An: K, this was a present for JustWOW, it was decided there weren't enough fam fics in the world. This is me doing my part. Enjoy.

House came out of an exam room and saw Cuddy leaning on the desk, smiling at him. He immediately got suspcious, "What are you trying to get me to do that I don't want to do?" He looked at her from the other side of the table.

"...Nothing." He gave her a disbelieving look, "...I need you to babysit tonight." She said quickly, looking down.

"See, I know that smile. That is your manipulation smile."

She looked back up at him, "Will you?"

"I think we remember how last time turned out," he bent over and put his arms on the counter top, mimicking her.

"It'll only be for an hour. Tops," Cuddy said persuasively. House didn't look convinced, she entertwined her fingers, "Please."

He looked away, then back at her, sighing dramatically. "Well, you know I'm a sucker for a pretty girl begging." She smiled, "One condition," he held up his pointer finger, "my place. I get bored at your house, no good tv, no good porn...or any at all."

"I could make that work."

"And, you have to stay the night."

"You said one condition," Cuddy pointed out, "that's two. Besides, Rachel would have to stay over too."

House shrugged, "You make up for it." She bit her lip, trying to keep from smiling. He frowned in annoyance and held a patient file in front of her face, "Shut up. Why don't you go back to pretending you're a doctor?"

She took the file from him, still smiling, and put her hand on his, "Thank you. But you watch porn while my daughter's over there, I will give you so much clinc duty you will think you've fallen into the seventh circle of hell." Cuddy smiled pleasantly.

"And I don't doubt that."

Her smile widened, "As long as you know." She took the file and turned around, speaking to one of the nurses about something House didn't care about.

House got off the couch and opened the door when he heard knocking. It was self confident. That takes talent, being able to convey the massive amounts of confidence you have through a knock. "Hey," he stepped aside so Cuddy and Rachel could come in.

She handed him a bag and let go of Rachel's hand, "I have to get something out of the car." She told her daughter, "I'll be right back." A few minutes later, Cuddy came back with a cot like thing, "We're staying the night aren't we?" She excused. "OK, I have to go," she kissed House's cheek and bent down to Rachel. "I'll be back in an hour." Cuddy smiled, "Don't wear him out too much."

The littlest Cuddy giggled, "K Mommy."

House followed her to the door, "Why'd you change? Not that I'm complaining, but why fancier?"

"Dinner with a donor." She explained.

"Ah, just remember, you can flash him, but he can't touch."

She smiled, "Of course." Cuddy walked away, and House closed the door. Locking himself in the same room with his longest held nemisis. Cuddy's daughter.

She looked up at him, "So," he started, "do you want to watch tv?"

"Yeah," she said in a little voice, "but Mommy doesn't want me to."

"What Mommy doesn't know won't hurt her."

"Lying is bad."

House shook his head, "Cuddy is infectious. Soon you'll be walking around your preschool in low cut tops and tight skirts."

"I don't go to preschool. I stay with Marina."

"Yeah, I met her. So, if tv is out, what do you want to do?"

She shrugged her little shoulders, "We could play doctor, like Mommy."

He smiled, "Does Mommy play doctor a lot?"

"Sometimes, if she's not too tired, and if she doesn't come home late." House felt a little tinge of guilt, he was usually the reason Cuddy went home late. Work, or otherwise.

"OK, let's play doctor." He picked up the bag Cuddy had given him. "You're Mom did not pack any doctor stuff," he said after looking through it, then he looked down her. Rachel's head was down, "Hold on," she looked up, a disappointed frown on her face, "we can get authentic with this." He walked towards his room, then realizing that a girl little older than a year and a half wouldn't know what 'authentic' meant, said, "I'm going to get mine." He came back out, no cane because his arms were full of medical supplies. Also a perscription bottle filled with Tic-Tacs. Rachel was sitting on the couch. "Alright, he sat down next to her, "we have a stethoscope," he held it up, then put it down, "something to measure your blood pressure, band aids, and a thermometer, because they make everything better," he told her, smiling at her smile. He held up gauze, "These are for really big boo boos, and because your mom would kill me if I gave you an actual needle," he held up his penlight, "we're going to use the flashlight for a shot too, medicine," he shook the bottle.

