T'Slash: I am so sorry it took me so long to update this story! I lost my muse for this story….it ran away and I just caught it after all this time. That and I hit a major writers block…I blame the movies I have been seeing. That and I am now in love with X-Men First Class, Charles and Erik are perfect to each other! Well enough of this onward with the story!
Disclaimer: I do not own and never will no matter how much time passes.

Bonds Binding

Chapter 5: Choices

"Christy have you decided what you want to do now?" Pike asked Christy as he was finally able to drag her away from her friends. The party was still in full swing, the crew of the USS Delta Vega happily mingling with the command crew of the USS Enterprise as well as James and Ambassador Spock.

"What do you mean?" Christy asked, looking up at Pike confused as to what he was asking.

"Well you have a choice now, you can stay here now and join the Admiralty or even an Instructor or you can get another Captaincy," Pike said, knowing that she never wanted to be an Admiral though he did wish she would stay here with him. Stay here so that they could finally be together but…he knew her soul was that of a traveler, someone who wanted to see the stars to travel though them.

"I…I want to be with you, Chris. I truly do but," she sighed, running her hand though her hair looking up towards the sky, watching the stars as they twinkled.

"You aren't done with exploring…are you?"

"No," she sighed, looking down. "To you I was gone for thirty six years…for me it was only six months. I don't feel as if all that time has gone by. I still feel like I did back then…just more. Broken." She ran her hand over her arm, feeling the raised skin of her scars, forever to mark her.

"I see," Pike said and he did. He didn't like to be stuck behind a desk…he wanted to be in the stars as well but he was growing to like his job. Like being able to help create a better Starfleet.

"I don't know if you do. To you so much time has passed. Time we could have been together, maybe even married by now and have a few kids of our own. But that doesn't change what happened. I was taken…I was…well you read the report," she said, noticing his hands tightening into fists. "Stop that. What happened to me…I won't lie it has left its mark…lots of marks. I don't know if we can…if I can." She trailed off sighing in frustration.

"I'm not going to push you to do anything. We can be together. I know we can but we will go at your pace," Pike said, laying a hand on Christy's shoulder gently.

"Thank you, Chris. I truly believe that…I can never be with you like that but…maybe one day just…not now. I also just made a promise to myself that I have to fill," she said, smiling slightly as she looked over at Jim talking with her father and some of her old crew.

"Do I want to know," he asked, looking over towards Jim.

"I don't know…are you blind or in denial like Jim and Spock are?" Christy asked, raising her eyebrow, looking over at James and Ambassador Spock.

"Blind? Denial?"

"Right you had no mind meld with an alternant reality Jim. Well don't tell Jim but…well you have to have noticed that James and Ambassador Spock are close?" she asked, glancing at Pike before looking at the other two again.

"Yeah. They're close," he said.

"Good so you can see it. Well they are together, they are T'hy'la," she said, knowing that he knew the meaning of the word.

"Well…I can't say I'm surprise. What does this have to do with your silent promise?"

"I am going to get Jim and Spock out of denial. I can already tell that Jim loves Spock, or if not in love yet then on his way. Spock…well it's hard to read him he hates me but still I can help him embrace both sides of himself. The Vulcan and the Human," she said, sighing, running her hands through her hair.

"I see," Pike said, smiling gently. That was the Christy he knew all those years ago. The one who wanted to help other's no matter what. Even if they hated her.

"Let's make a deal," she said, eyes sparkling. "Once I get the two together I will come back and stay on Earth and we can both give us a chance. A real chance, one that we were almost robbed of."

"So you want to work on the Enterprise until you get the two together?" Pike asked, smiling knowing her answer.

"Yes, they I will come back and well maybe I can be an Instructor or work on the Space Station. Sorry but I rather not be trapped behind a desk, not even for you," she said, being brutally honest.

"Oh I know you wouldn't want that," he laughed, pulling her closer, sighing in relief when she didn't flinch. "I think I can get you onto the Ship."

"You better be able to get me on there too," Keith said, startling to two.

"Keith? Wha? Why you don't need to go with me," Christy said, pulling out of Chris arms.

"Where you go I go. Besides I would love to make the hobgoblin an actual person instead of a robot," Keith said, folding his arms across his chest. "Its both of us or none of us." Keith looked at Chris locking eyes, letting him know that he needed to be with Christy, to help her recover but also to watch over him for him.

"I think I can manage that," Pike said, nodding slightly in thanks to Keith.

"Awesome," Keith said, smirking as he glanced over at Spock, his teeth showing. Dr. McCoy will be a worthy asset in this, he thought, thinking back to what the doctor had said earlier about liking him cause of what he called Spock. This will be the start of a great friendship. "Let's get back to the party. People are starting to miss you, Christy." Christy nodded, linking arms with Pike and Keith before going back to her friends a smile on her face, the first true one Keith had seen since they were taken.


"Looks like history will repeat itself in those two," James said, nodding to his counterpart who was watching Spock.

"It may and it may not. My counterpart was in a relationship with Uhura when I first arrived in this universe," Spock Prime said, watching with amusement in his eyes as he watched Spock glare at Christy and Keith as they rejoined the party along with Pike.

"Really? I didn't see that coming," James laughed, wiping the tears from his eyes as he looked over at Uhura, laughing with the old communication officers of the Delta Vega. "Spock and Uhura…that's…different."

"Indeed," Spock Prime said.

"Well no use the two will still get together," James said, completely convinced. Spock Prime looked up at him raising an eyebrow. "What? We got together and I can tell you right now Jim is in love with Spock or at least close to it. They will end up together one way or another."

"Our Counterparts are different then us, James. They will not follow the same path we did. They are different then us," Spock Prime said.

"We are built the same way and I know some of the differences I did talk to my counterpart when we were on our way here. Different paths can still lead to the same destination as you know. I can tell how he feels, he is me after all. What we should be worried about is what we are going to do now," James said, sighing.

"What do you mean?"

"How are we going to get back to our time. We can't stay here, Spock, this isn't our world. Our universe. We have our own to return to…and hopefully friends waiting," James said, smiling sadly. "That is if anyone is left alive."

"James…our own Command Crew was alive before I was pulled into this universe. Mr. Scott and Dr. McCoy refused to believe that you were gone, as illogical as it was," Spock Prime said, eyes smiling.

"You didn't believe it either," James stated, not even bothering to ask it as a question.

"Yes," Spock Prime admitted.

"Well you three were right…but how are we going to return to our time?" James asked.

"I think I know how," Christy said, sneaking up behind them causing James to start.

"How?" Spock Prime asked, unable to stop himself.

"You need a starship, I saw into James' memory. Don't worry it was completely consensual. I know you both have time traveled before, once in a Klingon Warbird and once on your Enterprise. I am willing to give you, or help you liberate the USS Delta Vega. I'm sure between you two can get home using it," Christy said, smiling happy that she could help even slightly.

"That…may work," Spock Prime said.

"Hey who is that?" James asked, pointing towards a girl with long blond hair and grey eyes dressed in a blue Starfleet uniform, she entered the room and looked around, apparently looking for someone.

"No idea," Christy said, waving her over. The girl came forward, shying away from the crowd. "Hey do you need something?"

"Yes, I'm Alice Samson, I'm the new CNO for the USS Enterprise. I was told that Dr. McCoy and Captain Kirk were here," she said, blushing slightly as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

T'Slash: Well this chapter got a mind of its own and just ran away from me. I have no idea were it is going to go anymore but I am reworking it now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update the rest of my fanfiction sometime this week! Please review!