Part 5

From Crimson to Dark

Part 5

-Beck, ask Jade to come out please, we need to talk to her - Detective Vega said

Jade walked out rubbing her eyes.

-What's going on?

-Jade, I need you to come with me.

Beck could feel her start to tremble upon seeing the Detective and the two police officers beside him, yet her voice was defiant.

-What for? I haven't done nothing.

Beck held her.

-It'll be OK, don't worry -he said

-Come on Jade, come with us. - Detective Vega said

Decided not show any weakness Jade decided to go with Detective Vega, contrary to what Beck feared, she was not handcuffed, she was led into a patrol vehicle and drove to the precinct. Beck arrived minutes later.

-Miss West is being interrogated now, I'm sorry but I can't let you see her. -the officer in the front desk told him.

Meanwhile in one of the interrogation rooms Jade glared at Detective Vega as he went through some papers before her.

-Can I leave? Look, if you don't have anything to ask me I want to go home. -she defiantly said.

Detective Vega glared at her.

-I'm not going to interrogate you. -he replied as a couple of officers came in with a VCR and a TV Set

-Then can I leave now? -Jade replied

-I am. - A woman with short brown hair said walking in

Jade was speechless.

-I think you know Detective Olivia Benson from the NYPD. -Detective Vega said

Jade became more and more nervous.

-What is she doing here?

-Detective Vega asked for my help after their findings in the UCLA murder investigation, specially because I know about what happened to you four years ago in New York.

Jade remained silent as Detective Benson played a tape from a security camera of UCLA, it showed a girl entering the parking lot, Jade's eyes opened wide, she had black hair, dressed in black, but there was something odd... something that told her who it really was... the white boots with a pink rabbit on them.

-Did you wrecked the car? -Olivia asked

Jade remained silent, still shocked and baffled, she was bragging when she told Tori about her being responsible... now she saw the real culprit and it was as hard to believe even if she had said it herself.

-Jade, were you assaulted at the frat party?

The teenager nodded with tears falling down her cheeks.

-And you got all pissed with them and you came back and cut the brake lines right?


Detective Benson closed the folder she had on the table and walked out. Tori's Dad had seen it all.

-I can't believe she could do something like that... -he said

-You're right, she didn't. -Olivia said

Detective Vega glared at her.

-Wait a second, she just confessed, how can you say she didn't do it?

-Did you read the autopsy report and the report on the car? The brakes were OK, they passed the red light because they were asleep, someone put chloroform in the car's Glade freshener...

-But if it wasn't her then who? -asked he

-That's the thing, she knows... I could see it on her face when she saw the video. She's covering for someone.

-Then ask her.

-No... you don't know her like I do... she won't tell... let's give it some time... I have the feeling that the real culprit will show up.

The next day at Hollywood Arts Cat ran to Tori the moment she saw her.

-Hey Tori!

-Hi Cat...

-Have you seen Jade?

-You... you don't know?

-Know what?

-Jade is in jail...

-What? Why?

Tori held Cat's hands

-She... caused an accident that killed the boys who hurt you...

Cat glared at her.

-No... she couldn't have...

-Look, I know it's hard to believe but Dad told me they'll do their best to help her, she needs help Cat. A lot of help.


-Cat calm down -Tori pleaded


Tori glared at her.

-You... you were what? Jade already told them what she did... the brakes and all...


-Cat, think of what you're saying...

But Cat didn't answered she just began to sob, Tori hugged her for comfort.



-Can you call your Dad? I want to tell him the truth. Please...

Meanwhile, Jade was in a cell, Beck was allowed to go in and see her.

-I talked to my Dad... we'll get you a lawyer... it'll be OK... I promise... -he assured her

-Beck... just.. just follow with your life please...


-Beck can't you see it? I'm not coming out... I'll be sentenced for life...

The teenager knelt before her and held her hands in his.

-I love you... I don't need anyone else...

At that moment Detective Benson appeared.

-Come on Jade, you're leaving. -she said

The teenager got up with a mix of shock and amazement in her face.

-What? Why?

-It wasn't you, it never was and you know it. -Olivia said

Jade stopped dead in her tracks when she passed by the interrogation rooms and saw Cat sitting before Detective Vega.

-Wait what's Cat doing there?

-Telling the truth. -Olivia replied

Suddenly Jade ran into the room.

-She didn't do anything, I did, Cat don't tell them anything! -Jade pleaded

To her surprise Cat got up and hugged her.

-I already did... they know everything... I'll be fine... -Cat said with tears running down her face.

-No, wait a minute, you have to believe me, I did everything, I... I cut the brakes thing and

Olivia came in and held her, pulling her out.

-Olivia please! I did it! Not Cat!

-We know for a fact you didn't do anything Jade... believe me it's the best -Olivia replied

-NO! Please... Cat will be hurt in Juvie... please don't... -Jade said crying.

-She will be sent to an institution where she will be taken care of, she and her baby will be fine. -Olivia reassured her.

Later that day Jade and Beck sat in a park.

-Are you going to tell me how did you got to know that hot Detective? -Beck asked

Jade glared at him. It was the moment to come clean.

-The night I was... you know... she came to the hospital to check on me... she took care of everything... she and her partner found the guys who did it... she was with me all the way during the trial and until they went to jail...

Beck hugged her.

-Nobody will hurt you again... they'll have to kill me first - he promised as Jade cuddled to him

Ten months later...

An officer glared at the group.

-Tori, this does not look like a mall. -Trina said

-SHH! We're here to see Catarina Valentine -Tori said to the guard.

-All right, go to the visit room down the hall, she'll meet you there. -The officer said

Tori, Trina, Jade, Beck and Robbie did as told, that sat in a table and moments later Cat walked through a door, to their surprise she had her hair red again, in her arms was a little baby girl.

-Heey! Say hi to little Kitty!- she told them with a smile

-Awww she's beautiful -Tori said

-Her name is "Kitty"? - Jade asked

-No silly, her name is Katherine, just like mine is Catarina, so I'm "Cat" and she's "Kitty" -the red haired girl explained.

They chatted for over an hour until an officer approached and asked for them to say their goodbyes. They were walking out when Jade ran back to Cat.

-Please just one moment? -she said to the officer.

-Hey Jade!

-Are you really OK?

-We're fine... I'll be here for sometime... they let me take care of Kitty so that's all I need... just please don't forget about us -she pleaded.

Carefully Jade hugged Cat and the baby.

-I'll be here every week even if I have to beat Trina up, I promise.

As Cat and Kitty were led back to their room Jade, in a rare gesture, managed to smile. After all things were looking better for everyone.

The End.