"Mommy said you're not sposed to have mecine anymore." She reached forward and took the bottle from him, putting her hands and the 'mecine' in her lap.

"No, that's different medicine. It's good for you, tastes good." She didn't look like she bought it, "Fine," he put his hands up in surrender, "you can keep it. We also have a clipboard and pen for writing down a patient's whining-uh, symptoms. Do you want to be the patient or the doctor?"

"Doctor, you could have a break." He smiled. "OK," she picked up the clipboard, "wha's your name?"

"Greg." He answered.

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"Mommy said your name is 'House'."

"That's my last name, Greg is my first name."

"Why does Mommy call you 'House' then?" He shrugged, "Oh, cause she called Lucas 'Lucas'. Did he know her longer?"

"No," he tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice She's two, he told himself, "I've known her longer."

"OK. Greg," She's in doctor mode...That's kind of awesome. "what seems to be the prollem?"

"Well," he tried to think of symptoms, "my head kinda hurts, and I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Maybe you should lay down then," her little hand pushed on his chest, she wasn't strong enough to actually push him back, but he went down anyways. Rachel got off the couch and put the stethoscope in her ears, then listened to his heart, "Hm." She put the stethoscope down and put the blood pressure cuff on his arm, she took the little bulb in her hands and squeezed it a few times. Then came her diagnoses, "You're very sick."

"What do I have Dr. Cuddy."

"Pwease, Dr. Rachel. Dr. Cuddy's my mommy, it'll get fusing."

He smiled, "OK, Dr. Rachel, what do I have?"

"Mydia." She started scribbling on the paper on her clipboard, "Imma give you Motrin for it."

"I'm sorry?" Did she just say 'Chlamydia'? What the hell?

"The Motrin'll make you better." She explained.

"But, what do I have?"

"Mydia," Rachel repeated.

"'Chlamydia'?" She nodded. "Wh-Where," he couldn't help, but smile, "Where did you hear that?"

"Mommy said she wished you had that one time." House tried so hard not to laugh, At one point Cuddy wished I had Chlamydia. That's...beautiful. She said that in front, or at least ear shot of her child. Wow, I must have effed up. "Is this really different mecine?" She asked, holding up the pill bottle of placebos and pulling him out of his thoughts of his girlfriend.

"Mhm," he took the bottle, "see, this says, a medical word you won't be able to pronounce, the ones I can't take start with a V." Rachel still looked a little unsure, "You can show em to your mommy later."

"Aright," she tried to open it, then handed it to him. House smiled and opened the bottle, then handed it back to her, "Take two of these a day for a week." She dumped out two in his hand.

"Will do Doc," he threw his head back and popped the Tic-Tacs into his mouth.

"Wait!" She put her hand on his arm. He looked back at her, the candy still in his mouth, "You need water." Rachel hopped off the couch and walked into the kitchen. He heard her grunt a few times, then his fridge opening. After a few seconds, she came back out, "You don't have any water."

"Hold on," he got up and limped over.

"Did you swallow it?" His response was to stick out his tounge and show her the two mints. House got a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with tap water. He drank down the 'mecine'. "Do you feel better?"

"Much. Is it your turn to be the patient?" She nodded. "Alright," he nodded towards the couch, "exam table please." Rachel sat where House had been previously, that must be where the patient sat. "OK," he picked up the clipboard and clicked the pen, "Name please."


"OK," he wrote it down and asked, "what can I do for you Rachel?"

"I don't feel good, my head is hot," she put her hand on her forehead, emphasing it, "and right here hurts," she pointed to her wrist.

