"Alright! Listen up," Sikowitz announced when the all were in their seats with their respective partners, "You all are college students on their winter break heading to a HUGE party in a frat house-"

"But isn't that a little sketchy?" Andre called up, obviously confused as to why Sikowitz would choose that setting.

"Yeah," Beck agreed, having Jade as a partner was awkward enough, and having to go to a frat party with her would only worsen the situation, "How about somewhere nicer? Like the Carnival or the mall?"

"Alright, fine, I had a new idea," Sikowitz said, "You all are at the Carnival! Action!"

Beck and Andre exchanged looks before starting the scene.

Jade smiled and slipped her hands through Beck's, "Come on babe! I wanna ride the Ferris wheel!" She chirped in her nice girl voice, while pulling him over to the small stage in the front of the room.

Beck felt the not usually there- erm, he didn't want to call them butterflies, cause really? They were so unmanly. So he used the term wrenches. Beck felt the not usually there wrenches appear in his stomach.

Beck felt a slight pang of sadness at the realization of this just being an act.

He felt another pang of sadness; this is how it used to be. This is how it should be.

Beck put a smile on his face, "'Course! Anything you want, honey!"

Jade giggled in a girlish way that made Beck think of Cat with a pony.

"Oh my, it seems those two youngsters are in lurve!" Tori called out while hunching over; she had gotten the role of an old lady who lives with two cats.

Cat, who was playing the role of the bratty grandchild marched over and bellowed, "GRANDMA! I WANT ICE CREAM!"

"But dear, you're lactose and tolerant," Tori improvised.

Cat scrunched her face up and let out a terrifying scream, "I WANT MY ICE CREAM." She then proceeded to throw herself on the floor while kicking and screaming.

Tori widened her eyes in mock surprise and screeched, "Oh you better get up young lady!"

Jade giggled again and smiled at Beck, "Oh babe! Wouldn't it be great if we were married one day!"

Beck felt his mouth drop open, Was she serious?

Jade squeezed his hand and widened her eyes; Sikowitz was walking over with his clip board to evaluate them on their scene.

Oh, of course she wasn't serious. Oh darn.

He cleared his throat, "Of course! You don't belong to anyone but me."

Sikowitz nodded, "Nicely done Beck, subtly showing your characters jealous and overprotective side, Jade you should be ditzy, like Cat when she is not throwing a tantrum."

Jade pouted for a second the nodded.

"Oh but what if I meet someone new?" She said with a Cat-like voice.

"Someone like…. Oh I don't know," Jade bit her lip and tapped her finger against her chin, her eyes scanned the room and eventually landed on Eric, " Someone like him!"

Beck narrowed his eyes he slipped his arm around her waist and frowned, "I don't think so, last time I checked…You were dating me!"

Jade giggled again. "I know, I was just putting it out there!"

Beck sucked in his cheeks and bit his tongue.

45 more mins to go.


45 more minutes.

Jade could do this.

Beck's arm was currently around her waist and practically burning a mark on her as they were riding the "Ferris wheel." And the fact that Sikowitz had reprimanded her on her acting skills wasn't exactly making her happy. She had to step up her game.

"Oooh!" She exclaimed in that sickly sweet voice that made her want to tear her own hair out, "Let's go over there!"

She tugged Beck over to the other side of the room… to where Andre, Robbie and Rex, Dakota, and Eric were standing.

"Hey guys! Are you guys having fun at the carnival?"

"Why yes we are, thank you for asking love!" Robbie belted out in his English accent.

"I hate carnivals." Andre said seriously, "They are way too happy!"

Beck took a step closer to Robbie, "Watch who you're calling 'love', love."

Robbie cowered down a little while Rex stated, "Ooh DANG! C'mon Robbie, man up and use your British accent!"

"Uh- Well I didn't mean anything by it, sir!"

"You better not have," Beck said darkly, while stepping back behind Jade and putting his arms around her.

