This is a new story I had in mind. So just to inform you I sort of, not completely, got inspired by the movie "10 things I Hate About You" that I've been in love with since it came out. But yeah, so it kind of goes like that in a way, but different. And since it's based off of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew", that's how I got the title idea. Well Please READ, REVIEW, and ENJOY!
Clare dropped the phone from her frozen hand once it went to the dial tone. Her body stiffened before collapsing to the floor. On her knees laying her stomach against her thighs, as she pounded the wood floor screaming out loud cries of emotional pain. Her cheeks stricken with tears and eyes blood shot as ever. Her breathing grew heavy, it hurt her throat to take just one breath.
She laid in fetal position for about an hours crying into her knees. Once she was out of actual tears and just had the expression of weeping. She pulled herself together, falling from her weak knees as she got up. She used the coffee table for support. However fell onto the couch. Still screaming in sarrow, she snatched the nearest pillow chucking it. Across the room it flew until it hit a tall floor lamp, making it fall to the floor shattering the glass and the bulb, skimming the floor in a fan shape movement.
Clare caught her breath at the sound of the breaking lamp. Gaining strength and stumbling over to the mess. First, she was mad, knowing her parents were going to kill her when they come home to a broken lamp. But then she realized, it felt good. Still whimpering, she grabbed a glass plate that was on the counter and chucked against the wall. It shattered into three big pieces and hundreds of little, almost microscopic, ones.
Anger and frustration took over her and she ran over to the counters yanking out all the drawers, scattering the silverware, cooking utensils, and things such as on the floor. She walked across the silver ware covered kitchen floor, crunching little pieces of glass from stepping on it with her low-top converses. She glanced at a picture of their most recent family picture. Clare sitting as her parents stood behind each of her shoulders, all holding false grins.
My parents don't love each other, she thought. All their fighting and disagreements. I know they are going to split up at some point. But, how come it takes depressing news just for them to not fight for once, and think of someone other than themselves? And she dropped the framed picture, cracking the glass once it hit the floor. One crack falling right between her parents and through her.
She started to cry once again without any tears. Until another picture took her eye. She took it in her hands walking over to the corner of the room. Her back leaned against the corner and she slowly slid down to the floor, looking at the photo intensely. It was of her and Darcy. Hugging each other with one arm, when they went to a church retreat to a lake two years ago. More tears she didn't know she had left broke through. Beginning to bawl her eyes out from the fond memory of her recently, this morning recently, passed sister, Darcy.
It's starts off weird I know. But it will all make sense later and I kind of like, a lot. So I hope to continue. Tell me if I should continue or not, and what you think in the reviews. Please and Thank You! :*(^_^) ~Eli