turned out beautifully. It was time for the couple's first dance as husband and wife. Puck pulled Quinn into the dance floor as the music began playing.
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath.
And emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky
Never revealing their depth.
Tell me that we belong together,
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above.
They danced around as if they were the only two people in the world.
I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.
And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed.
You're my survival, you're my living proof.
My love is alive - not dead.
Tell me that we belong together.
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
And I've dropped out, I've burned up, I've fought my way back from the dead.
I've tuned in, turned on, remembered the things that you said
I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your...
Puck spun Quinn out and then back into his arms as he whispered the final chorus into her ears "I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love's suicide, I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life." The music stopped but they stood staring in each other's eyes. After new music began they were brought back to the reception. Mercedes and Rachel pulled Quinn away to dance as Puck and Finn sat watching.
After a night of endless celebration, Puck and Quinn were finally alone together for the first time as husband and wife.
"I love you Quinn" Puck said as he lifted her up and brought her to the bedroom.
"I love you too Puck" Quinn said smiling at her husband.
When they got back to the room it was transformed. The dressers were covered with flowers and candles and the room was decorated with all of Quinn's favorite things. The night was one to remember….
5 years later
"Quinn! hurry up and open the door!" Puck yelled banging on it.
"One second, jeez!" she responded opening the door causing Puck to fall over a bit.
"So?" he questioned.
"So what?" she asked toying with him.
"QUINN!" he yelled!
"Sh! You're going to scare the kids!" she calmed him down with a hand on his shoulder.
"Sorry, but just tell me! Please baby!"he said pulling her into him.
"Baby, you're going to be a daddy!" she said!
"And?" he asked?
"To…" she paused.
"Quinn, quit it! Tell me please!" he begged.
"A baby boy!" she yelped out!
"A boy! We're finally having a baby boy!" he lifted his wife up and spun her around, carefully not to hurt her or his son.
"Let's go tell the girls." She said. They walked into the play room where their two and four year old girls sat watching a movie.
"Marisa, Jacqueline, we have something to tell you!" Quinn said walking up to her girls.
"HI mommy, hi daddy, hi baby!" four year old Jacqueline said rubbing her hand on Quinn's bump.
Puck picked up Marisa and sat her on his lap "You guys are going to have a baby brother!" he said.
The girls both screamed in happiness and were excited already making plans for their brother. After an exciting evening, they put their girls to bed and went into their living room for some alone time.
While the road they had to go on wasn't always smooth, it led them to a place they were proud to be. Noah Puckerman and Quinn Fabray had been to hell and back but they never gave up hope. Along the bumpy road full of bends and dead ends, Quinn and Puck found each other and they haven't let go since. Their love was one for the books; a love that couldn't be forgotten and one that would never waver.
The End
Author's note: hey guys! I am so terribly sorry I stopped updating so frequently! But thank you so much to all of you who stuck by this story in its long journey! I appreciate all of your input more than I can express!
At this time, I have no plans to start a sequel because with no new material from the show I haven't had any ideas. But maybe a new story or sequel somewhere else down the line. I hope this didn't disappoint you!
Thank you for reading and sticking with my story!