Yay! You clicked on my story! Thank you! *hugs* Now this is my very first time sharing my writing with anyone so please be cruelly and brutally honest. Of course, if you love it, then tell me that too! Right then, a couple of warnings. Mild language, violence, not quite sure how bad yet, and slavery. So if you don't like, don't read!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Supernatural, or anything associated with that. However, I'm asking Santa : )
The Story of Avi
A bright green flash lit up the night sky above a secluded clearing. When it faded, a young, woman laid gasping on the grass. In her arms was a screaming baby girl, born just minutes before. "We made it honey," the young woman whispered, trying to calm the infant, "They can't hurt you anymore." A flurry of wings told her that they were no longer alone. The woman tensed, used to associating that sound with pain.
"Who are you?" an African man's grave voice came. The young woman glanced over at him.
"Watch over Avi, please," the woman begged. With those words, she let the exhaustion from the trip overtake her, and died.
Uriel looked down on the woman coldly. She was just another filthy human who had the nerve to ask for the help of angels. But then orders came down from Michael. This was no ordinary woman. She had the power to jump dimensions. It was decided that the infant was to reside in Heaven until her origin could be found. With a sigh, Uriel picked up Avi, and flew away.
I woke up with a start, sweat pouring down my face. All right, so it wasn't a nightmare per se, but seeing your own mother die should be enough to al lease bother you a little bit, right? "Hello Avi," a familiar voice greeted me.
"Hello Castiel," I replied. It was automatic now after fifteen years. The angel had been assigned to me since I could remember. Sure, he didn't have a vessel, but his true form never bothered me, nor did his true voice. It was all I knew really. I couldn't hear human language unless I invaded other people's heavens, and I wasn't allowed too. Apparently, that was frowned upon among angels. Whatever.
"You dreamed about your mother again, didn't you," he stated. I fought back the urge to roll my eyes. Angels could just be so damn robotic at times! No empathy at all, I swear. If people knew what they were really like, no one would be praying to them.
"Yeah," I finally said, "Just like I do every night, and I will probably do the same exact thing tomorrow Castiel. So stop asking!"
"Michael just wishes to keep an eyes on you," the angel reminded me.
"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, " So then he can ship me back to whatever Hell my mom was trying to protect me from!" Castiel didn't say anything, not that I was expecting him to. We had the same fight, well conversation, every day. You can't really get into a verbal fight with an angel.
"I need to go," Castiel told me suddenly. I frowned as he flew off. This was new. 'Something big is brewing,' the voice inside my head said. Yes, I have a voice in my head. Yes, we have conversations. No, it isn't real, just something to keep me sane. With a sigh, I finally rolled out of bed and got dressed. Everyone was talking, although they shut upped whenever I got near, which if anyone has had that happen to you, it's extremely annoying! After a couple of hours or so, I finally got someone to talk to me. It was the soul of a Hunter, whatever they were, and only because I threatened pretended to be an angel first.
"The first seal has been broken," he told me gravely. I looked at him confused.
"The what?" I asked.
"The first seal," he repeated. "Dean Winchester has broken the first seal of Lucifer's cage!"
"Thank you," I told him, before going back to my little pocket of Heaven. I had heard about Lucifer. He got cast into Hell because he wouldn't bow down to humans. Not exactly fair, in my opinion, but then again, he thought they were scum. Humans weren't that bad. Well, most of them anyway. I thought about what that meant for me. If Lucifer got free, then would I just get shoved into the background? I actually liked that idea, but what if he came to Heaven. Would he just kill me? Before I could contemplate further, Uriel came into my room. He was grinning, and that is always a bad sign.
"Come on. Michael wants to see you," he stated, before grabbing me. I blinked and suddenly we were before Michael.
"Hello sir," I greeted.
"Avi," he replied. After a few moment he asked, "Do you know why you are here?" I shook my head, fear growing in the pit of my stomach. I brushed a strand of mahogany hair off my face. "We have found where you belong. Some people have to come to take you." Ok, fear was fully-grown now. A tall woman with haughty eyes came from behind the archangel.
"You're mine slave girl," she growled, "Your mother had no right to take you from my family!" I looked around wildly.
"I'm a what?" I protested.
"Slave," Uriel responded smugly. Boy did I want to smite him right about now. Only Castiel looked mildly concerned.
"Are we just going to give Avi to them?" he asked.
"Slaves don't have names!" the woman butted in. "They are worthless pieces of property!"
"If I'm worthless then why do want me so bad?" I challenged. The hell I was just going to sit around and be sent to slavery! The woman shot daggers at me.
"Slaves also don't talk back to their masters," she informed me coldly.
"I'M NOT A SLAVE!" I shouted at her.
"Avi," I heard Michael caution, "To answer your question Castiel, yes, we are going to give Avi to them. We have no right to keep her from where she belongs." Castiel glanced over to me with the closest thing to feeling I have ever seen him in his eyes. The woman grinned triumphantly. She clasped a hand on my wrist and stared to say an incantation.
"Please," I whispered, shocked at the tears that were escaping. This was the first time I had ever cried. "Please Michael, don't do this." I never heard his answer because the incantation was finished and a bright green portal appeared in front of us. Within moments, it swallowed us and we were in Hell.
Well, thanks for reading it to the end! Poor Avi though! So, what do you guys think? Continue? Totally trash it? Leave me a review to let me know! Especially if you loved it (or even just liked it) becasue that will keep me writing! Keep writing, reading, and loving Supernatural!
- G