AN: Oookkk! This is an idea I've had for QUITE some time. Going through fanfics, I noticed, Akaito has been paired up with 4 specific people over and over. But I love Akaito, and frankly, I couldn't decide which pairing I liked best! So I thought, "why not jam those four pairings all into one fic?" and thought the idea was totally epic. As a result… *points to fic* I hope this doesn't end up collecting cyber-dust like all my others! But Vocaloid is actually a pretty big fandom in itself, so I think I'll stick around long enough to finish, at least. And so, without further ado, the fic! Who's ready to see people seduce Akaito? :D

Warnings: Rated T for swearing, yaoi (if you don't know what it is, why are you reading MY stories?) and attempted seduction.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid. Or Utauloid. Or really any other related stuff. All I own is the story. It's called FANFICTION for a reason.

Here I am. Hiding in the basement, having a nervous breakdown, and looking sexy all the while. But of course that last bit isn't a surprise. Maybe if I wasn't, I wouldn't even BE in this insane situation. When I say insane, I mean FREAKING INSANE.

Maybe I should rewind a bit. I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Akaito Shion. Age 17, blood type A, favorite color red, et cetera. I am actually proven to be sexy. Doctor said my body produces extra pheromones; id est, I'm more attractive than other people. Blah! Lot of good that's done me! It doesn't help that I live in a house full of people with the SAME FREAKING CONDITION, which just makes it harder!
Now then. Now I shall recount the tale how I got to be in this situation. Let's start from the beginning. If I started near the end, that wouldn't make much sense, would it?

It all started about week ago. I suppose for all I know it could have started years ago, but I was introduced to it last Tuesday. It had been a fairly normal day at that point. Took a shower, watched TV, eaten some spicy peanuts (since Meiko's been bitchin' at me, 'cause "eating peppers raw like that is unhealthy" or something,) sung a song or two, sketched a bit, and a bunch of other normal stuff. See how I emphasized the word NORMAL? …It's been a long week, ok? Somewhere around 7, after dinner, that's when the trigger was pulled and Hell broke loose for me. I was on the couch, reading some shoujo manga (which don't you DARE write about online, I DO have a reputation, y'know,) and all of a sudden, those four walked up to me. From left to right, the order went as so; Taito, age 18, black hair, eyes like rubies (natural, believe it or not,) bandages all around. He could, I suppose, be stereotyped as a "bad boy" type figure, though around me, he was usually pretty gentle. Did I mention he was my cousin? And like the other three, he was my best friend. Next was Mikuo; age 16, turquoise eyes, and hair to match. He's about a foot shorter than me, despite being only a year younger. I can't really think of a single way to describe him; he can be gentle and sweet and mature, but he can also be volatile, crude and childish. On Mikuo's right, there was Len. Len is 15, with hair the color of sunshine. It's almost abnormally spikey, the kind of look you need tons of gel to achieve, but it was all natural. It made quite a few "friends" at school. By "friends" I mean swooning girls. Literally swooning, mind you. At the end of the lineup, we have Kaito; age 21, blackish-blue hair with sapphire eyes. Well, you either saw sapphires or the ocean. I'll let you decide on that. Point is, the eyes are really freaking blue, okay? His personality can be described as ditzy. It's like his brain has been replaced by butterflies. He has been affectionately been nicknamed "Lord of the 'Creams" at his college. He is perhaps the biggest ice cream addict in history. Whenever he tries a new flavor, he keeps the bucket. He has, like, 20 empty ice cream cartons in his college dorm, at LEAST. Did I mention? He's also a huge fan of shoujo manga. He only keeps my secret because if he told anyone, I could easily tell everyone he likes it, too. Blackmail to hide blackmail, or something. However you want to word it. Now then. All of these men together makes up our little group. We're all best friends, though for a while they've seemed a bit distant from each other. I never paid it any attention, but I guess now I know why. Back to the story, enough with all these bloody descriptions. I'm well enough known that if you googled it up long enough, you'd probably find a picture of me… Yeah, that's the one. That sexy redhead right there. So then, I was just on the couch, reading. The book had one of those covers you could take off, (HAD, as in past tense, as in I burned it,) so if I closed the book, nobody would be able to tell it was a shoujo manga. The perfect disguise, or something. Somewhere around, say, 7 'o clock, these four lined up. I put down the book and, obviously asked, "What's up?"

The four pushed Taito forward; they knew he and I were closest out of us four. I knew it was gonna be serious shit if they were so nervous they made Taito say it. I'm gonna have to stop again. Just for a bit! Y'see, just so you know, Taito is a VERY blunt person. If you ask him "Do I look good?" he will not under any circumstance sugarcoat his feedback. If he likes it, he will say "I like it". If he REALLY likes it, he would say "You look hot in that!" Err, maybe that's how I would react. If he really likes it, he'd say "I really like it." If he thinks you look ridiculous, he'll say "You look ridiculous. Please get out of those clothes immediately." Point is, he says what he thinks, no matter what. Part of the reason he gets into so many fights. So he steps up to me, and what does he say?

"We love you. Please choose one of us."

Of COURSE that's what he says. So as you might guess, I'm kind of freaking shocked. Not happy, not angry, not embarrassed, not anything but SHOCKED. I have no idea HOW I knew, but I knew they didn't mean that in an "as-friends" way. Hence the shock.

"You… want me to choose… You want me to choose one of you? Seriously? I mean, you guys are great, and the best friends I'll ever have-"

Mikuo interrupted. "We want to be more than friends! It's that simple!" He pouted.

"-but I don't think I can choose a LOVER just like that, ESPECIALLY out of my best friends! Where the hell is this even coming from, anyway?" I finished. Loading frustration. 30%... 31%...

Len shrugged. "We figured out that we all loved you. We didn't want to end up completely hating each other, so we figured if we all asked you together, you'd be able to pick fairly without us having to pull anything and end up tearing each other's hair out." Unfortunately, with these people, that last bit was not an exaggeration.

I looked at them incredulously. "Expect after coming up and saying this kind of thing that I'll just be able to choose, just like that? I mean, please, DON'T take this the wrong way, but I've never even considered dating any of you! It's just…"

"… We haven't attracted you." Kaito finished quietly. I haven't seen him look so serious in… Actually, I really don't know if I've seen him THIS serious before. He had a bit of a sad look in his eyes as he said this, and his gaze fell.

I looked down. Way to make me feel guilty… "Well, yeah." I mentally beat myself with a bat. THAT'S ALL I COULD SAY? IDIOT!

Len piped up, also serious. "Well then. I'll just pitch out this idea then." All eyes turned to him.

"You aren't attracted to us that way yet, correct?" he asked. I nodded.

He chuckled. "YET. Well now boys, how about this? We're just going to have to try a bit harder…"

Everyone caught onto what he was suggesting. Though I was desperately trying to convince myself I was misunderstanding. They all looked at each other and nodded. Then, fingers pointing at me for some stupid reason, they yelled the closest thing to a battle cry there is.
And I was freaking TERRIFIED.

"We're going to seduce Akaito!"

I love this already. How about you? I have a few ideas planned, but feel free to pitch out some ideas of your own~! Ideas so far include:
"Unintentionally" planning on taking a shower when Akaito is taking one
Neko cosplay
Slipping and falling on Akaito (cliché, but oh so nice~)
"Accidentally" spilling liquid all over each other
Eating bananas in slow-motion
...And more to come. Seriously, atm that's all I got. Sad, isn't it? So review, or comment, or (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE) pitch an idea. Just communicate! I have no social life; I take what little interaction I can get. I give out space cookies to interacters! That's not a word but I don't care! :D