Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, brains of the golden trio, and Gryffindor princess, was not everything she appeared to be. She may have been a know-it-all who studied too much, but she had a side that you had to look closely to see.
Hermione Jean Granger had a mischievous side.
Who do you think enlarged Harry's invisibility cloak so that more than a few people could fit underneath it? Or maybe you remember when she uttered a spell under her breath to help Ron during his Quidditch try-out.
Hermione wasn't a book you could judge by its cover.
Even with those minor offenses there was one thing that Hermione Granger was really good at, manipulating people.
Maybe manipulating people isn't exactly how we should phrase it, but she's very good at getting people to do things she wants. Ginny just happened to be her partner-in-crime when it came to these sort of things.
So on a brisk afternoon when Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Luna, and Ron were sitting around Grimmauld place, Ginny went to Hermione to help her with her plan, because there was nothing worse than a bored Weasley.
"Hermione, I. Am. Booorrreed," Ginny whined still managing to sound like the almost nineteen-year-old she was.
The war had been over for a while now and everyone had started to finally calm down. The five war heroes that were currently sitting around were all staying at Grimmauld place until they had found jobs and had plans for their futures.
"Gin, you are pretty much a grown woman. Stop whining," she spoke with her bossy tone of voice. Everyone knew that Hermione wasn't really as know-it-ally as she used to be, but every once in a while you could get a little glimpse at the old Hermione.
"I'm not whining, I'm just really bored," she exaggerated each syllable.
"Well what do you want to do?" Hermione asked trying to be helpful.
Ginny put on a thinking face for a few seconds before she jumped up with an idea. "Truth or Dare!"
Hermione groaned, "Truth or dare? What are we? 13?"
"No! It will be more fun now because all the truth's won't be, 'who do you have a crush on'" Ginny spoke trying to imitate Lavender Brown.
"Hate to be the voice of reason Gin, but no one's going to want to play," Hermione informed her.
"That's where your persuasive techniques come in Mione! I need you!" Ginny bounced up and down.
"You should have started with that," Hermione smirked, "I would have agreed right away!"
"The hard ones are going to be Harry and Ron, I'm sure Luna will just join in," Ginny supplied.
"No problem, they'll be easy. I mean I've been best friends with them since I was eleven."
Ginny and Hermione walked with long strides back to the living room where Luna, Ron, and Harry were in a debate about Quidditch.
"Watch and learn," Hermione whispered to Ginny before going to sit down by Luna.
"Luna!" Hermione excitedly began, "Do you want to play some truth or dare with Gin and I?"
"Sure!" she said back with a dreamy undertone. Hermione grabbed her hand and pulled her up ready to walk away.
"Wait!" Ron called, "You can't just steal my girlfriend away!"
"Well come and play then," Hermione easily informed him.
"Truth or Dare? I don't know…"
"Come on. Do you have anything better to do?" Hermione questioned. "Harry, I'm sure Ginny would appreciate it if you would play."
"I really would Harry," Ginny chimed in.
"I'm in," Harry told them quickly.
"Well, I guess I'm in too…" Ron stated unsure.
Just as they were about to walk up the staircase to the library to play, Remus and Sirius walked into the room.
"I don't care if he does like bright colors, that doesn't mean anything about his sexua-" Remus was almost instructing Sirius before noticing that he wasn't alone.
"Hey guys," Sirius chirped.
A few "Hey's," were muttered back at him while Ginny whispered in Hermione's ear, "I want them to play too!"
Hermione groaned, but she did love a challenge.
"Hey, we were just going to go play some truth or dare," Hermione began, "would you like to join us?"
"Truth or dare?" Remus queried, "Isn't that kind of something you do when you're like 13 or something?"
"That's actually what I said right away," Hermione admitted, "but there isn't much else to do. You guys should join."
"Sorry love," Sirius began, "I think I have to go rest or something."
"Sirius Black!" Hermione began, "What are you? Old? Who needs to rest during the day?"
"I've been busy today and I'm tired, just move out of the way. Remus and I were going to the library to talk."
"Well isn't that convenient grandpa," Hermione began knowing this was the ticket, "we were just going there too. I knew someday you wouldn't be able to hang out with us youngsters, but I never thought the day would come so soon…"
Sirius had a spark in his eye that came back alight and Hermione knew she had done her job correctly.
"I think she just threw down a challenge," Remus said.
"I think you may be right Moony. It's on Granger, we're in."
"Glad to hear it Black," she smirked, "Let's see what you can do…"
"Wait," Remus chirped in, "Did you say we? As in, you and me? You may have been talked into a game of truth or dare, bu-"
"Just play Remus."
"Fine," Remus spoke as if it hadn't really mattered to him at all. "Tonks is working today anyway."
They all walked up to the library to settle down and once they were almost about to begin, Fred and George apparated in with a loud pop.
Ginny made a nod at Hermione, who was across the table from her, as a way of saying, "yes, you need to get them to play too."
"Fred, George," she spoke walking over to them.
"Hey Hermione!" they both chorused.
"You came just in time," she began, "we were just about to play a game of truth or dare. You want in?"
"Sorry Granger," Fred began.
"We were just coming," George continued.
"On some official business," Fred finished.
"How do you guys always finish each other's sentences?" Hermione asked, "and what was your official business?"
"We really don't know-" Fred stated.
"-and I kind of just forgot what our official business was," George told her perplexed.
"Well isn't that terrible," she said excitedly, "guess you'll just have to play a game with us…"
"I don't know, I think Angelina was expecting-" Fred began before George and Hermione both groaned.
"How about this," Hermione started, "if you guys play I'll help you in the store for a week."
"Make it two weeks-"
"-and we're in."
"Deal," Hermione cheerfully recited. She had planned on coming to help them out anyway because she, for some reason lately, loved the chaos of the store.
The twins went to go sit at the table while Ginny and Hermione talked over in the corner for a second.
"Why do I always get talked into doing that?" Hermione questioned Ginny.
"Because you're my best friend, you can't say no to a challenge, and I set you up with that Kirk guy."
"Kirk was a dud…" Hermione trailed off remembering the terrible date and shuddering.
"Whatever, you did an amazing job," Ginny told her.
"And you came in, in all the right places," Hermione replied.
They gave a quick high-five, which did not go un-noticed over at the table.
"When did they get so good at playing us?" Sirius asked finally realizing that everyone at the table had gotten tricked into playing.
"That's Harry's fault," Ron said putting his arm around Luna.
"Yea, I think it happened when Ginny and I started going out because they ended up spending so much time together…"
"You're creating trouble for the rest of us over here," Fred told him.
"Sorry," Harry told them putting up his hands in defeat.
Let the game begin.