Title: Twelve Drabbles of Christmas

Rating: K - T

Pairing: Jate

Disclaimer: Sadly, don´t own Jate.

Author´s Note: I imagined this as a series of Xmas themed drabbles. The title of the whole series is inspired by the song Twelve Days of Christmas; while each drabble will have its own Christmas related title.

Snow angels

He wipes the sweat from his brow as he slowly makes his way down the beach, heading towards one place he knows would bring him so needed peace and quiet. The day has been a disaster: half the camp is sick with flu, the other half thinking they´re starting to get it, and he hasn´t had a moment off. He´s spent most of the afternoon running from one patient to another; and when he finally felt he´d snap if he didn't move away from it, even for just a moment, he left Sun in charge and decided to take a walk to his favorite place on the island. But when he finally reaches the spot – the beach that he found on the day of the crash – he realizes that he´s not alone.

She´s laying flat on her back, eyes closed, arms and legs spread, peaceful smile playing on her lips as she waves her arms and legs up and down. He stands on the spot for a couple of moments, mesmerized, watching her. He has no idea what she´s doing, but it makes him smile nevertheless.

˝I can see you there, you know. ˝she calls out for him; and his lips spread ever further, remembering the first time they had this conversation.

˝I wasn´t hiding. ˝he mimics, stepping out onto the sand, hands in his pockets. ˝Hey. ˝he says, reaching her.

˝Hey. ˝she replies back. The sun´s blocking her way, so she squints.

He moves a bit sideways to block the sun from her eyes and she awards him with a grateful smile. ˝Thanks. ˝

˝You´re welcome. So…what are you doing? ˝he asks; a hint of curiosity in his voice.

˝Snow-angels. ˝she replies simply.

He remains baffled for a second; then his lips spread into a smile as he shakes his head. Snow angels at 87 F. Only her.

˝Wanna join? ˝she asks playfully.

˝Nah, I think I´ll pass. ˝

˝Come on, Jack, it´s fun. And you look like you need relaxing. ˝

He watches the playful sparkle in her eyes and smiles again, shaking his head. He takes of his shoes, sits down; then, throwing one last glance at her, relaxes back down, until he´s laying flat on his back.

˝Ready?˝ he hears her voice and, together, they start moving their arms and legs in a sweeping motion.

Their smiles turn into grins, grins into giggles and soon, the whole beach is echoing with their laughter.

The day isn´t so bad afterall.