"Hm," he picked up her hand, "right here you say?" She nodded. House turned her arm over a few times, "Ah, yes, this is very serious. I have to make sure this hasn't spread," he put the stethoscope in his ears and listened to Rachel's heart. "I need to take your temperature," he knew little kids like thermometers, because they do make everything better, "OK good, we've caught it in time, but I'm going to have to opperate immediately. Here," he gave her a Tic-Tac and the glass of water, "this'll make you fall asleep." She took the pill with the water and as soon as she handed the glass to House, Rachel fell back against the pillow with her eyes closed. House chuckled, then picked up the penlight, making a pretend incision, then moving the little flashlight around. "Whew, that was touch and go for a minute." He grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around her wrist. The doctor gently shook her shoulders, and Rachel opened her eyes, "All done. Now you have to make sure you take good care of your wrist. No heavy lifting."

She nodded, "OK."

"Ugh," Cuddy felt drained after an hour out to dinner with a donor, it was actually longer than that, she was hoping House didn't noticed. Hell, he was probably counting down the seconds since I left. She pulled her key out of her purse and unlocked the door, that made her smile, she had been given a key to House's apartment. Cuddy walked in and two heads looked at her from over the back of the couch, well, the little one had to stand up to see her. "Hey, what's goin on?"

House smiled, "I have Chlamydia," Rachel nodded.

Cuddy blinked a few times, "What?"

"We were playing doctor," Rachel nodded again. "Apparently I have Chlamydia, Rachel had to have surgery on her wrist, and I hurt my nose." He pointed to the two band aids crossing on his nose. "So, what did I do to deserve Chlamydia wished upon me?"

"...I'll tell you when you're older." House chuckled. Cuddy walked over to them, slipping off her heels, "So, what are we watching?" She sat down next to House, putting Rachel on her lap.

"Monser trucks," Rachel answered, her eyes on the television.

"That's really nice," she told House. He just laughed.

"Well, I'm exposing her to new things. I thought that was encouraged."

"Well, I could think of some other, more unsavory things you could be teaching her, so this is fine." Cuddy leaned against him, so happy to just be there with her two favorite people.

"Mommy, what's Chlamydia?" Rachel asked after a moment of silence.

"Uh, well, it's a, type of sickness."

"How do you get it?"

House couldn't totally keep in his laughter. "From, from other people."

"So I could have it?" House did the same restrained laugh.

"No, grown ups get it."

"So you could have it?"

Damn you House. Stop laughing. "Well, if House has it, then yes, I could have it."

"Could Marina have it?"

Shut up House! "No, no Marina couldn't have it."


"Because for grown ups to give it to eachother, they have to know eachother really well." House explained, then mumbled, "Or not that well," quiet enough so that Rachel couldn't hear it. "And the only person I know really, really well is your mom. And that's a good thing."

"But, don't you want a lot of friends?"

"Not this kind."


"Because these friends, you, you tell them a lot of stuff. It's almost like they know you inside and out. And you don't just tell that stuff to anyone."

"Will you please stop vaguely explaining what sex is and how to exchange STDs to my daughter?" Cuddy whispered in his ear.

"Hey," House whispered back, "you're the one that wished an STD upon someone within ear shot of your daughter." The rest of their night went on, minus the discussion on Chlamydia. They watched a little more monster trucks, until Cuddy took the remote from House an turned it. House and Rachel had already had dinner because they didn't have to wait for Cuddy, it went much better than last time. When Rachel finally fell asleep on Cuddy's lap, right at her bedtime, Cuddy picked her up and set up her bed. She was pleasantly surprised that House had taken care of everything. Rachel ate, was entertained, and dressed for bed. Then the two grown ups went to bed.

An hour later, Cuddy was laying on top of House, her head on his chest, his fingers going up and down her bare spine, "So everything went good?"

"Yeah, it was fine."

"You seem more relaxed with her," she couldn't help the little smile that crept on her face.

"She's alright." He dismissed.

"No," the smile widened, "you like her. And it's fine, this is actually encouraged you know."

"...She's, she's alright. For a child."

"Well I think you're alright for a child as well."

House chuckled, "Shut up."

An: Hopefully that will help with the House Withdrawel we're all going to expirience. Also, when I'd finished writing this, I thought "What in the hell have I been smoking?" so if you were thinking that, you're not alone. And for those how are interested, SPOILERS Cuddy's mom and I believe sister will be on there in January. Cuddy's mom is on January 10th...I'm freaking out on the inside right now.