Jade smiled to herself. This was hilarious, ironic, and completely planned out by Tori Vega. Who knew she was that smart?

Eric, who was playing the role of a super sweet hot clumsy guy who hit on every girl who wasn't particularly strong, (Really Tori? REALLY?) , stepped up and tripped a little before going up to Jade, "You look really pretty! My name is Eric and I was wondering if-"

"Wazz off pretty boy, can't you see she has a boyfriend?" Beck said in a threatening tone.

Jade held back a giggle, and looked up at Beck, "Oh be nice! He was just giving me a compliment!"

"When he clearly sees that you belong to me." Beck said without taking his glare off of Eric.

Jade bit her tongue. She never heard Beck use that tone of tone. And that word; Belong?

"I think she can belong to whomever she wants to," Eric said in an equally cool tone.

"And she obviously wants to belong to me."

"I'm not too sure about that."

"Really, wanna dance pretty boy?"

Pretty boy? Really Beck? You can do better than that.

"No thanks, dancing isn't my thing. But I'm just saying, maybe you should let her decide for herself."

"She's already decided."

"Obviously, she hasn't met me yet, otherwise, you'd be left in the dust."

"Well she-"

"I think she can speak for herself," Jade said, breaking character for a moment.

And of course at that moment Sikowitz sauntered over, "Jade! Don't break character!"

Jade rolled her eyes, "I mean, Babe, maybe we should go get some cotton candy."

Sikowitz gave Jade a look before walking away and marking his clipboard.

Jade sighed and yanked Beck over to where Tori was with Cat.

She spent the remainder of the class period talking to Tori about her "adorable" grandchild, while Beck played with her hair and made remarks once in awhile.


Everyone scrambled to their seats, eager to be assessed on their performances.

Jade was pleased to learn she had done well, aside from a few slip ups, she had gotten a 90.

Beck of course got a perfect 100, as always.

Before class ended Sikowitz had praised him, "Beck did the most excellent today! It was a very believable act, I was almost fooled myself! He did a fantastic job of being a completely jealous and overprotective jerk!"

When the bell rang Jade went up to Beck and congratulated him… because that's what friends do.

"Beck! Good job!" Jade smiled and gave him a small hug.

Beck murmured a thanks and said "You did a good job too; Though the giggling was a bit much."

Jade laughed, "Yeah, well, it was part of my little innocent girl thing."

Eric walked up and congratulated Beck too, "Nice job man! I almost believed that you were gonna beat me up! You're that good!"

Beck laughed, "Yeah… it was just acting..."

Jade raised an eyebrow, she knew Beck well enough to tell when he was acting and when he wasn't. And she had a feeling that Beck meant every word he spoke to Eric.

And for some sick reason, it made Jade giddy.

"So Jade," Eric said, "What time should pick you up Friday?"

"Huh? Oh, how about 6? The dance starts at seven, I figured we could eat somewhere or something?" Jade responded, feeling Beck's intense gaze.

"Cool!" Eric flashed a small grin, "I can't wait! I'll see you later!"

"Bye!" Jade called as Eric left.

She turned to Beck to see that he was frowning.

"You're seriously going to the dance with Eric?"

"Yeah," Jade said feeling her cheeks grow hot, she quickly added, "We're not going as a couple or anything! Just as friends!"

"Oh, that's cool. I didn't really care anyway." Beck replied while swinging his bag over his shoulder.

Jade raised both eyebrows, "Oh really?"

"Yes, really!"

"Well whatever. It's not like you have any say in this anyway."

Beck opened his mouth to say something, but instead shook his head. "Look, let's just go to lunch."

Jade shook her head, "I have to go somewhere, you can go ahead."

Beck gave her a weird look before exiting the class room.

Jade sighed and collapsed into a chair.

What in the world just happened?


I haven't written in a while. So I apologize is my style was horrible or something!

As always, I'd love to know what you thought!

So review please!