I'm new to writing Fanfiction and I have absolutely no idea if I'm good or not. I probably suck but I just thought I'd try it. I'm german so I'm sorry for all my mistakes. I try and have less of them in the future Chapters. This is short but if you like it then I'll post more and make them longer eventually.

This will be Puckleberry.

I do not own Glee. If I did I'd have Mark Salling practise every Make out or sex scene with me.

Noah has been known as the bad guy pretty much all his life. It's not what he wanted at first, he didn't plan on being a man whore or a jock that throws slushies at losers. It just somehow happened. He blames his father. He left him and his Mom and Sister when he was so young. He had no father figure and had to help where he can. Noah started to not give a damn about School anymore and instead found liking in Sex with Girls and Cougars. That's how he became Puck.

Puck just got home from Glee Club when he noticed a unfamilar Car in the Driveway. He was curious but didn't really think anything of it. "I'm home", yelled Puck as he closed the Door behind him. He looks up to the living room and can't believe his eyes. There stands his father. After all these years he just shows up and stands in his fucking living room. "What is he doing here?" asks Puck furiously. "Noah, he missed us. He's back" answers his Mom smiling alittle. "Mom you can't be serious. Look at him! You can see that he's still a fucking alcoholic!" Puck had no idea what to do. "I'm outta here." is all he says as leaves and slams the front door in the process. He has no clue where he's driving to, he just keeps on driving until he finally has enough and parks in a Driveway. He knows well enough who lives in that house and he knows too well that this is a bad idea. She's been haunting his dreams and thoughts for weeks now. No idea when it started but she's been on his mind constantly and it's not about those little skirts she always wears. Puck dreams about her eyes, her soft lips and her shiny brown hair. "Fuck!" he swears and pulls out of the driveway and drives home. It might be even more of a bad idea but he just can't face her, not knowing what to say. As he arrives at home his mother confronts him and tells him that his Father is going to stay with them and he better behave while he's around. Puck can tell that she's alittle mad at him for his reaction earlier but doesn't feel the need to care right now and goes up to his room where he stays for the rest of the Night. "Fuck this is going to suck".

Beep Beep! He stirrs and lays still for a moment until the events from yesterday began to creep up in his head which gets him instantly in a bad mood. The drive to school was actually relieving. There was no Family at school. He was the Badass everyone either liked or was afraid of. He wanders through the hallway, trying to find the familar brunette but he just couldn't find her. He gave up eventually and went to the Nurse to spend the morning there instead of bothering with pretending to be listening to Mr Shuester talk in spanish. It's already enough to do that in Glee.

The Day went by smoothly. It was right before Glee until it hit him that he's gonna have to go home after that. Sure, he could spend the afternoon somewhere else but he'd have to go eventually and he wasn't prepared to stands face to face with his father just yet. He slips into his usual spot trying not to stare at the brunette too obviously. She turns around and stares right back into his eyes, looking confused as to why he's staring at her. But before she could open her mouth Mr. Shue comes bargin in and starts talking about new ideas for Songs. Thank fucking god! He didn't feel the need to listen to Rachel going on about it's not okay to just stare at her like that when he could do something more productive like practising songs or some other shit. He felt her stares the whole time. He felt nervous which made him feel like a pussy. Why is she making him feel like this? As soon as Glee ends he leaves the room and almost runs to his Truck, but that midget was fast and caught up with him in the parking lot. "Noah" she asks softly, "Are you okay? You seemed alittle out of it today.". He tries to look everywhere but at her and fails miserably. "Berry, I'm fine. I gotta go" and with that he gets into his Truck and leaves as fast as he can. "Well that went smooth, didn't it?" he mumbles gruffly to himself. Puck spends the afternoon and part of the evening at Finn's. He's glad they got over the whole Babygate and were Friends again, but he can't believe he's actually dating Santana. After Rachel found out about them having Sex she broke up. Finn moved on pretty fast and got together with Satan. But whatever.

It was around 9pm when he arrived at home. His mothers Car wasn't there so he's sure she's working and dropped Sarah off at Mrs. Smiths House. The old Lady often babysat her and he was happy that he wouldn't have to deal with his little Sister right now. He opens the Door and flicks on the light and is glad to see that his father is nowhere in sight. But just as he is about to go up the stairs to his room the door opens and his father gets in. Obviously very drunk. Not exactly sure what to do Puck just stands there and watches him stumble inside. His father finally notices him and angrily stumbles forward to Puck who is standing at the wall, too shocked to even move or say something. He snaps out of it and tells his Father that he should leave them alone and they were better off without him. This seemed to make him even angrier and he pushed himself forward and punched Puck square in the face. "Don't fucking tell me what to do" he slurrs the words and spits at Puck whos sitting shocked at the ground. His Dad gets angrier and angrier and keeps throwing punches at him. Puck knows he could probably take his father on but he couldn't do it. Everything hurts and as soon as it starts his Dad goes up the stairs without even a glance at him. Slowly he gets up and locks himself up in his room, taking a few advils before climbin in his bed and falling asleep to a dream about this brunette Angel.

First Chapter! Thoughts? I'd also appreciate ideas!